for cooperating. Here is a sweet sweaty picture of me after my run:
I'd also like to thank some of my awesome fellow bloggers who are INCREDIBLE runners and truly inspire me including Meghann, Caitlin, Alison, Matt, and countless others I'm forgetting right now.
After my run, I got showered, and did some stuff around the house. By dinner, I was famished! I'd like to note that what I show on the blog is NOT all I eat at night. I eat approximately 5-6 meals a day (its what works for me). What I show is my 4th or 5th meal and I usually snack later. For din din, I worked (again) on cleaning out the fridge. Not to totally bore you, but I had the same thing as last night ;)

For my "fifth meal" later on, I had some cereal and an apple. Josh had the new pineapple chobani (look for a full review tomorrow), a big load of eggs, an arnold's thin toasted with a little smart balance, and a pear:

He is now eating some cookies and milk :)
What is your eating schedule like? Do you tend to eat three meals? Do you snack?
Awesome on the running! Love the are so balanced! I am definitely a 3 meal + 1 snack (afternoon) girl.
I usually eat 3 meals a day, but when I run longer distances I need to aeat more!
I usual eat 3 meals and 2 snacks, more if I have a big workout
Congrats girl on such an amazing run! That rocks, I am so proud of you!!! :)
I figured you ate more than what you too. I don't show every single thing I eat, because then I would feel like it was more of a chore or a food diary for my own personal needs. And really, I don't want to relive every single morsal I consume, only the exciting ones are worth remembering. Good thing most of them are exciting though.
PS- How can you look that adorable after a long run? LoL. Love ya!!!
Awesome run!!!
I tend to eat 3 meals a day, and if I need to snack in between, I do. I try to be intuitive, but I also know to eat a smaller lunch (just a salad) because I'll probably want another part of that later as a snack (piece of fruit, part of a bar,etc.)
so exciting news! :)
I usually eat 3 meals and sometimes 1 or 2 snacks in between!
Hey girl! I am *thinking* about doing a half marathon too. I recently just got up to 10 miles, so I know how it feels, congrats on the 9 miles, that is AWESOME!
I took your advice and spruced up my 'About Me' page, which actually touches on your question exactly. I hope you get to know a little bit more about me through it. :)
Enjoy your evening!
Girl Congrats on that run!!!! I'm so proud of you! :)
I eat 3 meals, and i do snack at night 99.9% of the time! haha :)
Good luck on the races! I probably eat three meals and two snacks. And of course, dessert! :)
Thanks for the shout out! You do your own amount of inspiring too; I've discovered that's the great thing about the health-blog world--everyone inspires each other!
Great job doing the 9. That might be the longest first training run in history! I think you could do a half marathon today if you had to.
Get used to feeling famished after those long runs. But for me, there's no better feeling than a nice big meal after a long run---like you earned every last bit of it.
Woooo for running races!! I'm starting to run some too. And i'm with you on the 5 "meals" a day, my stomach can't handle a lot of food at one time so it works better for me to make sure I get in enough calories. I can't wait to hear about the pineapple chobani!
great job on the running! and you look amazing after running for so long!
the salad looks great, not a bad way to clean out the frigde!
FABULOUS job on the 9 mile run - the half marathon (whenever you do sign up) will be a piece of cake :)
Snacker here! I usually do 3 larger meals and 1-3 snacks in the day depending on hunger levels!
yay for sweaty runner faces :) hehe
I eat 3 moderate meals and 2 or 3 snacks or more.. I graze so sometimes it's snacks all day :-)
Congrats on your run : ) and look at those calf muscles! ; )
congrats on your first 9 mile run!! im a huge snacker, so i like to have 6 or 7 small meals throughout the day!
Good for you! I wish my body could handle longer runs, but not right now. I am doing Body Combat in the morning. I will let you know how it goes:)
I eat small snacks throughout the day. I have low blood sugar and shake if I dont eat often, plus I like to keep my metabolism up. I think it also helps me fit in more fruits and veggies too! Have a great weekend!
I do 3 meals and try to do 2 snacks (fruits or veggies. Congrats on your long run. I hope to be able to do that by next year.
Good for you! Run like the wind :-)
I do 3 meals per day. The snacking/small meals thing was not helping my body maintain its own blood sugar levels as I was constantly feeding it. Once I got healthy and cut sugar out of my diet, 3 meals started to finally work!
OMG niiice work Erica! That is so awesome :D I ran two the other day and was pretty darn stoked on it...
I am definitely a snackie/munchie person, I don't get how people can eat lunch and then wait like, 6 hours until dinner!
After a short (and inconvenient) bout of 6 mini meals, I decided that 3 meals and a smoothie works best for me:)
I eat about 4 meals a day and about 2 snacks!!
Oh and great run!!!
You go, girl! What a great run... you must feel SO accomplished!
I eat three meals AND snack a lot :-D
My eating schedule depends on my day's schedule. It varies day to day. Congrats on your decision to start running in races!
9 miles!? I'm impressed girl! That is awesome - congratulations! I long for the day when I can run 9 miles in a row...maybe one day!
I usually eat 3 meals + 2 snacks each day. But sometimes more or less, depending on my hunger...
Congrats on the 9 miles!! I just eat when I am hungry so it totally varies for me.
Woo! So exciting! Congrats on the run- can't wait to hear how training goes! :D
I eat 3 meals and 1 snack :)
Congrats on the run! 9 miles is awesome, girl :D I eat 3 meals, but usually snack a bit. I'll usually have one more substantial snack between lunch and dinner. It depends on the day and how active/hungry I am, though :)
She's wearin' that workout dress skirt thing a ma bob!
Hi Erica! Are you running the IOP connector race???
congrats, what a great run!!! sounds like your training is well udnerway :) usually 3 meals, +/- 2 snacks... depends on when i can squeeze in a workout, etc
Hi Lindsay! yes- I am thinking about it ;) Are you??
I am! It's my first race! I'm so excited!
Congrats on the 9 miler! If you can do that you can DEFINITELY do a half marathon! :)
Woohoo for running! I hate it, but I am glad you like it :-) ha.
As far as my eating schedule goes, I have never been a big snacker, and eat the standard three meals a day. I eat big at meals, so that's prob why I don't snack? Lol
I like how you thanked your legs. I think we tend to overlook all the great things our bodies do for us everyday and just focus on the flaws! When I'm feling negative about my shape I remind myself that my body worked very hard at giving me beautiful, healthy babies and came out pretty darn good on the other side!!
Can't wait to hear the pineapple Chobani review!
I tend to eat 3 meals, 2-ish snacks a day. I find that I generally get hungry every 3 hours or so!
Yay for 9 miles!!!!!!!
Wahoo, girl - that is awesome!!! And how cute are you after a 9 mile run in the heat? Seriously! Puts me to shame. :-)
I'm a 3 meal girl but also snacker if I need them. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't....I can't go more than 2-3 hours without something or I get HANGRY.
Nice! Go girl. You rocked those 9 miles. It's amazing how much running makes me staaaarving. It's like I have to eat every 2-3 hours or else my limbs will fall off.
I usually eat 3 meals and three snacks a day. It works best for me that way.
Congrats on an awesome run - I have 8 miles tomorrow!
That's awesome! Can I ask what your running base was before that? I am in the same boat...I would like to run some races this season and am toying for the idea of a half, but right now my longest run to date is only a little more than 5 miles.
Sooo I would have some work to do!
girl look at those buff shoulders! I'm impressed! LOL I know I'm supposed to comment and say congrats. Congrats. I could never run 10k or even 1K, but I am weightlifting girl. Love those shoulders girl!
WOW congrats you little powerhouse! You have some beautiful legs! Love 'em!
I usually eat 2-3 times a day. It helps me digest (poo) better. :)
WOOHOO for the running! That's amazing!! Go for the race - I think you'd do awesome :)
I usually do 5-6 mini meals. I don't like sitting down and eating HUGE meals, it makes me feel bloated and icky. Eating throughout the day keeps my blood sugar in check (I'm hypoglycemic) and keeps me content.
Congrats on the run!! That's awesome!
Congratulations, wow! you always congrats me on my runs- and you definitely rocked that 9 miles! good for you!
I don't always show everything I eat because I feel like I am giving off the idea behind my diet-style- not necessarily every bite that crosses these lips. I think the bigger picture is more important because so many people just have no clue what eating healthy really means, or even what asparagus or zuchinni looks like , so I try to eat when I am hungry and until I am satisfied- sometimes thats 3 meals or 4 meals a day.
Great job on the run! I tend to eat 3 meals a day with an afternoon snack if I'm going to work out at night. Have fun at the wedding.
You are an inspiration, love your meals.
I'm a grazer, for the most part. I try to eat every few hours, even if it's something small but ineveitably one meal ends up much bigger than everything else.
Congrats on the 9 miles!
CONGRATS girl! And thanks for your sweet words - I hope you hear those race forms calling your name because I DO! Way to go, awesome job!
I definitely eat three meals and always one snack, sometimes two! Ain't no shame in 5 meals a day. ;)
Lindsay- shoot me an email (itzyskitchen at gmail dot com) - we should totally meet up at the race!
Congrats on the running!
I'm a 3 meal and 1 to 2 snack person. Depends on what I"m eating for meals and how my hunger is for the day.
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