Hope your
Monday went well! My day started out extra early, as I had to drop Josh off at the airport. Next, I headed right into work for what turned out to be a pretty busy day! After work, I watched the episode of Kendra I fell asleep during last night- it was super cute! Did everyone catch Next Food Network Star last night??? I won't spoil it but I am SUPER excited about the outcome and cannot wait to watch the new show!!
After my afternoon TV, I headed out to teach Body Step and came home to try out an almost completely raw meal. First up, papaya and cantaloupe- so delicious!

For my main course, I mixed up chopped raw squash, chopped raw jicama, chopped raw pepper, a half an avocado, a little salsa, lime juice, pinto beans (pre cooked/canned). Before mixing:

And after:

The concept seemed like it would be yummy but it was very bleck. Raw eaters out there, what did I do wrong? I think this could have been good without the squash. Have you tried raw squash?? Is raw zucchini just that much better? Thoughts???
Oh well....you win some, you lose some. All meals can't be AMAZING. I'm going to snack on an apple with a little nut butter and read some Twilight :)
I don't think I could do raw squash, I'd probably save that for my morning smoothie
Ehh, you mixed a lot of ingredients in there... not a tasty-sounding combination, sorry, haha ;-)
hmm, what kind of squash was it? i've done raw zucchini and summer squash, but i don't think any others!
i guess you didn't add any flavored ingredient there! sorry!
Sorry to hear your meal wasn't very good. I eat raw zucchini, but haven't tried any other types of squash raw. Maybe next time, eh?!
Hm, I haven't tried raw squash either, and maybe you needed more salsa or something? Some cilantro or a good dose of Tabasco might have helped too. Don't give up on raw meals though!!
I am not a big fan of raw squash or zucchini, sometimes it's okay, but I prefer it cooked tender with salt and peppa!
Hmmm, not sure why the raw salad didn't turn out. I think that some raw foods take some getting use to. I actually love raw squash but I know that some people can't get into it.
When it comes down to it, you should stick to the foods you love. There is no need to suffer through a less than delicious meal if you don't completely enjoy it. Trust me, there have been so many times where I have made something I think that I would like, but then tasted it, hated it, and threw it out and started again.
It's all about experimenting. You will never know until you try right?
Hope you had a beautiful Monday beautiful girl!
I watched the Next Foodnetwork star last night.... and I am super excited about the results :)
Have you ever tried zucchini squash? I eat it raw, its really good
I think for raw squash you have to shave it suuuuper thin. Big chunks of it don't seem appetizing at all.
nd I agree with what the other commenters said about seasoning. i bet some cilantro and salt/pepper would have helped a ton!
I'm not a raw foodist, and never could eat raw veggies except for salad greens and carrots! But perhaps you could have used some interesting strong-tasting dressing?
Hmmm my comment didn't come up for some reason. Anyhow, on the next food star, I wanted the other show concept to win but this winner to win! If that makes sense..have a great night dear! I hope your boyfriend treats ya well and snuggles you all night (and doesn't drool, as bullies are prone to doing :))
Hmmm, I don't know much about raw eating, but I agree with the suggestions - cilantro sounds yummy! Of course, this coming from the girl who would probably eat cilantro on paper.
I don't eat a completely raw diet, but a lot of my diet is raw without even trying:) I like raw zucchini slices on my veggie sandwiches or in my salads. Yellow squash is pretty good too. Maybe the combo was bad? Better luck next time:)
I love love love shredded raw zucchini (vs squash) with mashed avocado, lemon juice and sea salt. Then you can slowly add things that sound good in...It's a lot about texture too, so maybe slicing the peppers into match sticks?
Sometimes too many veggies can be the problem. Plus, the salsa could just water it down.
Try it simple first and try mashing the avo into the veggies (or massaging) and adding some sea salt. I love it that way! (Adding spinach in is great too.)
I'm not necessarily a raw eater but I do put raw squash in my salads and I haven't had a problem. Maybe veggie girl has the right idea...too many ingredients in the wrong combination :)
Raw squash sounds a little iffy...but I agree, in theory, it all sounds good. Better luck next time :)
I'm sorry your raw feast didn't turn out so well:( It certainly looks pretty at least!
You could have fooled me, because it looks tasty to me! haha. Oh well, you live, you learn, right? ; )
I am SO happy with the results of Food Network Star--girl power!
I've done raw summer squash, zuc and patty pan aka "soft squash". I don't think anything like acorn, butternut or spaghetti were meant to be eaten raw. I also find that most squash is pretty bland on its own, and like others have posted, spices is nice! Hope you have better luck next time!
I don't think raw squash sound too appetizing. I read somewhere that some veggies need to be cook a little to get to the nutrients because of the cellulose walls. The cantaloupe and papaya sound delish alright!
Sorry the dinner was a bit of a disaster! I don't eat summer squash or zucchini unless baked into a quick bread so I wish I could help!
I think you're missing something sweet in the salad dressing...maybe a little raw agave nectar? Might be nice with the lime juice.
I've only tried raw zucchini when it's cut with a vegetable peeler to make raw "pasta," and it was pretty good then. Not a ton of flavor, but nothing bad about it.
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