First, couple things about yesterday- 1. I slept
sooooooooooooooooooooo much better! I felt great today. 2. A few of you commented about how much willpower I have for not eating pasta last night and I was cracking up all day :) I am a BIG believer of everything in moderation. I don't like to deprive myself (except with things that I lose control with- i.e. Diet
pepsi, tortilla chips, dried pineapple and those I use as every once in a while treats :). So last night, when we got home from the store, I was starving! I ate a few slices of the leftover brown bread I had made the other night and decided that was enough
carbs, which is why I stuck to just the salad instead of the pasta :) And I must say again, I just love blog world- everyone is so supportive and chatty- its just awesome!
Onto today...I got home from work and gave the
Frankster a bath. None o
f the pictures turned out too well, but this gives you the general idea! Cleaning bulldogs wrinkles are VERY important. Frank is a trooper while I do it.

Second, I went to my new gym for the first time tonight! Everything went REALLY well! The head group fitness instructor is amazing! She is a grandmother and has a body you would not believe! Any who, she is really willing to give me a go and it looks like a few classes are opening up already! I am going to another branch of the gym's chain tomorrow night to take the class I may be taking over! I am thrilled!! Its a 6 pm Body Step and she said its really popular!
Onto dinner....I made stir fry, which I love! The great part about
stir fry is that you really can't go wrong! You can toss whatever you like in.
Heres my version tonight....
Vegis- sugar snap peas, baby corn, water
chestnuts ....


Josh eating buffalo chicken breast while waiting for dinner (a little sweaty from the gym...a sign of a good workout :))...

Brown up some ground turkey (or meat substitute if you're a vegetarian)...

Once the meat is brown, add in the
vegis and cook until the
vegis are soft (or a little crispy still..however you like them)....
Add in
stir fry sauce (whichever variety you like or you can even make your own)... serve hot topped with sesame seeds or a little cheese...

What are you guys doing tonight? There are so many TV options, I can hardly choose! I will probably watch some of the debate, some of the phillies game and all of project runway :)
I just gave my puppy a bath tonight too!
Tonight I am watching stuff that was on last night, currently Biggest Loser :)
Glad you got a good night's rest, those are the best! And congrats on the gym opportunity, that class sounds like fun to take AND teach!
Thanks for giving the step-by-step to that stir fry, it looks great, and definitely something I'd like to try :)
Have a great night, I plan on vegging out on TV as well ;)
oh great day!! love frank :)
*shh* i'm skipping the debate and heading to bed for some quality reading before i pass out
hahah i never knew you had to clean in between the wrinkles-- frank is so flipping cute.
great stir fry!!! i'll have to do that next week for an easy dinner! (easy clean-up, too)
congrats on the gym opportunity- it's so exciting that things are opening up! i know they'll adore you- i'd LOVE to take one of your classes!
tonight i'm watching the debates and studying... riveting, huh? ;)
enjoy your evening!!!
That's a nice looking stir fry! Glad you are sleeping better too! Watching the debate because I can't bare to see the Dodgers lose. I know, I am a fair weather fan! between wrinkles!!
i watched 1/2 the debate but if mccain said joe the plumber one more time i would have screamed! otherwise not too much tv...hoping to go to bed asap!
Aren't blog friends great!
I'm glad you slept better. I bet you're getting used to your new surroundings! I am so glad you found a gym and everything.
Soooo glad to see you so energeticallybetter!!
Hooray for a good night's sleep, loving the new gym, eating everything in moderation (hehe), Frank being a trooper while getting a bath; and... stir-fry!! Yum.
I WATCHED PROJECT RUNWAY!!! Of course, haha - my parents and I are addicted :0) We were all disappointed though that Korto didn't win :0(
I'm really glad to hear that you got a good night's sleep! And I completely appreciated your explanation of everything in moderation - I agree with your philosophy whole-heartedly!
Mm, stir-fry looks amazing! I love water chestnuts. I think they are the reason why I love stir-fry so much!
Frank is too cute :o) And SO exciting that you are getting the opportunity to teach again!!
I'm looking forward to TONIGHT when they show Grey's Anatomy!
That stirfry looks great. Love the picture of Frank in the bath. Our pug, Macy, hates to have here wrinkles cleaned. Frank looks like he does much better. What a good boy!
Mmmm...stir fry! I always forget about that! I LOVE water chestnuts and baby corn.
That is AWESOME that you will get to teach again soon!! I am always so self-conscious in those classes (due to my 2 left feet). :-)
oooh awesome about the gym! and happy to hear you slept better last night.
I also believe in the moderation rule. I know I will never stay away from sugar so I don't try. I just balance it out with a pretty healthy diet and exercise and then I can have some:)
Glad the gym thing is working out! Keep us updated. I love stir fry!
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