Haha. Ok, onto today. After work, I did some errands around the apartment (laundry and such) and then headed out to a second branch of the gym I will be teaching at. I got a little lost, but made it to class on time. The class was packed. There were 29 people in a medium sized room. The teacher was adorable and was probably one of the best Body Step Instructors I have ever taken class from! She is going to be taking a 4-6 week hiatus from teaching and I may be filling in. I hope I can fill her HUGE shoes! I came home energized and made these pancakes, for both Josh and I. I added 1/2 tsp vanilla to the recipe which really made them yummy!!.
Josh and I just started up Indiana Jones. We're going to watch half before the office and the rest after! I can't believe I haven't seen this yet!
Quick question for all you out there- do you make specific lists when you go to the foodstore, just write down the few items you know you need and wing the rest, or wing the whole thing?
I plan out my meals for the week and make a huge trip to the grocery store on Sunday with my list of all I will need for the week. Of course I am a huge sucker for getting caught up in the moment with good deals and always come home with more then I intended. :)
I'm usually a planner, but i go a little crazy at farmers markets... things are going pretty well so far up here in boston :) haven't decided on a gym yet though, they're so much more expensive when you're not a student!! where did you guys move to?
i love frank time, too!!! :) and of course banana pancakes!!
aww frank! his face wrinkles look so nice and clean :D haha
i definitely plan a list before i go.. but i have a tendency to pick up random things, especially if i'm hungry while i'm shopping!
that would be AWESOME if you could take over her class. i'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Hooray for a Frank photo, packed gym class (you'll do great teaching!!), and pancakes!!
I DO make a specific list when I go food-shopping, and stick to it - but I usually end up purchasing "extras"/new, exciting stuff on impulse anyways, haha ;0)
Hi Frank! I never get tired of his sweet face. That stack of pancakes looks authentic! I'm a total planner, but I usually get a couple extra things while I'm there. I like trying new snacks and stuff.
I don't plan, but I usually have a general idea of things I need or want and go with a list, but always get inspired to pick up new things. Next week I am going to try planning the whole week. Hope it works out!
Frank is a DOLL! His sweet little face! :-)
I am definitly a planner...it takes more thinking ahead of time, but without it I know I would forget something. So I decide what I'm having for the week and go from there. But I'm a sucker for a good sale!
YUM those banana pancakes look like the perfect weekend breakfast treat!
Ha,ha! Your pics show up on my blog roll on my blog and I got up this morning to see Frank there. Awesome!
When it comes to the supermarket, I'm a planner. If I don't make a list I will forget things. I usually make other purchases if I get an idea midway through shopping, but always gotta have a list.
crossing my fingers for you to get to take over this class!
i do a little of both... i make a list but then also add other items that i need as i see them. it has been working well so far.
my fiance, on the other hand, makes an insane list organized into categories, and seriously stocks up for like 3 weeks at a time. i am actually posting a pic of his list for next week this weekend bc it is so insane ha
I love having breakfast for dinner. The pancakes look yummy!
To answer your question about my job...I work for Healthy Utah which is the worksite wellness program for Utah. So we do our best to keep state employees healthy. We teach classes about nutrition, exercise, stress, etc. We also offer health testing, rebates, health challenges, etc. It is a fun job. So you can see why we are not allowed to bring in unhealthy food:) We have food policy and an exercise policy where I work. We get to exercise on work time, 1.5 hours a week. So I really try to practice what a preach but I do believe in moderation. Everyone needs sugar sometimes:) Sorry that was so long! Have a great weekend!
I'm glad the second gym is also a winner and that things are working out with your teaching!
Breakfast for dinner = always a good choice!!
I usually make a list of the things I am out of and need, and then a second column of things I want. Based on what's on sale, I'm usually able to get what I need and maybe one or two things I want ;o)
cousins' pizza night tonight, then a wedding tomorrow! yah!
which restaurant?!?! spill spill!
p.s. omg it just took me 3 tries to get the word ver. right ahhhhhhh!
when i go food shopping i normally have a list that builds up over the week or two and use that to guide me..but there is always something on sale that i can't resist buying either. hehe!
but those pancakes look divine!!!! i want me some of those!
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