Monday, March 9, 2009

Stonyfield Giveaway, Gnocchi

Hi guys! Hope your Monday is treating you well! After work today I went for a longer run outside. I did about 5.2 miles in the sunny, 82 degree SC weather! It felt incredible!! Upon my return, I found a VERY fun set of coupons in my mailbox from Kristina at Stonyfield Farm!

I LOVE Greek yogurt and have been hooked on Chobani for a while. I cannot wait to give Oikos a try! Want to win your own set of great coupons? All you have to do is leave me a comment letting me know your favorite yogurt add-ins. Fruit? Granola? Again, you do NOT have to have a blog to enter! For an extra enty, if you have a blog, put a link back to this post up on your blog and let me know either via comments or by sending me an email at itzyskitchen at gmail dot com by midnight on Tuesday, March 10.
I will be doing a review of the Oikos just as soon as I get to the store to pick it up :)
For dinner tonight, I whipped up the gnocchi that I made yesterday. I served it with a touch of smart balance, a little cheese, and some steamed cauli/broccoli. Very yum!
For another AWESOME giveaway, visit Heather Eats Almond Butter for the chance to win some Turtle Mountain Coconut Products.


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Holy yum goodies and gnocchi

Anonymous said...

I miss having pomegranates, because I love topping them in yogurt.

Rose said...

Great contest! my favorite add-in (by far!) is Quaker Oat Squares - best cereal!

Anonymous said...

Yay coupons!

My favorite is granola, sunflower seeds, and frozen blueberries! All at once preferably. :)

itsawrap said...

OMG! Great giveaway. I like granola mixed in or chopped dried figs and dates with Fiber one...

Anonymous said...

bananas and flax! its like banana cream pie :)

samsam26 said...

My fave yogurt combo is greek yogurt mixed w/ a lot of cinnamon, sliced bananas, ground flax seeds and honey on top!

Em said...

I got those in the mail today too, I picked up some and gave one to my mom to try (im trying to introduce her to healthier foods). We'll see :) haha

Anne said...

My favorite yogurt add-ins are cereal, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, and sliced bananas. yum!

Anonymous said...

WOW I think i have too many favorite add ins!! I love cereal, especially super-crunchy ones like puffins!!! I also love frozen fruit. :) LOOOVE.

The Purple Carrot said...

82 degrees?? NICE! : )

My favorite yogurt add-ins are fruit, peanut butter and a little bit of sweetener. : )

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, the dinner looks yummy!

a said...

sounds like you made so many great things over the weekend!! my favorite things to put on yogurt are blueberries, cottage cheese (its SO good!) and granola.

Unknown said...

My favorite is granola, flaxseeds and fruit.

Anonymous said...

my fav yogurt add in is..........

it's true though!

Anonymous said...

YAY a giveaway! Well my favorite yogurt add-ins are definitely granola (Kashi Mountain Medlay rocks!) or some fruit!


Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

I like to add in blackberries!

Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

my fav adding: fresh blueberries!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I Love greek yogurt with a sliced banana and granola--definitely one of my favorite and most eaten breakfasts!

Anonymous said...

My favorite yogurt add-in is homemade granola! It's cheaper and probably healthier than store-bought granola.


Anonymous said...

Yea coupons! My favorite add-ins are frozen fruit, jam, dried fruit and cheerios. It's so good!

Anonymous said...

I feel bad entering, but I love greek yogurt!!!

My favorite topping: cereal, cereal, cereal!

Anonymous said...

I love Oikos yogurt! My favorite add-ins are strawberries and honey. YUM.

Laura said...

I think you'll like Oikos. :)

I love fresh berries in my yogurt.

Heather said...

i love chobani, too! my favorite additions are granola and honey. mmmm.

Anonymous said...

My favorite yogurt mix in and favorite breakfast is blueberries and Fiber One.

Maddy said...

I love putting fruit and jam in my yogurt!

Awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I put a link to it on my blog :)

I Run for Fun said...

82 degrees sounds glorious!

Hmm...believe it or not, I like my yoghurt plain. Or with honey. Is that weird?

Diana said...

MMM the gnocchi looks great! So impressed.

Unknown said... favorite is fruit, especially blueberries and strawberries. OH...I forgot about pom seeds b/c I can't find any right now. Mmm.

Bridget said...

MMmm yogurt! I love BERRIES!! (who knew right?)...and granola and maple syrup (if its plain)

I'll link to you tomorrow :)

Olga said...

I think the cereal/granola and yogurt combo is BOMB

I linked back! :)

Unknown said...

how exciting!! fruit, wheat germ, and flax usually go in mine :)

Trying To Heal said...

omg yay for stonyfield coupon giveaway!!! i really want to try more of their yogurts! and i love adding berries!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite yogurt add in is probably fiber one cereal. Either that or granola. :)

Steamed cauliflower and broccoli, my favorites!!

Anonymous said...

I like to add fruits such as apple or banana ;] yumyum!

Anonymous said...

my favorite yogurt add-ins are sliced plum and maple syrup.

Anonymous said...

Glad the gnocci was good!

I like to add fruit and nuts/ nut butter. Tonight I added both! I'm so naughty.

Noodlegirl said...

How funny I just bought this yogurt this past weekend and am going to blog about it tomrrow. I discovered Chobani not long ago and totally love it when I was buying it, this yogurt was next to it and decided to give it a try.

I had it with granola today I had the honey flavor it was really good!

Melissa said...

Fun contest... 1 tbsp of cocoa powder, 1 packet of stevia, 1 serving of carob/chocolate chips and 1 choc brownie clif Z bar added to a cup of plain greek decadent and yummy.

elise said...

omg, i could add ANYthing into yog. frozen fruit is especially good, but any kind of granola works for me!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE GREEK YOGURT!!!!! i eat it EVERRYYY DAYYY!!! wonderful contest!!!!

my favorite yogurt mix in is PUMPKIN or granola

ChickPea said...

Free yogurt? Yes, please!
My favorite add-ins: Sunbutter (sunflower seed butter) and chopped dates. YUM!

Esi said...

Wow! It's warmer in SC than in la la land! Ummm, I love yogurt with honey or agave and fresh fruit and sometimes a little granola!

Anonymous said...

I have been truly obsessed with yogurt lately. I have never tried Greek yogurt though; I should.

My favorite add in is Trader Joe's honey flax cereal - not as many calories as granola, but def still as delicious.

Anonymous said...

I want some freee yogurt!! I like to crumble up my fav bar in my yogurt.

lauren said...

favorite yogurt add-in is grape nuts and strawberries!

Anonymous said...

I love strawberries and golean crunch in my yogurt. It was even my breakfast ; ) Yum!

Anonymous said...

Don't enter me in since I got my own but I had to add my 2 cents: my ULTIMATE add ins are a hefty dash of cinnamon and Kashi Crunch cereal. If you put the Crunch on first (don't mix) then add the cinnamon, the cinnamon gets in the crunchies and it's like a taste explosion in your mouth! Haha as you can see, I'm passionate about my Greek obsession!

YES I'm watching the new season of Rock of Love - I'm addicted!! It's like a car crash, you can't help but watch!

Anonymous said...

yay, yogurt! my favorite add-in is fruit ... and of course kashi golean crunch! (funny that the sarah right before me said the same thing ... we know what's up, clearly)

Maria said...

Lucky you to get all of those coupons! I love yogurt and have to eat it thanks to my tummy issues:) I usually eat it plain or with fruit.
Glad you liked the gnocchi! I want to try sweet potato gnocchi next!

HEAB said...

What a fun giveaway, but I will feel bad entering as I received some coupons from Stonyfield a while back. So, don't count me in, but I will link back to this in my next post for sure.

Thanks for the link shout-out!

PS - Sad I didn't win your cinnamon bread. I'm going to have to make some of my own soon.

Anonymous said...

mmm... I love Oikos! I like honey and fruit, or granola,

Anonymous said...

Well, like several others, I've been visited by the Stonyfield coupon fairy as well. I've been a fan of Fage for years, but I'm excited to try the Oikos with my little coupons! Don't count my entry, but...

I love Fiber One Cereal, pomegranates or honey and almonds in my Greek yogurt. I just ate some Siggi's with fresh pineapple, and that was good too.

Anonymous said...

My favorite mix in is ground flax seed, and banana, with a drizzle of maple syrup. So good!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure of a yogurt mix in, but I do mix my yougurt into my oatmeal (I guess that makes the mix in the yogurt!!)

Julie said...

How fun :) I love putting in cereal and fruit!

Diana said...

So jealous of your gnocchi dinner -- that's one of my favorite Italian dishes!

Nutritious is Delicious said...

Oh man! You just cant beat a sprinkling of granola in yogurt! MMMM!

Nutritious is Delicious said...

I am linking back to your post! :D

healthy ashley said...

I love flax and microwaved frozen strawberries in mine!

Holly said...

Hmmm...that's a toughie! I'd have to say my favorites are Kashi cereal and granola. I'm anxious to see what you think of the Oikos! (as I just got back from the grocery loaded down with Chobani) :-)

And I linked you back to my blog! Have a great night, girl!

Anonymous said...

Hey I love granola, fruit, pb, cereal--anything really!--in my yogurt. I'd like to try this kind. Ill link you in my next post. :D


Aggie said...

Stoneyfield is the only yogurt I will eat!! Haven't tried Oikos yet, just bought Chobani for the first time this week...I love me some greek yogurt!!

My favorite yogurt add in is 1 or more of the following...blueberries, granola, peanut butter, sliced almonds, wheetabix

Anonymous said...

oooh I got coupons in november of last year that expired in december of 2008- so I actually didn't get to use them all before they expired!

any kind of fruit.


Katie B said...

My favorite thing to add to my yogurt is Fiber One. I know Fiber One looks like rabbit/hamster food, but it is delicious :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh I've never tried this before but I keep seeing it all over the blogosphere!

I love having frozen berries mixed in plain yogurt. Delicious.

Amelia said...

I love adding in fruit. Especially strawberries!

Anonymous said...

Hey girly! This contest is great! I am just making it in under the deadline :o) Well, central time anyway...but my favorite thing to add into yogurt has to be cereal and a banana!!

Love that gnocchi!

Anonymous said...


Brandi said...

mm...I love nuts and honey and fruit in yogurt. So good!