Today was a wonderful day off! I actually decided to get up at pretty much my regular time and get some things done around the house. I ironed, did laundry, washed the bathroom floors, and gave the whole house a vacuum. I also baked up a loaf of cinnamon sweet bread! Unfortunately, given the clean month, this loaf is not for me! Josh’s parents are coming to visit tomorrow night for dinner (they’re vacationing in Hilton Head), so I made the loaf for them.

After the housework was done, I ran out and picked up a coffee and went to the outlets to my favorite store, Banana Republic! The outlet was having an AMAZING sale. I got 5 nice tops/sweaters for $80! When I got home, I ate lunch, napped, started to learn the new Body Step, did my
BBBC ab workout from
here (3 sets of toe touches, scissors, 45 degree crunches), and then relaxed some more before heading out to teach Body Step.
Breakfast- hard boiled egg whites, coffee (no pic).
Lunch- Salad of sorts (1/4 cup wheat berries, leftover green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, tomato, little olive oil, and balsamic vinegar), whole wheat bread

…And apple with cinnamon
Snack-1/2 scoop Jay Robb egg white protein, 1 cup milk, 1 banana
Dinner-Stir Fry (ground turkey, mixed veggies, black beans). I stressed a little because I
couldn’t use my regular stir fry sauce because it contains soy and too much salt. I added a little hot sauce and no salt added tomato sauce instead
Now its time to cut Josh's hair and take a shower! Maybe later I will have a little more fruit as well ;)
Hooray for a day off, spending time with your loved ones (hi Frank and Josh!!), and for a soy-free stir-fry!!
Glad you enjoyed your day off. You were very productive! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I put the video clip on. It was fun to do! I didn't work either, after the show we watched Slumdog and relaxed. A good day!
I am liking the addition of the black beans to the stir fry. What a nice day off.
Breaking news alert!! The Countess and the Count are getting a divorce! Oh Housewives....
Hooray for days off!! Glad you enjoyed it! Outlets are the best - gotta love a good bargain!!
yummy day of clean food! love the bread, and i love frank even more. what a cute pupster!!
awww yay for a day off and spending it so nicely!
yay for days off!
your dog is SO cute :) how nice you had a day to get all your stuff done!
AHHHH!! All I saw in this post were the words "Hilton Head"!!!
great day off to spend on house working and baking!
stir-fry without soy sauce? how would that taste? Clean eating doesn't include soy sauce? that will be hard for me!
What an awesome day!!! I totally love your scrumptious eats!!!
Awesome eats! And CUTEEEE pup!
That loaf looks delish! I will take it off of your hands if you feel the urge to bake anymore this month! lol
Stir fry looks so good. A day off must have been fun. Glad your dog likes baths my dog dislikes them lots. Would you mind if I added you to my blogroll?
I never think of ground meat in a stir fry but yours looks awesome!
Great pic of Frank, too! :)
yay on the no soy!
i always put cinnamon on my apples...its the best!
your soy-free stir looks great! i love black beans :)
That bread looks delicious, you're so lucky to have had the day off!
What a great day off you had! I hope to be as productive as you tomorrow :o) And yummy cinnamon sweet bread!
The sale at Banana Republic sounds amazing. And I love the stir fry!
Frank is so cute - I loved the bath pic in your last post!
Have a great hump day!
There's a place in Michigan where my family and I go every year that makes the most amazing cinnamon sweet bread... can't wait to have it this summer! What a nice daughter in law you are.
Your sweet bread looks perfect! Yum!!!
Kaneil, balanceisbest
Is it hard to bake bread knowing you can't have it? I'm not sure I would have the willpower! So jealous of your day off.
love great bargains! how lucky. very impressed with your soy-free stir fry - don't know if i'd ever have the guts, being oriental and all ;)
you cut hair?
who knew? :) Ill be on the front porch wearing a cape in 5 minutes and would love a trim.
glad you had a great day off. any day sans work and with Jack Robb is a good one...
That bread seriously looks amazing! I would've had such a hard time not sneakin' in a bite or two. ;-)
glad you enjoyed your day off!! aw frank :)
ps- i fixed the link for that salad!
Frank napping! How adorable!
I have slowly started the clean living diet--so far so good, but I have to say I cannot, just cannot give up my splash of half & half in my morning coffee.
Where did you get your guidelines for the diet from? I use the garden of life whey protein shake in the morning. It has a lot of the good stuff in it, no soy either.
Oooh. Apple with cinnamon, how could I have forgotten about that. Bread looks scrumptious.... I can smell it from here ;)
ps everytime frank is on your blog, i show hus and he freaks. he loves bulldogs.
i dont know about anon's comment. people are so weird and critical.
so sweet of you to to make them that loaf! i drool every time i see it! and LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE frankkkkk! can't ever get enough of him!
Wow - love the stirfry.
Hi Frank.
Stirfry looks great!
You're doing so well with the clean eating! The stir fry looks great. It may have just inspired my dinner.
Oh your stirfry looks good...would sriracha sauce be considered clean I wonder? It's an Asian spicy chili sauce...
what a great productive day you had!!
I'm so impressed with your shopping! 5 tops for $80?! That's amazing!
I love BR outlets! I always end up finding the best deals, my husband too. I have to get around to trying that cinnamon bread. It looks so amazing!
I want to taste that cinnamon loaf so bad!
All this food looks oh so
yummy! I love ittt.
Days off are the best. <3
Banana outlet is my absolute FAVORITE!! I can't go in there and not buy at least 2 things!!
LOVE the pic of Frank, hes so freeking cute!!!
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