Wednesday, March 4, 2009

GIVEAWAY/Blogging Birthday

Hello guys! Sorry I went MIA last night :). After work, I came home and did a 3.4ish mile run and then practiced the half of body attack I am teaching on Friday. Then I gave the Frankster a bath and did some laundry/ironing. Josh's new car also showed up! To celebrate, we took it out for a spin and ate dinner at Moe's. We also watched Lost (which was super amazing) and did some unpacking.

Today (March 5) is a very special day, it is my blogging birthday! Thats right, I have been writing Itzy's Kitchen for a whole year! To celebrate I have decided to give away a homemade loaf of Cinnamon Sweet Bread:

Yah...that cinnamon sweet bread! Here is the deal, to enter all you have to do is leave a comment telling me where you're from (city, state, whatever!) on this post by Sunday at midnight. You do not need to have a blog to enter! All those lurkers out there- uncover yourselves! To earn an extra entry, if you have a blog, put a link to this contest up on your blog (and let me know either via comment or by sending me an email at itzyskitchen at gmail dot com).

EDITED TO ADD: If you have any dietary restrictions, I will adjust the recipe as needed!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I love reading it! I am currently in Bethesda Maryland!

Meghann said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I think i have been reading you since the beginning!!!

That bread looks AMAZING sign me up please!!

Orlando, FL

Anonymous said...


I keep my location private from the blogging world, but let's just say I'm from all over and have lived everywhere: east coast, west coast, and in between!

Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

happy blogging birthday!! so excited for you!
And please, give me a bite of that amazing bread!
I'll link this post to my blog.

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Happy blogiversary!!


I'm in Ohio.

You and I should do a bake good swap, dear Erica :-)

Tyler said...

oh yum!!! happy blog birthday!

I'm in Athens, GA :)

Unknown said...

Mmmm, cinn sweet bread :) Fabulous! and what a productive night! happy blog bday!!

ps- i commented regarding your inspiration q on that tortilla post. you're too kind ;-)

The Purple Carrot said...

YAY! : ) Happy blogging birthday!!!

I'd LOVE to sample your AMAZING looking bread, count me in!!

St Joe, Missouri

(I'll link you in my next blog;)

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday! Boston, MA

Krista said...

Happy blog b-day, Erica!!!

healthy ashley said...

Happy Blogging Birthday!

And a yummy creation made by Erica herself? Yes, please!

Tampa, Fl!

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday!!!

I am in Centreville/Fairfax, Virginia!

I am FROM Gaithersburg/Olney, MD though!

hehehe. that bread looks delish! love me some cinnamon

Anonymous said...

I was just telling James he needed to make me some cinnamon bread (bc I'm very demanding) might just get him off the hook! ;)

raleigh, NC

Anonymous said...

happy blog birthday! your blog is one of my all time FAVS! and omg that bread i hope i win!!!!! :) linked ya backkk

Em said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

Count me in for the contest, Im gonna link you in my blog too! Hope you having a great day dear <33

Anonymous said...

I'm in "the middle of the mitten"....

Happy Blog Birthday!

lauren said...

Happy blog birthday! I hope I win because that bread looks delicious.

I am in Baltimore, MD.

Maria said...

Happy Birthday to you! How fun! The bread looks great. I grew up in Illinois, but now I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. Love both places! So what kind of car did he get? I must of missed that somewhere:)

Anonymous said...

yayy congratulations on the birthday!!! It's hard work keepin up such a fantabulous blog! :)

I'm in Evanston, Illinois!!! Ok...I work in Evanston, but I live in Chicago.

That bread looks....scrumptious....*drooooool*

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday! I've been reading yours WAY back since lurker days :D I actually have a dietary restriction that dictates I MUST have chocolate in everything ;D Your bread looks heavenly!

amycaseycooks said...

What a fun giveaway. Who doesn't like homemade baked goods? Happy birthday from NJ!

Holly said...

Happy Bloggy Birthday! I always look forward to reading your blog. And seeing your yummy eats!

Coming to you from the lovely Indianapolis, Indiana. :-)

Maria said...

That is too funny, my Josh has an Acura too, but he really wants a new one!! They are too alike:)

priscilla joy said...

Happy 1 year Erica! Wow, your bread looks amazing. I was born in California but now live in IA.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! That looks yummy! I'm from Gosnell, Arkansas, but have lived in Arlington, Virginia since 2004. :-)

Anonymous said...

No Cali folks yet? I'm a San Diego native, lucky me!

Happy Blog Bday

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I LOVE me some carbs - bring it on!

Cleveland, OH

Anonymous said...

the bread sounds amazing!

Chicago, il

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY!!! Here's to another year of fantastic blogging :D

Michigan! Go blue ;)

I Run for Fun said...

Happy blog anniversary!!! This is such a cool idea. I am so glad I discovered your blog. I have gotten so many food ideas from you, and that's the truth!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog BDay :) I'm reading from Boston!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog birthday! I'm reading from Austin, TX (or thereabouts) and am also a LM instructor. Kia Ora!

Maddy said...

Happy Blog Birthday =)

Tampa, FL

Erica said...

Thanks all for the fun notes!

So cool Amanda! What programs do you teach? kia ora!

Diana said...

Happy bloggiversary! How exciting. Sign me up for an entry from yo girl in NYC...and an extra one when I link to this on my blog lata. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I recently found your blog and really enjoy reading. I am in your neck of the woods...Charleston, SC. Love this city and would love that bread!!!

Missy said...

Happy blog birthday! I am from Queens, NY!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!! I love bread!
Braintree, MA

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary! There is nothing compelling to say about Fort Wayne, Indiana. I promise.

Anonymous said...

Yumm that bread looks great! Just found your blog and can't wait to read more! :)

Kaneil, balanceisbest

Anonymous said...

OH, and I'm in Denver, CO....I will link back in my next post!

Kaneil, balanceisbest

Olga said...

happy happy birthday!

I will link to your blog for an extra entry tonight =]

Reading from Amherst, MA and occasionally, Brooklyn, NY!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, we're so lucky! That bread looks so scrumptious.

I'm from New York, NY but live in St. Paul, MN (for two more months!).

I Run for Fun said...

Oops, forgot to mention...I live in Piscataway, NJ.

Mandy said...

This bread looks SO yummy!!!!

I'm in Nashville, TN :)

RunToTheFinish said...

Happy blog birthday!!

What a fantastic giveaway to celeberate.

Overland Park, KS

Dana said...

Yumm looks so good! Sign me up!

Little Egg Harbor, NJ

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your blog! That bread looks so good! I'm in Chestertown, Maryland.


katie said...

I saw that bread when you first posted about it and thought it looked soo good! Happy Blog birthday:)

I'm from Canton, OH and go to school in the middle of nowhere, PA

Anonymous said...

happpy blog birthday!! i'm from new jersey, awesome giveaway:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!!
My bread NEVER comes out looking that good!!!

I'm from Cumberland, RI

HEAB said...

Happy Birthday Erica!!!! I remember when you baked that bread - sounded amazing.

Nashville, TN

Becca said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

The bread sounds awesome! York, PA

Esi said...

Happy blogiversary!!! I'm in la la land!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!!

I'm in Chicago, IL.

That bread...I'm speechless! It's amazing!

The Blonde Duck said...

Happy blog birthday! I would love a slice of that bread!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 1-year!

I am currently living in Atlanta, GA.

Aimee said...

Happy 1 year - Pittsburgh, PA

Lori said...

Happy Blog B-Day! That is so exciting. You know where I'm at and it would never get through customs. :) Someone is gonna be very lucky though!

Anonymous said...


champaign illinois.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogging Birthday my dear!

vanillasugarblog said...

ohhh now this is a good giveaway: a home baked goodie. good thinking!
happy blog-birthday!
I'm from cape cod, ma (touristville!) lol

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm from Chicago, IL. Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm from Chicago, IL. Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!
I'm from Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Anonymous said...

Im from AZ

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Good luck everyone!

Nutritious is Delicious said...

Oh man! Since being in college I miss many things, but one major thing is HOMEMADE goods! I would love to have a loaf of that bread! :D Looks awesome!

I am from Texas! (No, I dont live on a farm! lol)

Nutritious is Delicious said...

I linked back!

Anonymous said...

I'm from Portland, OR!

Kaite said...

Happy blog birthday!! *lurker coming out of hiding* I'm from Portland, Oregon. And I *love* cinnamon bread!! If I don't win, I'll have to make this for sure.

Trying To Heal said...

yay for blog birthday!!! I'm posting about it tonight!!!

and i'm in Kenansville/Everglades in FL!

Heather said...

happy blog birthday!! that bread looks so so good!

Aggie said...

Happy happy blog birthday! I'm so glad I discovered you when I did, I have enjoyed reading and cooking with you every day! :)

chandra said...

Happy blog birthday chick!!

I'm currently living in good old Des Moines, IA... yippee!

Laura said...

Happy Blogging Birthday!

The cinnamon bread looks delicious!

I'm from Woodbridge, VA.

Unknown said...

Happy Blog Birthday! This bread looks delicious. I'm in Jackson, MS.

I Run for Fun said...

Erica, just added a link to the contest on my blog.

By the way, what is the source of the name "Itzy's kitchen"?

Rose said...

Happy Blog birthday! Wooo!

I'm from Washington, DC. Original native of western PA. Pittsburgh, woo!

Anonymous said...

Yay for a blogging birthday!!

I'm from Chambersburg, PA.

I linked to your giveaway in my blog tonight...

amanda said...

Happy Birthday to your Blog!
I randomly found your blog...and I totally love it. So what better time
to come out from hiding than during a giveaway? That bread looks divine!

Oh yess...and I'm blogging from Horsham, Pennsylvania. A sweet little town outside of Philadelphia.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Happy Blog Birthday, Erica!! I am so so glad you are a member of the blogworld. I hope that some day we will be able to meet in person because you are truly a lovely and caring person!

Thank you so much for offering up some Cinnamon Sweet Bread - holy yum, as VeggieGirl would say! I am from Eden Prairie, Minnesota, but currently reside in good ol' Chi town :o) I will link back on my next post!! Thanks again and happy happy day!

Kristen Mullane said...


I'm from the wonderful central NJ. I'm pretty sure it's the state that enjoys the Cinnamon Sweet Bread the most, but that could just be a rumor ;)

Brandi said...

happy blog birthday!!!

that bread looks awesome!

I'm near Blacksburg, VA - Go Hokies!

HangryPants said...

What a sweet idea!

Glen Ridge, N.J.

a said...

i live in los angeles, ca. i want that bread, it looks sooo delish!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! I just started blogging so my blog is a baby compared to yours! I'm currently in Baltimore, Maryland!

Michelle said...

I'm from Boston, MA and would love a loaf...especially one made with whole wheat flour if it's not asking too much? :-)

Internal Peace said...

That looks amazing! I'd definitely prefer ww flour, but either is good! :) I'm blogging from Pittsburgh, PA and I'll link to this in my next post.

Anonymous said...

I am currently in DC! Although originally from Latrobe, PA (near Pittsburgh).

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!
I'm in Miami, and I'm linking back from my blog!

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday! I hail from Winnipeg, Manitoba. It's freezing up here. Your bread looks freakin amazing :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog B-day!

I'm in northern NJ...that bread looks really really tasty!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogging Birthday!!!

Tampa, Fl

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog B-day!

I'm from New York (not NYC) :)


Daisy's Daily Doses said...

I am a total lurker and lover of sweet bread. please pick me!

sals said...

the bread looks so good! congrats on your blog birthday. (Florida)

Anonymous said...

congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i definitely have been reading your blog from the start :)

sign me up for that yummy bread - awesome!!!!! im keeping my fingers crossed for me :)

im linking to this post also!

samsam26 said...

Happy Blog Birthday to you from Sugar Land, Texas!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday :)

Boston, MA

Carol said...

Warm Bday Greetings from Florida!

Annie said...

Happy Blog Bday! Im from a tiny town in Massachusetts.

Allison said...

It is also my daughter's birthday. Yea March 5th

Anonymous said...

happy blog birthday! congrats!

I am from philadelphia, but I am currently studying abroad in Sydney!

Unknown said...

I LOVE fresh breads :) Especially when they are homemade! I'd love to try your bread!!!

Duluth, MN

ariel said...

Yum, that bread looks delicious. I'm from New York City. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday! That bread is making me drool. I'm from Ohio and I'd love to be entered to win.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add my location.

Lacey said...

Your bread looks awesome!

I am from West Palm Beach, FL.

Happy B-day

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

That bread looks awesome!

I'm from Moorpark, California

Anonymous said...

Gratz from the Great Lake State.

Katie B said...

Homemade bread is the best! I live in the Los Angeles, CA area. Thanks!

Mom on the Run said...

Your bread looks great :)

I am from East Hartford, CT.

Great Blog!

Samantha said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!! I'm in Bellingham, MA. That bread looks soooo yummy. I bet that I could get D to eat it too :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Bday from Houston, Texas!

Fitnessista said...

happy blog birthday!!
the bread looks so delicious :D

Becky said...

Happy Blog Birthday from Albany, NY!!!

Anonymous said...

The bread looks yummy! I am in Central PA!

Katie said...

I'm in Columbia, Maryland

Brittany said...

Happy B-day to your blog!!

Richmond, VA

Being Healthier said...

ooo cinnamon bread GIVEAWAY for your birthday! Wow, that is the sweetest of sweet!

Count me in and I will link you on my next post,

I was born/ grew up in Pittsburgh, PA !

Anonymous said...

i am from macomb, michigan!

Amelia said...


I'm originally from Memphis, TN (and live in NYC right now).

Sharon said...

Mmm...homemade bread! I'm in :)

Bridget said...

YUM!! I want that bread!!

Happy Blog Bday Girl!

Somerville, MA!

Anonymous said...

i can smell that bread through my computer...mmm!

I'm in the garden state.

Amy said...

Happy Blog Birthday from Cincinnati, Ohio! :)

Congrats on keeping up with your blogging for a whole 365 :)

Unknown said...

Happy Blog B-day!

The bread looks delicious!

And I'm from Nebraska.