Ingredients:Organic agave syrup, Organic sesame seeds, Organic cherries, Organic non-dairy chocolate*, Organic flax, Organic almonds, Organic coconut, Organic cocoa powder, Organic cherry flavor, Organic chocolate extract, Natural Vitamin E for freshness, Processing agents: Organic safflower and/or sunflower oil

After work, I had loads to do around the house. For din din, I made spaghetti squash. I topped it with spaghetti sauce and ground turkey.

On a side note, I won a contest last week from the Fit bottomed girls (they are AWESOME!!). Today I received my prize!! I cannot wait to try out this video!!
After work, I had loads to do around the house. For din din, I made spaghetti squash. I topped it with spaghetti sauce and ground turkey.
On a side note, I won a contest last week from the Fit bottomed girls (they are AWESOME!!). Today I received my prize!! I cannot wait to try out this video!!
I wish I could work from home!
My Tuesday was good! I spent the day wandering around the city. I hope you had a good one!
The bumble bars look so yummy and natural. I'll have to look for them.
I'm counting down the days...excited for bakeshop Thursday and hoping tomorrow and Friday fly by!
Yum, I have a spaghetti squash on my counter that your post just encouraged me to try, really soon!
I'll have to look more for the bumble bars, I have yet to see them!
And congrats on the win, can't wait to see what you think of that dvd! Bollywood dancing looks like it could be a lot of fun. :)
Yummy day! Not only counting down to the weekend, but just till I can leave the office today!!
Oh, to have a Bollywood Booty! That looks fun.
Nice squash dish!
Congrats on winning that DVD - let us know what you think when you try it out.
I am ALREADY counting down the days - i have a four-day weekend! Wooo
How come I've never been to your blog until now!?! WTF!!? It's pretty awesome if you ask me =)
I've got to try those bars now.
The gym crowd during the day is so interesting!! I'm always trying to figure out everyone's "story" :)
oh, i'm glad you liked the bar! i'm excited to hunt one down and try one!
unfortunately not counting down to this weekend because I don't have one...have to work until the! but i bet you're looking forward to yours!
Yummy lunch! I need to try that bumble bar! Hope you have a great night!
Great eats today - Chobs and spag squash, can't get much better!!
i can't wait until the weekend... that bar sounds fantastic :) i have a spag squash in my fridge... and i've been meaning to make chili... guess i have alot to do!!
I am so glad you liked that flavor. I always get nervous recommending something, ya know.
Body pump sounds fun. :D
nice gym observation- my gym is very similar- the "hardcore" fitness peeps are there 7-12 am, 2-4...
oh tuesday... it was good-class, acsm info, job application, and jeff plays hockey and i usually watch all my silly shows.
I love that you ask about everyone's days- its so genuine!
I<3 Itzy's Kitchen!
oh and great that you enjoyed the chocolate cherry- When I first got the samples, that was the first one I tried..
I was going to send the rest to Heather... but she got her own sample!
I enjoyed it as well but was hoping for a less sesame flavor... i never realized what a strong flavor that is!
I've been wanting to try spaghetti squash and haven't yet ... yours looks quite tasty!
Yeah, I'm glad it's at least not raining here though I think it might be supposed to snow tomorrow, ha, so I don't know which is better. And, yes, I'm counting down the days! : )
I am so jealous you got to work from home today! I am 100% (maybe more ha ha) counting down to the weekend!
Oh wow, what an awesome Tuesday you had! And a tasty one too!
I sure am counting down the days till the weekend!
That spaghetti squash dinner looks amazing - and so does the bumble bar - I'm glad you thought this one was good (because it looks even better than the one from yesterday!)
i've been wanting to try to make spaghetti with spaghetti squash for a while...yours look so good! and yes, i can't wait for the weekend!! its my first full week of school of the semester, and i can't believe its only tuseday!
Yes, I can't wait for this weekend! The bumble bar looks interesting. I've always been scared as well but with your recco I will give it a try..
I always work out at that hour now, since having no class or work!! I really like it too :D Not the meatheady hour at all. Are you working from home for good?? I want to try those bars, they are kind of pricey everywhere I've looked! Have a great night.
That's a awesome prize!! Congrats!
xxx Bar.
sounds like a fabulous day! Mmm.. i love pretzels- i've never had them with hummus what a great combo!
That's great about the bumble bar, i think i may try and order these online, they look good
Cool dvd win, i look forward to hearing if it's a good workout, have a fantastic day girlie!
after that review i'm going to buy the chocolate cherry bumble bar. I've been eyeing it up, but have been nervous to purchase. THanks for the review! I can notttt wait for the weekend :)
i've also never tried spaghetti squash... i might try to buy one this weekend
So glad you got the DVD. Can't wait to see what you think of it! :)
Sounds like a wonderful work day from home. I know you love those!
I agree - the chocolate cherry Bumble Bar looked like the best one from Heather's reviews. Good to know you liked it so much. Definitely planning on buying one next Whole Foods trip.
Spaghetti squash - one of my favorites. Love those things.
Can't wait to hear all about your bootylicious workout! Happy Wednesday Erica!
I would love to work at home, I could stay in my pj's all day..ha!
Glad you liked this bar better!! The spaghetti squash looks tasty! I love that stuff!
I am definitely working for the weekend this week.
I'm so jealous you have blueberry chobani! I can never find that flavor here!
I have a spaghetti squash sitting on my counter...I want to make it just like you did! mmm....
Hey cutie pie! Thanks for the Bumble Bar review!
I'm loving your pretzels ... I love the really hard kind - they have more chew to them. Also, your dinner looks really great.
Have a good one!
How often do you work from home? Mainly because I have been thinking of a way to approach my boss about working from home 1-2 days a week. My job duties would allow that, but I just need to ask.
that video looks fun! You'll definitely have to let us know how it is!!
Tell me how you like that video! It looks great.
I love that spegetti squash. Yum!
Ben made fajitas, so I didn't have to cook. Score!
Awesome, let us know how the video is!!
Pretzels and Hummus....that sounds REALLY good, why haven't I tried that??
Yeah for working from home! Luckily my hubby does too - considering he's been home bound from his knee surgery since December 27!
Hopefully I can get him out this weekend!
LOVE LOVE spaghetti squash - reminds me that I need to pick some up!
Oh yum! I'm glad the second Bumble experience was better than the first! I love the name - Bumble Bar! Alliteration is the best! :)
Chocolate cherry, energy, and healthy. OK, this I’ve gota try. I’m actually enjoying the week. The weekends get hectic, but this weeks been nice and I’ve been able to get a lot of good things done.
Congrats on the Bollywood Booty. (I say my first Bollywood film at a friends house one day and about dies laughing.) I just got the jeans I won a while back and just posted some fun photos =)
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