Sunday, August 3, 2008

1st Anniversary!!

Hello everyone!

Hope your Monday is going ok so far! As I mentioned in my previous post, today is our first wedding anniversary (Happy Anniversary Joshers :)). Given this, I figured I'd share some of my favorite pictures from our wedding taken by our INCREDIBLE photographer Alison Conklin. I hope you enjoy these :)

This is a picture of Josh holding up one of the items I put together in his $30 pre-wedding gift :)

Alison brought these beautiful pink umbrellas for us to use in pictures. This picture shows me and my 8 bridesmaids (left to right- my cousin Lindsey, Josh's sister Jenny, my good friend from college and roommate following college, Suzie, one of my best friends Amy, me, my two good friends and sorority sisters Rachel and Alison, my other best friend Kelley, my beautiful sister Kim):
Me in my first dress (I bought two dresses because they were both very inexpensive):
My dad and I entering the ceremony. We decided the whole hand shake thing between the bride's dad and the groom and the hug between the bride's dad and the bride was we opted for high fives instead :). Josh's Uncle Dave performed the ceremony and did an absolutely beautiful job:
A picture of all of us on the little "stage" at the park:

View from afar (how Alison moved around so much during our 20 minute ceremony is beyond me...she is awesome!):

Josh's best friend Andrew bringing the ring bearer around (our dog Frank in his little "tux"):
Exchanging instead of following the $30 gift guidelines Josh and I had set...he purchased a new ring for me that was the exact same design only larger...what a sneaky guy!:
I love this picture of Josh and the groomsman walking away and looking over their shoulders:

Alison had us running, twirling, jumping, and skipping- the results were beautiful and fun:

Alison also laid on the ground to get some different views:

There was a little playground in the park where we had our wedding. Josh and I hopped on these guys for a few pictures (I was laughing hysterically because I think Josh is a little over the weight limit and his bulldozer was about to break off):
First dance (this is my other dress):

I love this picture:
A couple at the very end of the night:

Sorry for sooo many pictures! Have a good day :)