Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Anniversary Part 2 & Dinner

(Sorry in advanced if this is long)

I feel very loved today! I had a FANTASTIC anniversary, even though Josh couldn’t be here to spend it with me. My day started out with this gorgeous and HUGE bunch of flowers Josh sent me:

It contains some of my very favorite flowers including calla lilies, sunflowers, and thistle. Since I worked for a florist through the majority of my teenage years, I have a good idea of what I like and what I don’t and Josh did an AMAZING job.

We also got an awesome packet of goodies from Josh’s parents including the cutest bulldog t-shirt from jcrew (thank you for the heads up Erin!!), another t shirt that says Frank on it (enough said), some wonderful workout gear, and cute stuff for Josh too. Thank you thank you!

After work today, I relaxed, did some house work and reading, and then went out to teach Body Attack. I came home and had a slammin taco salad:

And some more cantaloupe:

Thank you all for the wonderful compliments on the first set of wedding pictures :) To answer your questions- 1. The wedding was held outside Philadelphia near the King of Prussia Mall and 2. Yes! Frankie was our ring bearer ;). Onto more wedding pics. We had our reception at the Desmond in Malvern, PA.

Josh and I were thrilled to finally RELAX and just be married. I changed dresses too (both of my dresses were inexpensive):

We had our first dance and some great eats...

And there was a LITTLE bit of drinking at our wedding...

Which led to...

oh and...

and dancing in a circle...

and all together just ridiculousness...

but mostly I just enjoyed a lot of time with Josh...

just a fabulous night...

Hope you enjoyed seeing a little bit of our big day. Happy Anniversary again Joshers!


Ashley Lauren said...

I just love weddings! Happy Anniversary, and best wishes for many, many more :)

Sarah said...

The best part of weddings is the party after! Dancing is mandatory :-) We went to one wedding where the dancing was a tiny afterthought, it's just not the same.

I love your idea to change dresses; a great way to make the event seem more luxurious.

I'm sorry you couldn't spend the day together, but it's about the rest of your life, not one day right?

Yum Yucky said...

How wonderful is this! I wish you both a lifetime of happiness!

Julie said...

awwww you guys make a GORGEOUS couple :) how fun! weddings are so romantic!

those flowers are perfect! I love love loveee sunflowers!

Mandy said...

Your wedding looked like so much fun!!! I love the pictures! Especially the one of you two dancing... too sweet!!!

Sorry your hubs couldn't be there today :(

The flowers are GORGEOUS! Sunflowers are one of my favs, too :)

And yummy food today!!!

Lauren said...

Oh my gosh, everything is so beautiful. Beautiful flowers, beautiful eats, beautiful pictures. Erica, darling, you are breathtaking! Thanks for sharing these wonderful memories with everyone.

That is so cool that you were married in Philly. I know that you said you use to live around there. Does your family still live in PA? Do you ever come back to visit? Next time you find yourself in PA, we need to get together!!!

The Purple Carrot said...

That's awesome, I loved this post!! : )

And such beautiful flowers!!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

So freaking beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love your wedding pics!! They are so beautiful! Have a great night, Erica! I'm sorry Josh couldn't be there with you though!

Anonymous said...

I love your wedding pics!! They are so beautiful! Have a great night, Erica! I'm sorry Josh couldn't be there with you though!

Eve said...

so sweet!! your pics are beautiful :)

Holly said...

I don't know which dress I like better - they're both SO beautiful!!! Love all of the pictures...it looks like such an amazing, wonderful day. :-)

Lainie said...

Wow - great pictures! You are one lucky lady to get those gorgeous flowers!!! And I love your hair at your wedding - so simple and stunning. Beautiful!

fittingbackin said...

Love the pics! You guys are adorable - and your reception looked SO fun! Lastly: your flowers AND taco salad look glorious! Happy Anniversary. :)

Deirdre said...

Great wedding pictures! Happy Anniversary! How did you guys meet again?

Trying To Heal said...

again, gorgeous on your wedding!!! it looks like you had so much fun!

K from ksgoodeats said...

The pictures of your feet when you guys were dancing made me literally go, "Awwww!!"

Congrats to you guys - you two are adorable!

Anonymous said...

Anything with sunflowers in it is a winner to me!!

Love the wedding day recap. What a beautiful day. Looks like you have great memories!!

Danielle C. said...

I love sunflowers, it seems like they never get any love!

~M~ said...

AW! The one of Josh picking you up is my favorite!!

Alison Can Read said...

Such beautiful flowers! Receptions really are the best part of weddings. Mine was a very small dinner with about 30 people. I love how everyone can create weddings fit to their personality. It looks like you had a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures Erica! You look sooo happy and beautiful :D Nice work on the flowers too Josh!

Christina said...

happy anniversary! i absolutely love the pic of josh picking you up :)

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

Ahh these pics are awesome! I bet you have the best wedding album :)

whol body love said...

That dress is lovely. What beautiful wedding pics! I love the one with him resting his chin on your head.

Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

love your dress and those pictures of you... you look so beautiful and happy! :)

Anna said...

What a beautiful wedding! I love seeing bloggers wedding photos... that picture of you guys dancing with your feet off the ground is adorable.

Fitnessista said...

awwww i started my morning with a lovely sobfest. weddings get me so choked up (i LOVE them!) and yours looks like it was so beautiful.
amazing flowers and gifts!
looooooved the wedding pics- such a gorgeous couple!
enjoy your day <3

Deva said...

Your weddin and reception photos are gorgeous, and Josh picked out the most beautiful bouquet of flowers - so lovely! Happy (belated) Anniversary!

Peanut Butter Swirl said...

aww those flowers are GORGEOUS.
you made SUCH a beautiful bride (I just saw your last post) I think you two are just so cute with the height difference.

Maria said...

Love the flowers! Thanks for sharing more photos too! I love weddings. I tell my Josh we should get married again so we can have another big reception:)

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Yay for more pictures and double yay for beautiful flowers! The only thing I don't like is they don't last that long :-(

Paige@ Running Around Normal said...

What a beautiful reception! Happy anniversary. Those flowers are gorgeous.

Kelly said...

Happy anniversary. It looks like quite the enjoyable wedding. I love taco salads myself and just had one this week with some yummy beef from the farmer's market.

Chef Jeena said...

Beautiful wedding Erica it looks like everyone had great fun too.

Your dressing look amazing and it is so cute having Frank as the ring bearer!

Rose said...

A+ for Josh on those flowers. beautiful!

i love that pic of your feet not touching the floor.

veron said...

The pictures are absolutely heartwarming. Wishing you a lifetime of joy and prosperity!

Anonymous said...

so fun to see your wedding photos! you look amazing:)

holly said...

your dresses are GORGE! gosh, i LOVE weddings!

Aggie said...

loved seeing the pictures Erica...what a beautiful couple you guys are. Congrats on your anniversary!!

She-Fit said...

A- Josh scored big time on the flowers!
B- Love the dress you changed into
C- The pic of your feet off the floor is way too cute. I love it!!

mom2boys said...

Just came across your blog from healthy tipping point and just gotta tell you how much I love it. Your wedding looked beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that dress. The wedding looks like it was so much fun! That photo of Josh picking you up is so great.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers and beautiful pics. Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous wedding--you look so happy! :)

stephchows said...

all of your wedding pictures are so adorable!! where did you get your dresses? I'm in the middle of a dress hunt and love them! :)

Diana said...

Oh man I just LOVE wedding pictures. Congrats on your anni! Thanks for sharing the pics!

Unknown said...

great-lookin flowers! how cute his rents sent you guys a package ;) love the pics, looks like such a blast!!!

Eliza said...

Aw your pictures are gorgeous and your wedding looked like it was a lot of fun!

I am the Eliza that wants to move to Charleston:)

amanda said...

how beautiful are those flowers!!

and you, my dear, look just stunning in those photos.

yayyy for a blissful anniversary!

Lauren said...

Lovely pictures! I grew up pretty close to where you and Josh were married... I went to Great Valley High School. Small world!

Diana said...

You look so very very beautiful! Happy Anniversary! Cheers to many many more. :)

Kerstin said...

Happy Anniversary!! I love all your gorgeous pics, you're such a cute couple!

Anonymous said...

WOW Erica! What beautiful pictures! You guys look like a golden couple, and those flowers are gorgeous!

HangryPants said...

That is so sweet. Happy Anniversary!

I love the one with your feet of the ground. Super cute.

Anonymous said...

How fun! I love that picture that shows how much taller he is than you - your feet are so tiny compared to his...love it!

Great idea to buy two inexpensive dresses and get to dress up nice twice! You are just full of good wedding tips :o) Happy belated anniversary, once again! Josh did great with those flowers - beautiful!