Monday, March 16, 2009

Turkey Stir fry, PB2, Protein

Mondays done-Phew! Mondays are like the first mile of a longgggg run- they feel impossible, but once they're done, you feel great and are ready to rock through the rest of it. After work today, I did a 5 mile run. The weather here in Charleston is around 65 and cloudy, so it was pretty much perfect running weather.

When I got back from running I discovered a very exciting package in my mailbox- PB2! I won this in a contest on Fresh & Pure. Pearl- Thank you so much! I have been wanting to try this stuff since MizFit blogged about it!

I did some group fitness prep work and then cooked up some dinner- turkey stir fry with TONS of veggies and just a little stir fry sauce.

Thank you all for your thoughts on protein powder post. A few people commented that they would rather eat whole/real foods rather than take supplements. I agree- I think real foods are the best way to get your nutrients. For me, I just don't get enough protein through my traditional eats. Recently, as I tried to move to a more vegetarian lifestyle, my protein level dropped even further causing lots of issues with my tummy (at least I believe this is the cause of my tummy issues). Hence my need for a protein powder... A few of your recommended some other brands/types of protein including Sun Warrior, Hemp protein, Whole Foods brand, Whey and Soy protein. I will be trying a few of these over the next week or so.

Did you have a good Monday?


Anonymous said...

That's great you're trying to eat a more vegetarian diet :)

Did they test you for a gluten intolerance?

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Lovely stir-fry dish!!


Heather said...

whoa! peanut butter powder?! awesome!

Pearl said...

i'm glad you got the PB2! please share what creative ideas for use!

and i understand what you mean about the protein.. sometimes, it's better to get it in some form than not at all.

The Purple Carrot said...

Yay for nice weather!! : ) It was about the same here today and I've LOVED it.

Delicious looking stir-fry!

And good luck on your quest to getting enough protein for your tummy : )

Krista said...

I love your new look!!

Ive got some PB2 coming and can't wait to try it! :)

Becca said...

PB2 looks interesting...

I procastinated all day...

Anonymous said...

Yummy stir fry!! You'll have to fill us in on your review of the PB2!

As a vegetarian I get a little concerned about my protein intake so I eat a lot of cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and tofu. I am looking to incorporate smoothies into my diet when it starts to warm up here so I can't wait to see what powders you like :)

Anonymous said...

Hey lady.
I think you are right about mac n chz! That sounds perfect. Maybe for dinner tomorrow night.
How much protein are you getting per day? And fwiw, I don't see anything wrong with protein powder. To each her own!

Nutritious is Delicious said...

Stir-fry looks great! I want to try that PB2! Looks good! Monday was aweesome! Was yours?!

Anonymous said...

I like this stir fry mix...

I don't know much about protein add-ins, so I'm afraid I can't contribute too much to the convo.

My Monday was GREAT because I'm off work today and tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of PB2.. it reminds me of powdered milk. Is it good? What are the ingredients?

Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

scrumptious stir-dry combo! :D
looking forward to read how you eat PB2.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to try PB2!! that stir fry looks yummy!

Bec said...

I love stir frys, they are such a great veggie filled meal!

Anonymous said...

Curious to find out what you thought about the PB2!

Michelle said...

Powdered PB? Interesting! Monday was busy as I'm trying to put together a new cooking class series and get the word out. Anyone from Boston reading this? :-)

Anonymous said...

Oooo, I've seen the PB2 around before. I'll be curious to see what you think.

And I'm not a protein powder fan. It makes me gag. LOL

Mom on the Run said...

Let us know what you think of that Peanut Butter. I have been wanting to try it.

Great run!

Esi said...

Powdered PB? That's crazy! lol. The stir fry looks good. Monday was blah (as Mondays tend to be)

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I have mixed feeling about PB2, although I've never tried it so I probably don't have the right! I just love REAL nut butters so much that I think I'd rather go for the gold. I DO really want to try this stuff, though.

Your stir-fry looks great! So many veggies.

Hope you had a great Monday! Mine was just dandy, thanks :-)

I Run for Fun said...

Sigh...such lovely weather.

The stirfry looks delicious! Good job on the run.

Anonymous said...

your blog looks so pretty! I have a bunch of ground turkey in the freezer, and i TOTALLY thought to myself- hm i'll do a search on Erica's blog she has so many good ones with ground turkey :D

Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point said...

i like muscle milk but its not never "natural"

Holly said...

I'm interested to see what you think of the powdered PB! Sounds kinda scary but I've heard good things. And that stirfry looks so yummy!

Fitnessista said...

the stir fry dish looks wonderful!
i'm a huge fan of the brown rice protein-- there aren't any weird ingredients in there and a TON of protein per serving
hope you have a very happy st pattys day!

Anonymous said...

stirfry looks awesome! can't wait to hear about pb2 i've seen it and have wondered what it tasted like!!

Bridget said...

Can't wait to hear about that PB powder! What do you do with it?!
I can't wait for more running weather days here!! It's almost there, but not quite yet.

Maria said...

The stir fry looks great! We finally got to run outside last night. It was SO nice. The weather looks good this week so I can run every day! I am excited to get outside!
I am going to see a gastro. Dr. since they can't figure it out. Wish me luck! I am sure it won't be fun!

RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

wow that turkey meal looks yummy!

i had a fabulous monday once I stopped being a grump!

Anonymous said...

That stirfry looks fantastic! YAY for the PB2!

Megan said...

ahh i want to try that PB2 protein so bad! it's so cool, i had never even heard of it until i saw it on a blog a few days ago.

loooove the stir-fry! yumyumyum.

lauren said...

I am jealous! I want to try that PB2...may have to order some.

your stir-fry always looks incredible.

HEAB said...

Hey Erica,
Hope you're feeling 100% and that you DID NOT get what Josh had last week! Glad you survived your Monday, and your dinner looked delicious as always.

Can't wait to hear what you think about PB2. It's a bit salty by itself, but I do love it for recipes and various sauces.

Glad you liked the Jay Robb egg white protein powder. I'm trying to get away from using it, but sometimes, I just feel I need more protein. And, a protein shake with a frozen banana just sounds so much better than a piece of turkey or something, don't you think? I've always been more of milkshake kind of girl. :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Diana said...

Oh PB2, my latest good in pretty much everything!!!

Mandy said...

I have major tummy issues myself that i deal with daily.. I actually have to up my protein quite a bit to keep things feeling normal (normal for me anyway!)... but I do better with more solid protein... I can't be a vegetarian, unfortunately... I tried that route before :(

I stick with eggs, chicken and turkey mostly.

When I do use protein powders, I've had good luck with hemp protein and brown rice protein powders.. using unsweetened almond milk rather than regular milk.