Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Unfortunate Incident....

Hello All! Well it has been one HECK of a weekend over here. Some of you may have read my last post (that I have since deleted) about the four year old English bulldog we adopted yesterday. I was very excited to get a second dog and a "girlfriend" for Frank. Things seemed to go well with her last night. She spent a good deal of the night running around our room and barking, but was getting along well with Frank.

This morning, after I took her out to the bathroom, she attacked Josh for no good reason. She actually ended up biting him badly a few times. I had to put her in her kennel and take Josh to the emergency walk in clinic to get bandaged, get shots, and get medication. As a result, I had to return the bulldog to her foster mom today (which was a five hour round trip drive). Unfortunately, this rescue baby came with a lot of issues towards males and Josh was hurt as a result. I am going to take the night off from blogging and try to get some rest.

In more pleasant news, please enter my Chobani giveaway!


Unknown said...

Aww Erica, I'm really sorry. Both of our pups are adopted and we took a huge risk with our chihuahua mix - he has a lot of trust issues that we've been working through with him.

I hope you, Josh and Frank are doing well and you guys get through this okay! I'm so sorry that it didn't work out for you! Hugs!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Take all the time you need and hang in there - hugs!!

The Purple Carrot said...

Sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident : ( That's too bad! I hope Josh recovers from his bites quickly!

Paige@ Running Around Normal said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry, hun. That is very unfortunate. You did the right thing though.

I hope Josh is doing well. Sorry it didn't work out :(

Pam said...

Oh, Erica! I am so sorry! I hope Josh is okay and you! So sorry she didn't work out! She was cute!

I was wondering where the post got too!

You all take great care!

Noodlegirl said...

Oh so sorry it didn't work out with the dog. Hope Jose becomes all new again soon

Lizzy said...

o gee, i'm so sorry to hear that! hopefully everything is ok

Maria said...

Oh no! That is terrible. I hope Josh is ok. Sorry!! Get some rest, sending my best!

~M~ said...

I am so sorry that she didn't work out! My mom got a rescue dog a couple of years ago. She had to take the dog back due to severe biting issues. I know what a bummer it can be. Hang in there! I hope josh's injuries heal super fast!!

Mandy said...

Wow!! I am so sorry! :( I hope Josh is okay!!

Ada said...

Oh no, that's so terrible! I'm so sorry about what happened, I hope Josh gets better ASAP!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness - take care, Erica! That is terrible and I hope Josh heals quickly.

lauren said...

Oh no! So sorry that happened to Josh. I had the exact thing happen to me when I took in a foster dog a few years back. I immediately returned the dog to the kennel as well - after I got out of the ER. It makes me upset to think about who mistreated the dog to make it do something like that. I hope he heals up quickly!

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh how awful? Is Josh ok??? You must be a crazy mix of emotions right now, I know I would be. Sending a virtual hug, I know you must be sad that you had to return the puppy, scared for Josh, and angry that the whole thing happened in the first place.

Everything will be well :-)

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Oh noo. A bad bulldog? That's too bad :-( At least you got Josh taken care of and now hopefully you and cute Frank can continue on. Have a restful night lady!

Sarah said...

I have to add that I understand about animal issues- you know Padma is a sweetheart and I love her very much, but she really only likes Ray and I. Everyone else- my family, his family, our friends- she is scared of, hides and hisses at when they come over! She certainly has trust issues, perhaps she was separated from her mother too young. She clings like a barnacle to us but lashes out at others. All we can do is keep trying to work with her. But you were right to take the pup back to the foster mom- biting Josh is not something you can ignore.

Head up young person :-)

Fitnessista said...

ohhhh erica! how scary! i'm so glad josh is ok and so sorry to he about the incident. :(
thinking about you <3

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry that happened to Josh - it sounds like you're doing the right thing. Love love to you all. Smooches.

Anna said...

Oh gosh I am so sorry! what a dreadful experience. I hope you both feel better soon, I'll be thinking of you.

Krista said...

I'm sorry to hear about this for lots of reasons. Josh being hurt # 1, lots of driving #2 and what must have happened to that poor puppy to be so afraid of males #3. (((HUGS)))

Britt said...

I am so sorry! How sad, hopefully her foster home can work with her to get over her issues with males. Hope Josh is doing ok. Hang in there!

K from ksgoodeats said...

Oh no - I'm so sorry to hear that, Erica. That would be very rough to have to go through. I hope Josh feels better soon and that life returns to normal for all three of you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Erica, I'm so so sorry. Hope you get to relax tonight. Thinking of you, lady :-)

Deva said...

Oh Erica, I am so so sorry. I am sending you a lot of hugs and thoughts and hope that you and Josh can get some good rest. I hope he recovers quickly and that all of you get through this okay!

Meredith (Pursuing Balance) said...

Oh my goodness! Hope Josh is ok!

lynn said...

oh no! i'm so sorry to hear about that!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the doggies!! I hope Josh is okay- dog bites really scare me!

Sounds like it was a busy weekend for you. Hope you get some rest, Erica!

LK- Healthy Delicious said...

oh no! that's so sad to hear. :( I hope Josh is ok.

She-Fit said...

Oh wow! I know it was for the best, but I'm so sorry that you had to return the dog! Hang in there

Anonymous said...

Oh Erica, I am so sorry your rescue baby had an outburst. We had a rescue dog named Lucy that had issues with males as well. She eventually was adopted by another family. Most of the time those issues can be worked through with lots of love, attention and time. Unfortunately, I did not have that kind of time and attention for Lucy as I became pregnant unexpectedly shorty after I had brought her home. Sometimes our rescue babies just need to find the right fit...even if it's with someone else

Anne said...

Aww sweetie, I'm so sorry. I hope Josh heals alright, and you did the right thing. Hang in there <3

Miz said...

oh no.

that's so sad and scary as well.

xo xo,


Yum Yucky said...

Oh my gosh. You don't need that kind of drama...or injury!! It's sad, but I'm glad you were able to return the dog.

When my children attack me, there's no place I can return them no. They were a 4-time, non-refundable transaction. No refunds, no exchanges. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry about the dog! Hope you both were able to relax.

vanillasugarblog said...

oh no! dog bites are very scary, poor Josh! Well find some comfort in the fact that you were able to take the dog back to a safe home and not a horrid shelter, you know?
I miss Frank and I'm sure he's doing well. Take all the time you need, you know we will all be here.

RhodeyGirl said...

awwww dear i am so sorry to hear that!!!! you must feel so disappointed. sending some blog love your way!!

allijag said...

Ohh Erica! I'm so so sorry! You and Josh had the best of intentions, its too bad it didn't work out. I'm so glad Josh is okay - I got sick to my stomach reading that! (Glad you and Frank are okay too!!!!)

Claire Mercado-Obias said...

That's too bad! Hope Josh isn't in any pain. Take care!

Meghann said...

OMG Erica!! I am so sorry to hear that. :( It's so sad how a dog that has been treated so badly in the past can effect its well being. I hope the foster mommy is still able to find the little cutie a loving and caring home.

I also hope Josh is doing ok. Lots of hugs and well wishes are being sent your way!

Gaby said...

omg I am so sorry! That is so unfortunate - I hope Josh gets better soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry that happened, I your husband is ok. I know that can be a tough situation--you'll find another dog that is perfect for your family!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance said...

eek! Oh no! sorry to hear :-( i've never had dogs so that sounds really scary to me.

Pam (Highway to Health) said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope Josh is ok... You did the right thing! Hang in there!

elise said... so sorry it didnt work out. im sure youll find a more fam friendly addition later on. i hope josh is ok!

Lauren said...

Oh my gosh Erica, I am so sorry to hear this. I hope Josh is okay and my prayers and thoughts are with you guys.
If you need anything during this time, please let me know.

Take care sweet girl!

Caroline said...

Sorry to hear about the incident...a new fur child will come your way when the time is right:)

Juliana said...

Oh Erica, I am so sorry to hear that...I hope Josh feels better and can recover the way, maybe it is not a good time, but whenever you feel a little better I have a "little something" for you, please go to at the bottom of the post :-)

Deirdre said...

I'm so sorry that happened to Josh. Your heart was in the right place!

Carly said...

Oh no! I hope Josh feels better soon, and our thoughts are with all three of you.

The Blonde Duck said...

That's so sad!!!

lynn said...

oh and to answer your question on my blog - "i love you man" was terrific. you guys should definitely see it!

Esi said...

Sorry about the accident. Hope Josh is better soon!

Julie said...

Oh gosh, I hope Josh has a speedy recovery.

Diana said...

Oh nooooo, I'm so sorry to hear this! Hope all's well by now. :( If it makes you feel better, my sister had a similar experience with a 2nd cat she adopted a few years back. Sad, but it happens!

Michelle said...

Oh sweetie,

that is very sad on all accounts. I am sorry.

Lainie said...

Erica, I'm so sorry to hear this. Take all the time you need - sending hugs your way! Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

oh... so sorry to hear that. it must have been hard for you and Josh to decide to return it back. HUGS~~

Kerstin said...

So sorry it didn't work out Erica :( I'm glad Josh is ok though!

Holly said...

Oh my goodness, girl!! I'm so, so sorry. I know that was probably an emotionally draining experience. Although it was hard, it's probably good you found this out now rather than after you'd formed a deep attachment to her, ya know? I just KNOW there is a little one out there for you guys...and the Frankster!

Thinking of you guys and hope your Monday was good. :-)

fittingbackin said...

That is so awful - I'm so glad he's okay and that you guys are doing better. :(

bhealthier said...

oh no!! Erica I am so sorry to read this! I do hope Josh has a speedy recovery free of complications.

That stinks that you had to drive her back, poor dog too - I wish she didn't have issues with males!

My head is so fuzzy with the past few days of meds and dry sockets- sorry I have to catch up and missed this post!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that. I hope that you are all on the mend!
I rescued a pitt bull/ akita several years ago and I always kept in the back of my mind that we didn't know ALL of his history. It is a risk sometimes, but most of the time it works out to be a great new life for the dog.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I did see that post and then saw it was deleted when I went to comment on it. I wondered what happened. I'm so sorry, I hope Josh's recovery is going smoothly.

mtbcy said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the female bull dog! It is so sweet of you guys to even consider taking in a rescue dog. Sometimes the baggage they come with is just too much. Isn't that so sad? You should be proud of yourself for doing the right thing by attempting the adoption and doing what's best for your family. Hope Josh's leg is healing well!

Samantha said...

Oh Erica, I am so sorry to hear this. Sorry I am late - I have not been doing that much blog reading lately. I hope that Josh feels better.

Tay said...

awww I'm so very sorry that happened :-( I guess you can only take it as a sign that maybe a better match of a dog is out there for you?

HangryPants said...

Oh Erica that is horrible. I hope Josh is okay now.

Kath said...

Oh no!!! So sorry to hear that :(

Anonymous said...

im' so sorry to hear that! it's hard when you want to adopt a pet becuase you never know what has happened to them in their life until that point. sometimes they adapt really well and are great, and sometimes they just can't get past their issues. My bf and I adopted a pup from the humane society and its definitely a long process in the beginnign getting them through the tough time. im glad to hear josh is doing okay though! im sorry you had to go through this!