I tried to sleep in this morning but had no luck! After trying and trying to fall back to sleep, I finally got out of bed around 7:30 and ran four miles. I then headed to Starbucks to get Josh and I some special coffees and then we headed to my Aunt and Uncle's for a little birthday BBQ for me. For dessert, we grilled up some fruit with a side of ice cream and cool whip (I just went for the cool whip). They put a candle in my peach and sang me Happy Birthday:
The peach was so yummy, I had to have a second. My Aunt and Uncle live about an hour from us. On the way home...I got pulled over for the first time and got a ticket :( Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I was so mad- I thought I'd get a warning but no such luck.
Despite my bad mood from the ticket, I ran out with Josh to Lowes to get some stuff we needed for our lawn. I then delivered some homemade cookies (Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, Chocolate with White Chocolate Chips) to a few of our neighbors to say "Welcome to the Neighborhood!!"

We have been sort of bad about getting to know our neighbors and have decided to change that. Do you know/get along with your neighbors??
We have been sort of bad about getting to know our neighbors and have decided to change that. Do you know/get along with your neighbors??
Is tomorrow really "Monday"?
Nope, it's Tuesday!! :)
Happy Birthday again gorgeous girl!!!
That peach looks scrumptious!
Check out this giveaway I am doing!!!
p.s. i kind of bombed the cookies, maybe i had the rack in the oven too high??
Sorry you got a ticket. Not fun at all! It sounds like the rest of your day was fun though!
We love our neighborhood. Everyone is so friendly and helpful. I am sure they appreciated the cookies! We fly back to UT tomorrow. Our vacation went too quickly!
I barely know my neighbors, lol. That peach looks delicious!
aw man what a pooper. a ticket. i hate cops. uhhhh
super awesome that you gave your neighbors welcome cookies. our next door neighbors are pretty cool. we try and have dinners every once in a while! fun every once in a while
Your cookies look yummy! I don't know my neighbors very well, maybe because I live in an apartment? I hope to change that once we actually get a house. I hope you enjoyed your weekend
So sorry about the ticket and lack of sleep!
Love the birthday peach!! Too cute :-D
Ugh, no - my neighbors are not pleasant, haha. Oh well.
So sorry about your speeding ticket. :(
Grilled peaches are amazing, though! And that's so sweet of you to make cookies for your neighbors.
sorry about the ticket and lack of sleep. I am with you with the later. hope we get some sleep tonight!
grilled peach looks delicious~
What lucky neighbors you have! ;)
We get along with our neighbors but we kinda feel like some of them don't like us. Some of them love our dogs and others do not :s so that can cause some tension now and them. Overall though, we have pretty good neighbors!
can i be your neighbor?? i want some of those delicious looking cookies too!! :) sorry to hear about the ticket, but glad that you had such a nice time with your family!
Our neighbors are great! We have happy hours, block parties and cookouts with them. If something happens in the neighborhood - every helps out or throws a party! Sounds like you would be a great neighbor!
What?!! You got pulled over after celebrating your b-day some more, what was that cop thinking??!!
Hope you enjoyed yourself at least!
Our neighbors have been slow to warm up, we have mix of older folks and youngin's.... that's what you get when you live near downtown I guess. It has been improving though!
So sorry about the ticket, that is def not fun :( However looks like you rebounded with some delicious cookie treats! ;) I am sure they were thankful to have such a wonderful cookie-baking neighbor deliver those yummies!
Sorry to hear about the ticket. That stinks. At least the grilled fruit looks yummy!
I haven't been great about getting to know the neighbors, but some new people just moved in downstairs, so hopefully I'll get to know them better!
Oh, no! That STINKS about your ticket! I'm convinced tickets are mostly good luck/bad luck because I speed all the time and haven't had a ticket since I was 17 (knocking on wood).
You are SUCH a sweet neighbor - wow!! More people should do that nowadays...and by more people, I mean my neighbors. LOL no, really, I am so lucky to have such good neighbors. I'm actually really good friends with my neighbors across the street - it's perfect!
That is so sweet Erica! I wish our neighbors did that!
I just try to say hi to everyone in our apartment complex. It definitely helps a lot!
Ughhhh bummer about the ticket!!! I saw at least 10 coppers driving back today! So cool that you live close to your aunt and uncle. Yummy looking bday 'cake' :)
Sorry about your ticket!! So not ready for tomorrow. Hope it's a good day for you :)
Sorry you got a ticket! We are friendly with all of our neighbors but don't know any of them too well. I guess we should work on that! :)
Haha, that is a nice cake substitute...grilled peaches! I just made a dish with that, but I won't be blogging abt it until a little later.
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY though I am kinda late, and I hope you have a really blessed year!
:)! Loveee cool whip! Boo abt the ticket, they should totally give out a warning :(
Don't feel bad abt neighbors, we don't talk much to ours- just a wave here and there.
I don't bake things, for other people- with fear that they might be allergic :( But I hope they loved them :)!
:)! Loveee cool whip! Boo abt the ticket, they should totally give out a warning :(
Don't feel bad abt neighbors, we don't talk much to ours- just a wave here and there.
I don't bake things, for other people- with fear that they might be allergic :( But I hope they loved them :)!
We are very lucky to have good neighbors. One of them watched my daughter from 6 weeks to 6 months of age! Last summer, 3 or 4 houses of neighbors got together and we all sat outside every night with a glass of wine. This summer, I was in school and my daughter's first babysitter was promoted at her new job so we haven't had that time together :(
Happy birthday again! I love your peach 'cake' :)
I have met a couple of me neighbours...seem nice, but everyone keeps to themselves :(
have you seen king of queens at all?
the episode where he RUNS inside so as *not* to ever meet the neighbor?
that is I.
well, kind of.
it's DEFINITELY my husband.
I married Doug Heffernan.
Love the b-day peach! lol!
Happy Birthday grrrrl!!! :)
Aww I love your peach cake - haha.
We're pretty bad at getting to know our neighbors, too.
First of all, I think if we ever had a puppy play date with BB and Frank there wouldn't be much playing going on - they'd probably nap the whole time! Love Frankster :)
What a delish birthday dessert!! I love the candle addition - happy birthday again!!
Sorry about the ticket!! That's a bummer!
We didn't know our neighbors very well for a long time but then a really bad storm tore up our neighborhood which kind of brought everyone together. Happy Tuesday!
Won't you be MY neighbor??
Those cookies look delicious! Glad you had a fun weekend with a lot of R&R. I'm sorry to hear about the ticket - I'll never forget my first experience there (I shiver)!
Can't believe it's "Monday" already, but I'm so glad it's actually Tuesday :o)
Ugh...sorry about the ticket!
We know our immediate neighbours, but don't know too much about the others. We live in an area that has mostly retired folks!
I love the birthday peach! Happy birthday!
Grilled fruit is amazing! It takes it to a whole new level :o)
Oh no, tickets are no fun! I have only been pulled over once for forgetting to turn my lights on, but the officer just warned me. I have been with my mom when she got one though. Oh well--ya live & learn!
Oh, so sorry sweetie about the ticket! I thought it was so cool how you got out of bed and ran and then to Starbucks for the two of you....very sweet!
We don't really associate with our neighbors....there just aquaintances....lol!
Have a great day!!
Those cookies look yummy! :)
That stinks about the ticket, not even a warning! Its funny you mention the neighbor thing because we just got new neighbors downstairs. They are younger guys so we were thinking of giving them a six pack of beer lol!
I'm hoping to get to know my neighbors soon. I live in a small apt complex and all I've seen is young couples so I can't wait. Sorry you got a ticket:(
I got a ticket on my way home from my birthday dinner this year too. How weird! It was my first "real" ticket (as opposed to a college ticket I got about 17 years ago...). I was so bummed. I'm sorry your day ended that way. :-(
I love grilled peaches, and I think your dessert looked perfect! I'm going to miss the summer peaches at my farmer's market, but I'm looking forward to all of the fall apples!
Happy Birthday!!!!!! I love grilled peaches - especially with ice cream! Have a great day!
That b-day peach looks like perfection!
Sorry about the ticket, Mike just got one last Thursday :( Not fun. And I got pulled over for the first time in the beginning of August. Now I am paranoid to drive. Grrr.
Hope you have a fabulous TUESDAY!
Those cookies look amazing! I bet you'll have lots of new neighbor friends in no time :)
just found your blog- LOVE IT :) okay peaches have been amazing lately! i can't stop eating them! sorry about the ticket- not a fun thing, ive been there :( a few times haha...my neighbors are about 100 yrs old (i live in fl lol) and are the nicest people ever. i never see them and they can barely hear haha hope you had a good weekend! just started my own blog- so check it out :)
ps- just noticed you live in charleston, that's where i went to college. ive actually been considering moving back, it's an awesome town!
Ohhh Frankie Beans - I love you!
Happy Birthday one last time pretty lady!
Did you tell the cop it was your b-day? Happy b-day!
Rats on the ticket!
We are friends with both our neighbors on each side of our house, but we are friends separately with each family - one we play cards with and have crab fests, the other family we bbq and the husband smokes cigars and drinks brandy with my husband.
But we can't stand the neighbors across the street. He pulls out his motorcycle and will rev it for about 30 minutes then shut it off and put it back in the garage - and she burns everything - she even tried to burn a seat from a boat - the stench from that thing was awful!
OMG ticket on your bday? You should've told the cop. I'm sorry!! But Happy Belated birthday sweets!!!
You're such a nice neighbor :-) I've always wanted to get along with my neighbors here at school, but really haven't met them yet. Perhaps this year's the year?!
the peach looks so good! i love grilled fruit. booo about getting a ticket!
That's so sweet that you made cookies for your neighbors! :) We're pretty friendly with ours...I always wanted to be the kind of neighbor to knock on a door with a fresh pie or something! Maybe someday! lol
I'm sorry about your ticket :( We got pulled over on the way to Arizona as well! Blah!
That stinks about the ticket! At least the rest of your weekend looked great!
That's so nice of you to make cookies for your neighbors! I bet they love you now!
Cookies make everyone happy! Great site, I just found you. I'll continue following you :)
aw, that stinks about the ticket! i've had a few too, in my younger crazier days :)
we know some of our neighbors really well, and some we don't know very much at all.
how nice of you to take cookies to them!
Aww happy birthday! Sorry about the ticket!
homemade cookies you are a doll!! I do know and like our neighbors, but we are different enough that we don't really hang out persay.
so sorry about the ticket, that always feels like a major bummer. Especially after such a wonderful night!!
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