Monday, August 24, 2009

Yucca is Yucky

Ahhh Monday. Today turned out to be kind of slow. I tried to maintain a positive attitude and took a break at lunch to go to Starbucks for a Skim Misto which did turn my day around (thanks ‘bucks).

After work, I quickly buzzed home and went for a run. Nothing like exercise therapy. Plus I made it to 6.7 miles today- felt awesome! I then quickly went through the Body Attack tracks I’m teaching tomorrow. I got showered and started on dinner.

I made Josh Steak in the following marinade that I originally posted about here:

1/3 cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp red wine vinegar
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Mix ingredients. Let steak sit in marinade for ~ 4 hours. Cook under the broiler or on aluminum foil on the grill (looks a little crispy but it was actually cooked just to Josh's liking!!).

I also made him a baked potato:

The baked potato was a substitute for the yucca I made tonight. Has anyone ever tried making yucca? I removed the skin, boiled it until tender, removed the woody core, and then baked it up. The result? YUCK! Maybe its an acquired taste. I was sort of bummed, as I was hoping it would make up a good chunk of my din din. Instead, I ended up with a salad of romaine and spinach topped with oven grilled veggies (peppers, onion, tomatoes, white beans and a little bit of olive oil and chili powder baked in aluminum foil in the oven).

On the side I had a large quantity of cantaloupe and nut butter ;).
What are you looking forward to this week?


Leianna said...

Never had a yuca, but no I'm scared to try it. Although I've seen people make yuca fries, maybe try that?

My Peace Of Food said...

You can make yucca "fries" by baking them in spears; otherwise yeah, they're really bland.

This week I'm looking forward to progressing to Level 2 on the 30-Day Shred! God help me!

Meghann said...

You boiled it and then baked it?

I LOVE Yucca. I love it boiled, fried, baked and steamed. I guess it is an aquired taste because it's one of my favorites.

veron said...

I'm sorry you did not like the yucca. I think they are better fried!

Alison Can Read said...

I've never tried yucca but I'm really curious about it.
This week I'm looking forward to my parent's visit on Friday.

Lauren said...

AWww bummer on the less than par yucca. You know, I wasn't in love with it either. I didn't mind it eaten in the "fry" form with lots of ketchup but I realized I much rather perfer BN Squash or Sweet Potato Fries. I'm glad I tried it but I don't think I would buy it again.

Lizzy said...

who doesnt get a case of the mondays? just think, tomorrow is tuesday! haha..hope the rest of your evening is going well! :)

Krista said...

I've never tried yucca and to be honest, I'm afraid to! I should prob give it a chance, though...

This may sound odd, but I'm looking forward to taking my daughter back to school clothes shopping later in the week! ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry you had a case of the Mondays :-(

Ari would be so happy if I made him steak! I've been promising for a while... how do you make it for Josh without tasting it first?

This is sappy, but I'm looking forward to Ari coming home from tour! His album is also coming out TOMORROW which has been a long time coming... VERY exciting!!!

allijag said...

I've never tried yucca, but I've seen other bloggers like it. To be quite honest - the looks alone scare me - I don't think I'd be able to try it!

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

Haha cute title. I've only had yucca here in our dining hall...not sure how they cooked it but it was yummy...not yucky :)

I'm looking forward to watching Food Inc. with Sarah, a fellow Durham/Chapel Hill blogger!

Maria said...

I just got in from a run and finished lifting weights! Feeling good:) Now I need to find dinner, watermelon is calling my name! I am already looking forward to Friday:)

The Purple Carrot said...

I had myself a nice portion of cantaloupe tonight too ; )

I haven't ever had yuca but I'm glad to know it "yucy" beforehand, ha.

Fitnessista said...

sorry about the yucca! try baking it next time at around 400* for 40 min- flipping halfway. season with evoo, sea salt and garlic-- they totally taste like potato fries
hope you have a great night!

Anonymous said...

I deep fat fry my yucca root to make chips and they are amazing - that's the only way I've made them so I am no help!

Sorry they sucked for you!

Holly said...

i had yuca at a cuban restaurant and it was fantastic - but ive never cooked it so i can't help ya with that one :)

work out that work out girl! woowoo!

Stephanie said...

Never tried it but heard yuca fries were pretty good?? Now you have me all curious! What am I looking forward to this week (??): goin on a cruise to the Bahamas for our 1 year anniversary!! :) :)

Holly said...

Awesome run, girlie!!!

I've only had yuca in the form of fries...and they were pretty tasty! Definitely tougher than potatoes, but okay in my book. Sorry they didn't turn least you can say you tried it!!

Nicci said...

I've been wondering about Yucca. I see some bloggers making fries out of it, looks good but I'm weary of it! lol Can you compare it to something...the taste?!

Anonymous said...

Oh my.
This week, I'm looking fwd to...

Esi said...

Sorry the yucca didn't work out for you, I definitely think it is an acquired taste.

Lainie said...

Never had yuca...sorry it was yucky :( This week I'm looking forward to...the weekend? Ha, kind of pathetic, but true...

Miz said...

surprisingly Im NOT looking forward to my parents leaving town after 2 weeks here.

who knew? :)

Kim @ Kim and Mikey said...

This week I am looking forward to my "date night" with the hubby. We are going out to dinner then hitting up the mall for new workout clothes/sneakers for me and then Lowe's for a new rug for the living room.

Ada said...

I wasn't a huge fan of the yucca when I made it either. It was such a pain to peel and then it kinda tasted like chlorine. Random. Once I baked it it just ended up tasting like a regular 'ole potato. Perhaps Meghann has some tips, since it always looks delicious when she makes it!

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's where the word 'Yuck' comes from?! Sorry it was and learn, eh? I've never had it though have heard the fries are pretty good.

Starbucks = instant mood brightener :D

Britt said...

Don't think I've ever had yucca..... not sure if I want to. LOL

I'm looking forward to going away this upcoming weekend with my hubby! We are going to see James Taylor play at Tanglewood in the Berkshires of MA. Cannot wait!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I haven't tried yucca--it WAS on my list of things to try, but maybe I will scratch it off. ha ha. Maybe in some sort of recipe it would be better?

Yum Yucky said...

Ooo. That steak looks delectable. I'm gonna do that marinade. Haven't had steak in awhile so I'm ready! What cut of steak did you use?

(I see you, Mr. Cantaloupe Cubes)

Chef Jeena said...

Do you mean cassava root when you say yucca?

I like the steak marinade....I really love these kinds of flavours yum!

Anonymous said...

Never tried yuca, but have been seeing it a lot around blogland. Sorry your's didn't work out...looks like you are getting some good tips in the comments section though!

I am looking forward to Top Chef tomorrow night!!!!

Chef Jeena said...

Ah cassava! He has it mashed then adds it to pan fried onions and curry spices etc.

Also we can get bags of cassava chips.

I prefer potatoes. :-)

Anonymous said...

I never tried yuca, but I have seen it all over blogland lately. Sorry your's didn't work out but it looks like you are getting some good tips!

I am looking forward to Top Chef tomorrow!!!!

K from ksgoodeats said...

I haven't had a baked potato in so long - yum!! Sorry the yucca was yucca :(

As crazy as this sounds, I'm looking forward to starting classes NEXT week. I've had enough vaca, I need some structure!

Hope your Tuesday is better than Monday!

Gaby said...

hmmm never had yucca but you are so brave for trying it! I am such a wimp sometimes when it comes to trying new things! have a fabulous week!

Diana said...

Yucky yucca? Drag. I had yucca fries at a latin american restaurant once and loved them - they were a little lighter than potato fries. But then again, if you fry something, it's probably going to taste pretty decent!

Anonymous said...

I don't like yucca!

brandi said...

sorry about the yucca! i've had it and loved it, but I've never tried making it myself.

i'm looking forward to a few good runs (hoping for good weather!) and a fun last weekend before football season!!!

Anna said...

Hmmm I've actually never tried it!

bhealthier said...

haha. i liked yucca but it was a mash from a restaurant so ?...

Love the "large quantity of cantaloupe and nut butter". :)

teresa said...

i've never tried yucca either, i don't even think i really know what it is lol! everything looks so good, great job on the running!

Angharad said...

I've been curious about making yuca fries - been wanting to for ages...will report back!

Anonymous said...

I've never had a yucca but have recently been looking for one to try it out. Thanks for the heads up. If I make it I won't "plan it" for part of a meal the first time.

Haleigh said...

I have never tried a yucca before. Now, I am kinda scared to.. hehe

Voracious Vorilee said...

I've never had yucca before..

Lori said...

Yucca is called Mandioca here in southern Brazil or at least in Parana. It is really popular and like others have mentioned my favorite way to have it is fried. It's a big beer drinking snack where we are living. I've had it steamed too, but it is an acquired texture due to it's woodiness and the strings. It is better if you put it through a potato ricer or strainer when it is steamed or mashed.

I've got lots of travel research to do this week so I'm really looking forward to it! Hope yours is going well!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance said...

I adore fried yucca! I used to work in a Cuban restaurant and they served it with a garlic dipping sauce. Delicious!

Unknown said...

i made yuca chips once that i liked, but haven't tried mashing it like taters...

I Run for Fun said...

I like yucca (it's the same as tapioca, right?) chips. Haven't tasted them in any other form.