Monday, August 31, 2009

Corn Cakes & A Crab

Thank you all for the early birthday wishes!! Birthday plans are in the works. Josh and I are hoping to do something special this weekend (maybe rock climbing or kayaking). I’d love to get some Fresh Berry froyo too. And my parents are having a little BBQ birthday party for me on Labor Day. So lots of great things in store! Its a big birthday week in the food blogger world! I'd like to send a Happy Birthday out to Rose and Erin!!!

OK, onto today. I am super crabby.....not sure whats up, maybe just not enough sleep? I think Frank is in the same boat...

My manager allowed me to work from home today=heaven! I put in an early morning four mile run, in hopes that the run would get things moving in my tummy. No such luck. Work was fairly busy (made the day go by fast!). After work, I ran out and took my friend Jennifer’s 45 minute spin class. I was a sweaty monster afterwards (fabulous!) When I got home, I realized I had gotten my/Frank's prize from a contest we won on Meals and Moves:

Thank you so much Janetha and Penelope Jane!!! Frank & I cannot wait to enjoy our treats (Frank already opened his cookies ;)).
For dinner tonight, I made a recipe from one of my favorite blogs, No Meat Athlete. As soon as I saw this recipe, I book marked it and put it into my meal plan for this week. Since I had some TJs refried black beans sitting in the pantry, I decided to use these (versus cooking up the black beans as per the NMA recipe).

The corn cakes came out AWESOME! Aside from the refried black beans, I topped mine with salsa and bell pepper. SO yummy!!

Now I am awaiting Josh's return from the gym. I think we're headed to Lowe's to pick up our new grill. I am super excited. Maybe the new grill will make the crabby me disappear ;)
Do you have a grill? What is your favorite grill recipe (feel free to provide links!!)?


Jenna said...

Evening! Oh my god, Mike would DIE if he saw Frank. He wants a bulldog SO BAD :)

Dinner looks out of this world. I think I am going to take the plunge and get my own domain name after seeing No Meat Athlete's tweet this afternoon. He had such great tips, got to love the blog world!

So exciting about your grill! We just got one as well when we moved, am I am not grill master. I will be excited to read some people ideas, because I am going to snag them too ;)

Lizzy said...

I love what you had for dinner. so yum!!!!

I am a firm believer that anything can be grilled. try out fruits, they are amazing! :)

Lauren said...

AW, so sorry to hear that you are feeling a case of the Monday blues! :(

I hope your grill lifts your spirits too! We have a Weber that is the pride of joy of our little home. My parents graciously gifted us with this baby as a moving in present and it is the most incredible grill ever! If you can afford it, the Webers are totally worth the money.

My favorite thing to make on the grill is veggies and salmon. Something about these two things just taste 1000X better on the grill.

Can't wait to see the new addition to your backyard! :)

Anonymous said...

Monday is hard, especially if you had a fun weekend! :)
I'd love to have a grill too!

Julie said...

Oh! Buy a Webster grill! Lifetime guaranty and the best grill ever :) I loved grilled pineapples!

K from ksgoodeats said...

That dinner looks absolutely fantastic!! I love the sounds of corn cakes (if they taste like corn bread, I'm there)!

Sorry to hear about the Monday funk - sounds like you guys have quite the week coming up though! That'll be exciting :)

I just like grilled veggies, nothing special!

Britt said...

I love our grill... unfortunately tonight we ran out of propane.... me and my turkey burgers were very disappointed. Luckily we have a plug in electric grill/griddle so that did the trick.

I cannot imagine summer cooking without a grill, I hate heating the house up on a hot day!

Your dinner looks delish! I need to do more vegetarian dishes for dinner. :)

Pam said...

The funny things is that we used to have a grill, but then we switched to a little George Foreman grill and it's on my kitchen!

Happy Grilling and Be Happy!

Nicci said...

I seem to burn items on grills, a girl like me sticks with a George Foreman plus I'm in a apt. but when i get a house I want to learn to use an outside grill. I like Lowe's...I get lost there though. lol

amanda said...

your title for this post makes me hungry and happy. it sounds so southern and summery.

amanda said...

and mondays are always the pits!

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

I do not have a grill! Isn't that awful? I love grilled zucchini though. Just get some foil, some cut up zucchini and a little olive oil and grill! I add parmesan cheese and seasonings. Love it!

Erika said...

That picture of your dog is too funny!

I love grilling! Getting dinner together just seems so much easier on a grill. I love swordfish, shrimp, asparagus, corn, peaches,pineapple...pretty much anything!

Fitnessista said...

ahhhh i love frank! i get those newman's own treats for bell and viesa, too- they love them
my favorite grill recipe is foiled pack veggies (with evoo, sea salt, garlic, pepper and fresh rosemary) and shrimp skewers (seasoned with lemon juice and zest, texas pete, paprika, garlic, sea salt and pepper).. so good!
have a great night!

janetha said...

yay! glad you got the package safe and sound. love the photo of mister beans up top. hooray for a new grill! can't wait to see the creations that come from it. i am a big fan of grilling corn in their husks.. i open the husk, brush some olive oil on the corn, sprinkle with season salt and then wrap them back up.. it is like a little hot pocket of love ;)

Pearl said...

happy early birthday! mm your eats look wonderful!

allijag said...

Frankie pooo pooo! :)

Don't be crabby my Itzy loves! Cheer up both of you! :)

Esi said...

Happy almost birthday! Sounds like your birthday week is going to be amazing.

I Run for Fun said...

Happy birthday in advance! I feel a little crabby too, maybe it's just the Monday blues! Frankie is adorable...that dog cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

My roomies and I would die of starvation if not for our grill. I LOVE LOVE LOVE veggie burgers with guacamole on the grill, but also I love just cutting up a sweet potato, putting it on the aluminum foil, and cooking it on the grill. Usually I take it off at the end to brown the edges. The best thing EVER!

Jess (Fit Chick in the City) said...

Um yeah, I live in NYC so off course I don't have a grill. ;( How sad.

Lainie said...

I am in looooove with your dog!!! He is so cute!

Your dinner looks incredible - I think it's a vegetarian option even the husband will like...I'm gonna make it next week I think!

Eat Chic said...

What a fun recipe, that's something new I've never seen! I wish I had a grill, everything on the grill reminds me of summer. I'm sure you'll get a great deal on one since summer is sadly over! Time flies!

Priyanka said...

So sorry you feel this way, hope your Tuesday is better!

Pancakes look yum!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you aren't feeling 100%! hopefully your grill and a decent night's sleep will cheer you up :)

The corncakes look delicious! Grill- I only have a George Foreman and I use it to make wraps :D

Anonymous said...

You seriously have the sweetest dog ever - with the best name too!

I made Matt's corn cake a couple weeks ago, mine turned out fab too!

August, September and October are big birthday months - cause when you count back 9 months (November, December, January) everyone is cooped upside with nothing else to do! *wink wink*

Yum Yucky said...

Everyone's entitled to a bit of crabbyiess every once in a while. So I'm thinking - is there such a thing as Grilled Crab Cakes? I don't know, just asking.

Ada said...

Aww, Frank is SO adorable! I'm sorry your having a crabby day, I guess everyone has those sometimes.

Those corn cakes look absolutely fantastic. I'm looking up the recipe right now. I made your rutabaga fries last night and they were delicious, thanks for the great idea!

I'm so jealous that you're getting a grill, I wish I could fit a grill inside my tiny NYC apartment haha.

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Frank always makes me miss my lovely little bulldog :-( I wish I could have a pet in my apartment. I would so steal him from my mom :-)

That's a really unique recipe!! I am not a big fan of grilling--love grilled food, but not grilling LOL

vanillasugarblog said...

You know how much I love the frankenator! I get cranky, really cranky when I don't get my: chocolate fix, my latte and my weight training in.
My b-day is in sept too and I am not looking forward because I'm an old fart!!!

HealthySDLiving said...

Yay for the new grill! :) I officially LOVE your dog...such a cutie!

Bridget said...

Oh Frank, I heart you! Yay for bdays tomorrow!!!!! I am turning 27 this year too...craziness. Those corn cakes sound so good, I can't wait until I'm back in a normal cooking schedule once our house it put together :)

Krista said...

Sounds like you have some good b-day festivities planned!

Thanks for the link to the corn cake recipe. I've bookmarked it too!

Have a great day...

RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

woohoooooo!!! Another Virgo in the house! My bday is September 9th, turning 26, and not sure either how it happened so fast.

happy birthday (early)!

Anonymous said...

I love Frank! I've never made corn cakes before - I am putting it on my list of things to make!

We have two grills, one gas one charcoal - can't live without them!

Anonymous said...

Happy early birthday! I just turned 27 in June. Craziness ;)

Unknown said...

so tired and you manage a run and spin class? sheesh! :) great package, and love those corn cakes, gotta get me some more corn!

i miss my grill :(

Meredith (Pursuing Balance) said...

Is that hamburger candy?? If so, I think I bought the same one for my boyfriend recently. I told him I didn't feel guilty buying it for him because it wasn't real meat :)

Mandy said...

Woohoo for new grills!! That's awesome!

Corncakes?? YUM!!! Good choice!!

That picture of Frank cracks me up!!!

I hope you're feeling better today! :)

Juliana said...

Mondays are always hard :-) I love grilling...makes life much easier, the mess stay out side of the house :-)

teresa said...

i know what you mean about being crabby, i definitely have those days too. i hope your tummy gets better soon.

the corn cakes look wonderful, especially with those beans!

Pam (Highway to Health) said...

Ooh Frank!!! He is too darn cute.

Dinner looks great.

I wish we had a grill maybe our next place will allow us to have one!

Matt (No Meat Athlete) said...

Hey! I'm glad you liked the corn cakes. I loved them :) Then again, I like anything corn-bready.

Anonymous said...

Oh Erica! Thank you so much for the birthday love! You're such a sweet and wonderful woman and I just love you.
THanks for linking that blog - it looks like another keeper!
Rob luffs grilling (so yes, to answer your q)! I asked him for his favorite recipe, but he is very drugged at the moment. ;)
Frank - Auntie loves you bb!
I'm cranky too. Let's just be bitches!

RhodeyGirl said...

happy birthday virgo friend!!!