I only had to work a half day today (due to all my OT last weekend), so I started my day off with a nice 6 mile run. I went out with the intention of a few miles, but my legs felt nice and loose so I decided to just keep on running! I put in my four hours of work and then got started on my house work. I cleaned the house from top to bottom and did some laundry/ironing. Other than that, my afternoon was pretty relaxing.
I received another awesome package of ProBar samples (thank you so much ProBar!!!!!):

To spread the love a bit, I will be giving away three of these bars to one reader (your choice of flavors-Cherry Pretzel, Nutty Banana Boom, Cocoa Pistachio, Sesame Goji, Koka Moka)! To enter, just leave a comment telling me which three flavors you want. Contest ends at 12 pm on 8/14. I will announce the winner tomorrow night!!
Josh was playing basketball tonight so both he and I ended up eating nibbles here and there. The main highlights are as follows-
I had jicama rounds (I’ve decided to call them rounds because I like to make them a little fatter than chips) with salsa and pinto beans:

I also had some cantaloupe (fruit baby) with nut butter (odd combo, I know!):

I made Josh some baked bread nibbles. I toasted up bread and then topped them with various mixtures of beef lunch meat, hummus, cheese, spinach, etc. He also had a side of pineapple & pickles:
And homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (which are in a bowl because he loves to pour milk on top ;)):

A few of you asked me about the slimcado. The slimcado is not something I made up ;) You can read more about it here. Basically it is a lighter version of an avocado with less calories and fat. It tastes very similar to an avocado, but almost tastes watered down. Although I’ve enjoyed it, I think I’m going to stick with regular avocados. If you do end up trying one, let me know what you think! According to the Brooks website, ½ a slimcado has 145 calories and 10.5 g of fat.
And...just for fun...the Frankster, relaxing after a walk:
A few of you asked me about the slimcado. The slimcado is not something I made up ;) You can read more about it here. Basically it is a lighter version of an avocado with less calories and fat. It tastes very similar to an avocado, but almost tastes watered down. Although I’ve enjoyed it, I think I’m going to stick with regular avocados. If you do end up trying one, let me know what you think! According to the Brooks website, ½ a slimcado has 145 calories and 10.5 g of fat.
And...just for fun...the Frankster, relaxing after a walk:
Cherry, cocoa, and koka!
I'd love to try cherry pretzel, nutty banana boom, and cocoa pistachio!
Oooh, the pistachio one.
Aww, Frank :-D
Cherry Pretzel, Cocoa Pistachio, Sesame Goji
I have never tried Pro Bars before but they all sound wonderful. 3 that stick out to me are the Cherry Pretzel, the Sesame Goji, and the Cocoa Pistachio.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
hmm i would love to try the nutty banana boom, cocoa pistachio, and the sesame goji! they all sound amazing!
What a sweet pup!
I would choose the cherry pretzel, the cocoa pistachio and Sesame Goji! Yum :)
Oh man I love probars - so good and so filling!
I'd like the cherry pretzel, the nutty banana boom and the sesame goji! This is such an awesome giveaway - I hope I win!
you're so generous to share those bars with us! i'd love to try Cocoa Pistachio, Sesame Goji, Koka Moka. Have a nice Friday~~ )
Yummmmmers!! Cherry pretzel, koka moka, and the delish sounding pistashio number, por favor! Also, I can't help but notice you went on a six mile run today--you are officially on my 'list' of potential running buddies for the Charlotte halfie in November. As you said yesterday, we would have so much fun running together--just think about it!!! Thanks for the Frankser, you know that brings joy to my heart.
I would love love love to try cherry, banana, and koka! I haven't tried ProBars yet and really want to!
Koka Moka sounds like my cup of tea. I've been eyeing these babies at Central Market but have yet to splurge on one!
Awww check out that cute puppy :-)
Hmmm the moka one, banana, and cherry pretzel!
Sounds like such a great productive day! I heart Frank!
Cherry Pretzel, Cocoa Pistachio, Koka Moka!
Enjoy your day off tomorrow! I have it off too! Any fun weekend plans? I haven't tried those bars. I am going to go with Cherry Pretzel, Cocoa, and Koka! I started cleaning house after my workout tonight. I want it out of the way so we can enjoy the weekend!
thanks for the giveaway! i would love to try the cherry pretzel, nutty banana boom, and the sesame goji!
Cherry Pretzel, Cocoa Pistachio, nutty banana boom!!
Cherry Pretzel since it would replace my chubby hubby cravings!!
Love runs like that. It's so much easier to go out intending to go "a few miles" and then decide later to go further once you are actually out there and running!
I would totally chow the Cherry Pretzel, Nutty Banana Boom or the Koka Moka.
I would love to try the cherry pretzel! Interesting flavor combo!
Sounds like a good day! What a cute pooch!
Um... cherry, cocoa pistachio, sesame goji :)
I LOVE canteloupe and nut butter! SO not weird :) Atleast I don't think so haha
Wow you are so lucky to get Probar samples! I have always wanted to try them but they are kinda expensive so haven't had the guts to spill some cash yet xp
the jicama rounds and salsa look great! i really want to try jicama, but I can never find it around here.
I'd love to try the probars - especially Cherry Pretzel, Sesame Goji, and Koka Moka
Ohh COOL! I would love to try Cherry Pretzel, Nutty Banana Boom, and Koka Moka!
What a productive day you had, wow! Love those days.
Woah - great giveaway lady! I would love love love to try the Koka Moka, Cherry Pretzel and the Nutty Banana Boom. Anything with "banana boom" in its name is worth checking out!
Have a good night!
wow only 3?? i want to try them all! Id have to try the cherry pretzel (since you recommended it) then cocoa pistachio, and then koka moka (just because i like the name!) Thanks for the great giveaway Erica!
Oh and Body Combat left me so sore too, i loved it! :)
Great job on the run! I think the cherry pretzel, nutty banana boom, and koka moka flavors sound fantastic :)
Ooh! I'd love to try the cherry pretzel--it sounds like such a unique flavor!
Cocoa Pistachio, Sesame Goji and Koka! Pistachio and cocoa are the most intriguing though. I like both flavors but have never married the two.
omg, frank is so adorable!
I'd love to try the cherry pretzel, nutty banana boom and koka moka! :) Such fun names!
I'd love to try these bars! I always seem them but they are so expensive! I would like to try Cherry Pretzle, Cocoa Pistachio, and Sesame Goji.
I would love to try the cherry pretzel, nutty banana boom, and koka moka!!
Those sound very good! I think I'd want to try cherry pretzel, koka moka, and sesame goji ; )
Guess what? It's Friday!! : )
Hmmm. Sesame Goji sounds weird and interesting. And I have a confession - that whole cantaloupe I told you bought, uh, a week ago?? I never cracked it open. See! What I tell ya! Laziness = food loss.
Hey there,
I'd love to try nutty banana, cocoa pistachio, and koka moka! Have a fabulous Friday!
Thanks for the great giveaway! The cherry pretzel sounds extremely good. My top three choices would be the pretzel one, cocoa pistachio and the kokka mokka (or however you spell it) one :) Your oatmeal cookies look delicious, by the way. Happy Friday!!!
frank!! hehe :)
that cherry pretzel, pistachio, and sesame goji all sound great!
I've been DYING to try the cherry choc pretzel!!!! In fact, I'd like all 3 of my bars to be that flavor! but I'd also like to try the banana and pistachio. I hightailed it to WF to try to find choc cherry pretzel but my WF only stocked 2 lame flavors!
I hope I winnnnnn
ugh, frankster is too cute :)
I would LOVE to try the pistachio, cherry pretzel and koka moka!
your cookies look awesome!
hahah people thought u made it up?? That's hilarious.
Awesome giveaway, i want to try them but they are priicey :D
I would like to try the banana one, cocoa and the koka moka, bc it's fun to say!
Aww frank looks pooped lol!
I would love to try the cherry pretzel, nutty banana boom, and cocoa pistachio :)
I'm honestly in LOVE with Frank. I showed Garrett a pciture of him and I think I am a little closer to convinsing him to get one!
The pro bars look awesome - too pricey for me to buy normally though. I would try to Cocoa, Cherry and Banana.
The nutty banana boom sounds like an amazing flavor. I would love to try it.
I really like that idea with the oatmeal cookies and milk! I will have to try that some time.
I would love to try the cherry pretzel, nutty banana boom and koka moka!
OOOO the cherry pretzel sounds like something I would love! And I have heard of those avocados, but I have never even ate a real one, so I couldn't give my input lol!
Not sure if the contest is open to us Canucks, but I'd love to try the cocoa pistachio, nutty banana boom and koka moka! ;)
That cantaloupe is looking pretty juicy and sweet!!!
Yaaaay for the Probar stash! I got the same one and I'm almost done already! Top two are definitely Art's Original Blend and Koka Moka! Let me know what you think of yours!!
Enjooooy! :)
Omg cantaloupe with nut butter? SO not odd and SO something I'm going to try! :)
I so want to try the cherry, banana, and koka moka!
Frankster is SO cute!
I love ProBars!
Cocoa Pist., Koka Moka, Sesame Goji!
OMG - my heart just melted! Just when I think "Oh Frank can NOT get any cuter..." - he does! :)
Those bread nibbles you whipped up for Josh look super amazing! :)
I am dying to try the Cherry Pretzel (but those bars are crazy $$$)
everything looks delicious! and that puppy is soooooo adorable!
Wow! It sounds like you had an awesome run!
I would love to try some probars: Cherry Pretzel, Cocoa Pistachio and Sesame Goji would be at the top of my list.
I love your doggy!!! So amazingly cute.
I want to try the cherry pretzel one...and not sure about the other 2...they all look SO GOOD! Fun give away girlie!
cherry pretzel, nutty banana boom & cocoa pistachio!!
Yum! Goji, pistachio, and cherry sound great!
I've been wanting to try the Banana Boom!
oh i'm dying to try Cherry Pretzel & Nutty Banana Boom!
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