Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekend in Pictures

PHEW - What a long but fun weekend! I will try to be brief and use mostly pictures.

Friday: 6 mile run then Josh and I flew up to Philadelphia and met up with his parents and sister at the airport. We headed into Philly to pick up his brother who is going to medical school. Yes ladies, he is available ;)

On the way to the wedding location in NJ, we stopped at a chocolate shop in Philly. Josh's dad (a HUGE chocolate fan) got a glass of liquid chocolate:

We checked in and enjoyed the free robes:

Then headed to dinner to celebrate Josh's Mom's birthday:

We passed out afterwards and slept in on Saturday (it was HEAVEN). We headed to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. I got the awesome fruit and yogurt combo (low fat yogurt with granola, an apple, grapes, and an apple bran muffin (I only had a few nibbles of the muffin then passed it along to Josh and his bro to finish ;)):

We headed back to the hotel and I rocked out another 6 miles on the treadmill before heading to the wedding. Josh and his mama:

Josh and Me (in the winning Gray dress):

Joshers :)

The wedding was beautiful. I didn't get a lot of pictures because my camera died! The whole thing was held outside which was a litttttttle cold for this South Carolina girl. Me (freezing) and Josh during din din:

We got up this morning, I ran another 6 miles (not sure how this became my daily routine this weekend), got some food and then headed to the airport. I went food shopping and then picked up Franky. I gave him a bath and since that time he has been passed out on our bed (guess he had a wild weekend at the pet hotel ;)). Now I am trying to catch up on blogs and eating some yummy food. How was your weekend?


The Purple Carrot said...

Looks like a great weekend, Erica! :)

I'm glad "my" dress won, too! haha. That's funny that Frank is passed out, he probably partied the whole time you guys were gone ; )

Kaytee said...

The gray dress was a great choice. You looked gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I missed you!! My weekend was awesome (running wise) and terrible (football wise). Le sigh. I bet Frank was glad to see you! Although whenever we leave Lizzie she just ignores us for about 3 days after we get her back. Bulldogs are total brats sometimes. I'm glad you're back! Have a super evening!

Anonymous said...

The gray dress looked perfect!! Also, didn't know that Cracker Barrel had fruit/yogurt options -- that's pretty cool :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend girl!

Nicci said...

Love the dress, great job on the miles too. I'm digging the breakfast you had too.

Christina said...

i have that tiffany necklace! and the ring...and bracelet! haha...btw, i think i am going to join east shore! and come to your class!

Erika said...

The gray dress looked stunning on you! Sorry you were freezing though!

Lizzy said...

what a wonderful weekend! I had no clue crackle barrel had options like that, breakfast looks awesome!

Lori said...

Frank must have stayed up late without mom and dad around. That wild guy. :) I'm sure your BIL appreciates the singles ad. Ha, ha! Sounds like a great time! Good for you with all that running. I've been nursing a pulled upper back muscle this weekend, but I'm determined to get back to my runs tomorrow.

Maria said...

What a fun weekend! Glad you had fun. Why do weekends have to go so fast?

Esi said...

What a fun weekend!! Mine was super relaxing minus my intense personal training session yesterday. SO SORE!!! :)

BroccoliHut said...

Haha, Cracker Barrel always makes me think of family road trips...I really like their bran muffins!

Unknown said...

Awww fun weekend!! Cutie attending med school? And available? Sign me up! ;-) You look GORGEOUS in your grey dress!!

allijag said...

Nice job with all the running this weekend!

omg - its crazy how much josh and his brother look alike!!! (with the exception of, i don't think we've seen any shirtless pictures of josh wearing a lab coat) :)

Yay for the gray dress - SO cute :) Glad you had such a nice weekend!

Yum Yucky said...

I'm sorry, but you should NOT have showed me that muffin.

Miz said...

"yes ladies he is available"

that made me LAUGH.

and think: hey, so is my sister! :)

Anonymous said...

your weekend is so fun! You look so pretty in that gray dress, nice pick! :)

Lauren said...

What a great weekend with Josh's family!

The dress looked stunning on you! I knew it would. :)

Glad you guys are home now safe and sound. Take care and have a fantastic Monday love!

Jenn (eating bender) said...

Hi lovely lady! Sorry I missed the poll for the dress, but before I even read this post I was thinking the grey - even though you looked fabulous in all of them! You and Josh are such a handsome (beautiful) couple :o) I'm glad you had fun!

I remember when I had a glass of liquid chocolate in Paris. It is SO rich and delicious - how fun! Thanks for your comment on my blog. It means a lot to me. Have a great week!

Pam said...

Ooo la la on the brother! he he!

So glad you all had a great weekend! We went camping and biked, biked, and much fun! Really enjoyed the photo's!

Have fun!

K from ksgoodeats said...

Josh's bro is pretty cute!! You and Josh look fantastic, as usual :) Love the dress selection! Sorry you were cold though!

My old coach's dog never wanted to leave the pet hotel when he would go pick him up! Haha, too much fun I guess?! Sounds like you guys enjoyed a lovely weekend! Hope you have a great Monday!

Julie said...

aww I love that you picked the gray dress! you and your hubs look gawwwwjuss

set me up! ;) josh's bro is a cutie!

Holly said...

6 miles on the treadmill? i applaud you! that is a feat!

yay for weddings and family fun! my friends came to visit and we had soooo much fun!

happy monday!

vanillasugarblog said...

I would love to try that liquid chocolate! OMG
love the last photo, very nice; that one should go on the mantle for sure.

Therese said...

Good lord woman that's a lot of running for a trip away! I'm very impressed.

Looks like you had a great time and I'm loving the dress choice!

Krista said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

I could go for a cup of liquid chocolate right now...mmm....

Holly said...

Mmmm - liquid chocolate?!! say no more!!

Glad you had such a great time! And I LOVE that dress (that's the one I picked). ;-)

She-Fit said...

Sounds like you had a very eventful weekend. Hope you are rested up for this week :)

Deva (Voracious Vorilee) said...

It sounds like you had a blast! I love the pictures, and that you were able to get some running in. I always find it hard to get exercise in when I'm out of town :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a whirlwind weekend - too bad about the camera dying - I hate when that happens!

Happy Monday!

teresa said...

you were right in my neck of the woods, how cool! you look wonderful in the gray dress, fun weekend!

Chef Jeena said...

Looks like you had so much fun Erica. :-)

Dawn (HealthySDLiving) said...

Looks like you had a great time and I love love love the gray dress !:)

healthier said...

love the 6 mile daily routine! you are a rockstar! I forget- are you training for a race?

Of course the gray was a great choice! Looks like the whole fam had a fantastic weekend!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Love the dress you picked--although like I said before, they were all adorable!

It looks like you have such a fun and friendly family--love it!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Glad to hear you (and Frank) enjoyed the trip. The dress was beautiful!
Cute BIL! (Yes, I'm single.)

fittingbackin said...

Cutie cute photos! haha Love you pimping out your bro-in-law! j/k :)

Anonymous said...

You looked AMAZING! No surprise,but definitely worth noting :)
So glad you got to sleep in. I happen to know you don't sleep enough during the week little mama!