Hi all! Thanks for the well wishes :) My actual procedure is tomorrow, today I just had to live on a liquid diet and take a lot of pills- yuck! Cooking dinner tonight for the husband was a little painful as my tummy was rumbling! I made him a
mish mosh of things- Annie's shell's and cheese, a
sammy melt, artichoke hearts (which are Josh's favorite!). It doesn't look too pretty but he says its excellent.

My dinner tonight is broth and Gatorade...yah you're totally jealous I know ;) Did you all know gatorade has HFCS in it??? I didn' t know this until today! Since the doctor highly recommended I drink a lot of it, I have to overlook the HFCS today but don't think I will be drinking gatorade in the future. Hope everyone had a good one!
how sad, you had to make a yummy dinner and none for you!? You drink up that gatorade girl :D I've never liked it either, but the other day at the gym, one just came out with my water from the vending machine! haha it was red i think- not too shabby! good luck!
Good luck tomorrow ((( ))))
Woops, my days are all off from getting up at strange times...best of luck for tomorrow...and I'm glad to hear you don't have to drink gallons of weird stuff for this procedure...just gatorade ;)
HANG IN THERE, ERICA!!!!!! Contact me anytime for support (as you know already).
Thinking good thoughts for you tomorrow!
I hope your procedure goes well tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how you made a rapid recovery!
Wow, I didn't know that it did have HFCS. Thanks for the heads up!
Good luck!
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!
I'll be sending you good energy tomorrow :D
i noticed that the other day since my skating partner drinks it ALWAYS...or Powerade.
Yesterday he had the Gatorade AM...and we were wondering if it had caffeine (to be called AM). Nope, but turns out.... it does contain....WOOD ROSIN. So weird?!
gluck tomorrow!!! can you have smoothies?????? a watered down one would be yummers!
Torturous! You sweet sweetie. Josh is a lucky man. Take care of yourself! I'm sure you're more than ready for this so be over!
Ugh, that stinks. Best of luck tomorrow. You're sweet to make the husband dinner. You should definitely treat yourself to your favorite food following the procedure!
best of luck tomorrow!
i once had to drink some chalky stuff for a tummy procedure i had...you're lucky w/ broth and gatorade! hehe!
I did not know that about the Gatorade. I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this, but I hope it will help and please let me know the result! I am thinking of you!
Hoping all goes well tomorrow! :)
Ugh! Sorry you didn't get to eat today...I hope it goes okay tomorrow.
By the way, you can buy something just like gatorade at Whole foods that doesn't have HFCS. It has electrolytes and comes in fruit flavors as well as a bottle that looks like a gatorade bottle. I can get you the name of it if you like.. :) Take care...:)
good luck tomorrow! :) *best wishes*
thinking about you today...
Oh yes, I learned about the HFCS in the hateorade during my HFCS Awareness Month.
Good luck today!!!
That sandwich sounds amazing!
Good luck with the procedure! I've had to be on one of those "diets" before surgery, too and they are NO fun at all!!
Good luck with everything! I hope it goes well!
hope that all is well! thinking about you!
Good luck today!!!! We are all thinking happy thoughts towards your way....and hoping you have a REALLY good meal tonight. :-)
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