He was one happy pup! Saturday morning, I taught Body Step and went food shopping. The rest of my day was mostly spent relaxing. Josh's friend came over Saturday night and I cooked them up some baked french fries:
And TJ's Buffalo Burgers:
I enjoyed a big ole stuffed squash and tons of fruits and veggies. Yum Yum. I crashed early and got up this morning for a six mile run. It was actually super cold (for SC) this morning. It was around 27 degrees and the puddles from the rain last night had started to freeze over. I had to tip through most of them, but had a great run overall.

Then my parents came up and we headed out to Sea Biscuit Cafe for Brunch. My adorable parents:
Then my parents came up and we headed out to Sea Biscuit Cafe for Brunch. My adorable parents:
Cute pictures!! I hope you like those black beans - i've never tried them! We're not hosting a party this year - but may go to our friend Mon's for the game. We're SO bad about doing things on Sundays. haha
Awww so cute you made Frank a special bday meal :)
You look so with Josh and you sure treat his friends to some great food when they're over!
I can't imagine living anywhere without a TJ's. I hope I never hafta!
Aww happy birthday, Frank!
I totally just realized reading this post that the Superbowl is next week! We had a party last year, and made chili and Cuban sandwiches with pork my mom had brought up that weekend from Tampa to be all authentic :). I know I made other stuff, but can't remember what! Cooking Light's website never lets me down, though. They should have some good appetizers!
Your parents are so cute! We havem't decided what we are doingfor the Super Bowl yet. Probably eating and watching the game!
I just used those Cuban style black beans for the first time this weekend! They were pretty good. We also always have the buffalo burgers on hands..my hubby loves them!
Awesome weekend!!!
love that pic of your parents :) and i thought that looked like dog food before i started reading, lol. glad you had a fab weekend! i've spent most of mine in work... and i'm still finishing up :(
Well whatever you get for your Superbowl linkage, i am gonna check back b/c I'd love to see vegan or veggie healthified options for that type of thing that "real men will eat" LOL. My real man just got his eyebrows waxed today!
Skylars bday is Feb 2 and happy early bday to Josh!
Happy Birthday, Frank!
I actually have those black beans in my cabinet right now.
No Superbowl party for me. I don't like football and whenever I go to a party, I always think that it's just going to be people talking with a tv on in the background. Umm, not so much. So I usually end up pretty bored!
Awww, what a great weekend!!! Your parents are too cute, just like you and Josh. Glad you had a great time with family.
Sadly, my Superbowl plans will be spent in prep for my colonoscopy the next day. I am sure you can only imagine how fun that will be. ;)
Have a lovely night hun!
I love Frank's steak treat! I bet he was licking his lips for hours afterwards.
Fun brunch... I love going out to eat w/ family! Well, I love anything that involves food and family... :)
your parents are too cute!! and that tree hugger looks like my kind of breakfast! pretty much what I have every morning!
Awww I love Frank! How cute!
Awwww Frank's 4 - happy birthday to him! Great time on your 6-miler. What kind of watch do you run with? I've only seen (or heard of) Garmins that track distance + time. My old Garmin died and I miss having it for my runs :(
We'll probably have a couple friends over for super bowl Sunday. I just made spicy pork sammies on whole wheat baguettes with avocado, fresh mozzarella, spinach and habanero peach sauce for dinner. They were amazing so I might make those for the big game... plus our friends like things crazy spicy so these may give them a little kick :)
Can your parents be any cuter??!! Love it. You guys have such a happy lookin fam... Im jealous, I wish mine lived closer!!
LOVE the tree hugger.. totally something I woulda got :)
Your family is too cute :)
We are having a party here too and I am looking for ideas. I am thinking tapas so it is small bites of really good food. I will post my menu.
I still can't believe you don't have TJs. You should start a petition to get one.
aww Happy Birthday Frank!! he is so lucky to have such amazing parents!! :) LOVE your treehugger breakfast choice! I'm not a big NFL fan...but superbowl sunday is a great day, i'm all about catching up with friends, eating yummy treats and screaming at the TV! I'm attending our work party potluck (because i'll be at work!) I hope you have a great week! xoxo!
I adore TJs as well, seriously makes life so easy with their great products! As for those homemade fries, they look fantabulous girl! Glad you had a nice weekend & happy bday to Frank :)
Happy Birthday Frank!! :)
Josh's pancakes look so delicious and your yogurt does too - love the name, haha! ;)
aww i LOVE sea biscuit!! its SOO cute! i always get their pancakes!
I love your breakfast, it's so colorful :)
I just got a polar watch and I love it! you're right, you can't feel the chest strap at all!
haha so funny. I gotta email about LOL. I agree though it wasnt a good movie. ha! Sounds like you had such a fun weekend though! awesome! I cant believe its already monday either! I so wish there was one more day to the weekend. Wouldnt that be great? No plans as of yet for the superbowl. I know we are doing something though for sure. We are either gonna stay in or go out. So we'll see. What team are you rooting for? Love the pics btw! Have an awesome evening!
Happy Birthday to Frank! He's a lucky pup, that looks like a great dinner for him.
We hated Land of the Lost too; I didn't have high hopes for it and unfortunately they came true. But Will Ferrell tends to rub me the wrong way so I wasn't surprised.
Aaaah I can't believe you don't have TJ's!! My favorite grocery shop hands down. I hope they expand to South Carolina soon; I think they are growing so it's a definite possibility.
Aw, your parents are too cute. I can tell that's your momma!
I LOVE that you celebrate Franks birthday.
We always do/did that for our dogs as well.
They are still having a superbowl even though my steelers arent playing?
who knew?
So cute Frank got a birthday surprise!! My bully is already 10--wow how the years with pets fly! Ooo that fruit bowl you got looks so fresh and reminds me of summer--unfortunately summer is still a LONG ways away here..hmph! I actually have to watch the Superbowl for a Marketing class assignment, so I am gonna head over to a small bash and bring some food..not sure what yet!
that is so awesome Frank got steak on his birthday. I usually take Oscar to this pet bakery and let him pick out a special birthday treat.
I don't have any plans for superbowl, but hopefully someone will have a party and invite me. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANK! what a stud he is at 4 years old :)
your parents are ADORABLE! yay for fun weekends - everything looks so delicious, and really, how does the weekend go so fast?
i am at work and it is 8:30am on monday morning. where does it all go? happy monday :)
Happy BD Frankster and I'm glad you enjoyed it! You have wonderful parents..he he!
Your family is so cute! Very nice! I wish you had a TJ's too, Sweetie..such a great store! Email the company and tell them! "I WANT A TRADER JOE'S NOW!)...te he!
cuban style black beans!? sounds like a fiesta in a can :)
i'm actually meeting up with elise from hungry hungry hippie in the city for the superbowl! should be LOTS of fun!
sounds like frank had an awesome birthday and your rentals are way too cute for words! glad you had a nice weekend girly
You look a lot like your Mom!
I bet Frank just loved that steak. LOL!
I'm not a super bowl girl at all so I won't be watching...
ghahaha I love that what you ordered was called the tree hugger! thats such a great name for a bowl of yog and granola with fruit :) it loosk delicious! what a beautiful family you have! thank you for sharing the pics, Erica :)
I thank my lucky stars that I live near a TJ's!!! :) it is just the best. everrrrr
You're parents are adorable! I'm not sure if I'm going to my mom's for the superbowl, but she always has an awesome spread of food!
Happy belated Birthday to Frank! And I love the name of your breakfast. It sounds perfect! I crave fruit SO much in the winter time.
Do you not have a TJ's near you? They have SO many yummy things...I'm going tonight so I might be in trouble!
Great pictures :-) TJ's buffalo burgers, haven't had a chance to try them...
By the way, happy B'day Frank...what a nice treat :-)
happy birthday frank! the taco salad sounds delish! i'm excited to see what you do for the sb!
Great weekend pics! Glad you had a fun one!
We are hosting a party-food and football, we have to:)
Here are some healthy Super Bowl options:
Vegetable Spring Rolls:
Cilantro Lime Hummus:
Black Bean Soup:
Cranberry Orange Oatmeal Cookies:
Sorry for sharing so many links! Delete if you wish!
Oh I am going to try Step this week. Should I be scared? Do I need to know the routine?
Happy birthday to Frank! I should have sent him some of the PB cookies I made the puppies!
I love black beans!
Aww you, Josh, and your parents are so cute! I don't think I'm doing anything for the Superbowl this year because family plans fell through. Yay for TJ's!!
Happy birthday, Frankie!
I am amazed at your fresh fruit and veggie dinners you make. How often do you go food shopping? That is my biggest challenge. I would like to whip up something fresh every night, but food shopping is just not my thing!
I love the pictures! I can't believe how crazy the weather has been here in South Carolina! Seriously, you go from one day of 50 and then down to 15! Super Bowl will be hanging out at the house and just enjoying the game with some neighbors.
You look just like your Mom! Glad you had fun with your family. Cute pics.
Happy Birthday to Frank!
Your parents are so cute! I'm glad you had a nice weekend with them.
Um...Can you believe I almost thought, "yum" when you showed us your doggie food? I thought it was cereal with steak! Haha!
Happy Birthday to Frank!
Great photos- your family is adorable!
I miss TJ's a lot- do you have a Whole Foods near you? I am making do with small independant health food stores here in Edinburgh- good, but nothing beats the WF salad bar!
No Super Bowl in the UK so no, nothing happening here. I'll be watching Glee instead!
Aww fun weekend! Josh's pancakes look so yummy :)
We are actually GOING to a Super Bowl party and I have no idea what to bring. It's a drinkin crowd and I know there won't be ANYTHING healthy, but I want something I can munch on...any suggestions?
Hey! What protein supplement(s) do you recommend? You mention a Jay Robb protein powder, where do you get it and is it good? I want to try some but there are so many different ones and I'm afraid of picking one that tastes bad.
Oh man I tried ground buffalo for the first time this year. So good!
I like don't understand football, so I won't be watching haha. though I am a fan of all "game food" (aka seven layer dip!!)
I forgot about Frank's birthday steak! Tell him Macy says happy belated birthday. Looks like you had a great weekend with some good eats.
I would totally order the tree hugger! It looks SOOOO yummy and refreshing!
I can't wait to get back to Charleston - there are soooo many amazing places to eat there : )
Happy Birthday Frank! SO cute you made him a bday meal.
Brunch looks fabulous, and your fam is so cute:)
We are having people over here for Superbowl Sunday. I haven't decided yet if we're going to order pizzas or if I'm going to make something... decisions decisions!
Happy Birthday Frank!!!!
You guys are so adorable :)
If you ever need me to send you some TJ's goodies just let me know!
Mmm this post makes me want pancakes!
Actually I have no idea what I'm doing for the superbowl but I'm sure we'll be going to a friends place.
aww happy bday to your pup. So cute :D I wish we had a t.j's as well!! Seems like everyone in blogland goes there :P
Your hubby's pancakes look amazing!!! Maybe I'm just craving carbs? :) I LOVE watching the superbowl...super sad that my team didn't make it...But I am rootin for the saints :)
love all the cute pics - I think its so cute the fruit + granola is called the tree hugger, I don't think of myself as one, but thats def what I would order!
aw what a great weekend! I saw the first pic and was like, ew what is that, it looks like dog food... then i started reading.
Happy Birthday Frank! I love him and really want a pup of my own. i wonder if pugs are hypoallergenic
I LOVE the sea biscuit cafe!! I'm hosting a superbowl party but I haven't come up with a menu quite yet!!
I love that Frank got steak and the humans had burgers! That would totally happen in my house, too :)
OMG was Land of the Lost not HORRENDOUS?! I'd forgotten about it til you mentioned it. Embarassed to say I saw it in the theater even. Fortunately I tend to put bad movies out of my head pretty quick! And I'm about to do it again. ;)
You have a lucky puppy!
i'm so jealous of all your trader joe's goods! your french fries and burger look delicious...
btw, i'm back in the bloggy world!!
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