Monday, March 30, 2009

More Tilapia ;)

First off, you guys are SO sweet!! Thank you for all the compliments about the baby shower and my family! A few of you asked some questions so here are the answers:
  • Yes! This is my first niece and I am very excited to be an Aunt!!
  • The little girl is due at the end of April
  • The cake was vanilla with chocolate filling ;)

Today was a coffee day ;). I knew there would be multiple cups consumed! But the good news is, due to some extra work hours over the last week, I get to take tomorrow off…HOORAY! So today went a little something like this- work, abs workout based on this again (I did three sets of 30 crunches, 20 pikes, 30 flutter kicks), OSG BBBC Challenge Day 4 (3 sets of tricep dips-30, 25, 25), body pump, dinner, relaxing!

I forgot to mention in my post yesterday that we are into Clean Week #2. Things are going well so far! My body feels fabulous from all these clean eats!!

For breakfast, I had hard boiled egg whites and coffee (no pic).

For lunch, another salad (yes, I know I need a change ;)) with romaine, carrots, celery, black beans, tomato, olive oil, balsamic vinegar. I also had a blueberry chobani and some no sugar added applesauce.

Snack 1, Non-fat cappuccino (very necessary!). Snack 2, Apple with Peanut butter and a piece of homemade whole wheat bread (no pic)

Dinner was tilapia, green beans, wheat berries

And a second serving of green beans!
This was my first experience with wheat berries and I cooked them based on Kath's directions. I also had another half an apple after din din.
For those of you who asked, here is a pic of Frank getting his bath! Excuse the face, he truly loves it ;).
Whats your favorite new product you've tried this year??


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Aww, you and Frank are too fabulous!! :-)

Enjoy your day off tomorrow!!!

My new favorite products = Pure bars and Sun Warrior rice protein

Anonymous said...

hah love Frank! That's my stepdad's silly :D oh my gosh, so many new things- morningstar black bean burgers :D OUR fave! Veggie "cheese" slices..and stoneyfield fro yo!

Becca said...

Thats a hard one...naturally nutty nut butters possibly.

LOL Frank has an "aww mom" look.

Hungry Hungry Dancer said...

omg im obsessed with your pup!

Anonymous said...

FRANKSTER!!!! i feel like i havent seen that adorable little mug in forever!!

Red Head, Yellow Dog said...

hahaha I looove Frank's face! that's hilarious! Toby just got a bath too. he was equally thrilled

Sharon said...

AWWWHHH Frank is so cute!!
And mmm green beans!

I Run for Fun said...

Ha ha...gotta love Frank.

Laura said...

Frank is too cute!

Good job with the clean eating!

The Purple Carrot said...

Salad every day for lunch is okay in my book! ; ) Ha, sometimes you find something you like and don't feel like mixin' it up yet. But hey, if it isn't broke, don't fix it ; )

Aggie said...

Oh Frank is SO freakin cute!!

Loving your salad...mmm...veggies...

Aggie said...

oh, PS...those peanut butters from Peanut Butter Company are awesome and of course Larabars!!

LK- Healthy Delicious said...

that salad looks awesome and I am obsessed with honey chobani

Bridget said...

AWww Frank!!!!! That baby shower looked ADORABLE!! THe cake was GORGEOUS!! You and your sister are so cute!
You know, I girl needs a cappuccino sometimes :)
I've been trying to do the Bikini boot camp too...but my schedule lately is killing my time!
Have a good night!

Krista said...

My favorite new product would have to be carob chips!!!

Love how you get right in there with Frank!!!

Maria said...

Hey! Glad you get tomorrow off. What are you going to do? I came home sick today, tummy issues. I am calling in tomorrow too. I figure I probably won't feel great and I am doing a Live cooking segment on a local station so I will just do that and enjoy my day, hopefully with no big tummy issues! Frank is such a stud! I don't know my favorite new product, I don't buy a lot of "products." I try to focus on fruits and veggies. Making our own pasta has been fun for us, so I will say that, we create our own product. Spinach and whole wheat are my favorite!! Ok, again, I am rambling sorry!!

Mom on the Run said...

I love Frank! He is too cute!

I love Cream Estate Oats! They are so yummy!

Anonymous said...

Aw, Frank is so handsome! I have an English Bulldog too, and I noticed that you seem to bathe the Frankster quite often. My guy is white and brindle (mostly white though) and he gets soooo dirty. The vet said not to bathe him more than once a month though. I was just curious how often you suds him up? BTW mine is almost 3... he gots tons of baths when he was younger but he has skin allergies and the vet said too much bathing can exacerbate them??
Just curious!

Evelyn Fisher said...

I've never had wheat berries. How are they? Your bulldog is adorable, I would love to have one of my own.

Pearl said...

that salad looks so delish and you and frank in the shower is so CUTE!

Esi said...

Did you like the wheat berries and the tilapia? I'm not sure what my new favorite product is. I feel like every new thing is my new favorite, lol.

Megan said...

aww, frank!!

i love the raw organic food bars. i never knew they existed before, and now i'm HOOKED

MizFit said...


my bullmastiff, however, is not getting near our shower :)

Anonymous said...

I like the "doggie in the shower" pic. So cute!!

I'm not sure that I've tried anything new yet this year. I'm still looking for wheatberries at the store but can't seem to find them. Maybe I'm just blind!

Anonymous said...

so exciting that you are becoming an aunt!! beautiful women run in your family :D and beautiful pups!! frank is a cutie! have a great day tomorrow :)

Holly said...

I love the look on Frank's face! The "Mom, do you really have to take a picture of this??"

Hmmmm, that is a great question. I've tried SO many news things, but right now I'm loving quinoa and of COURSE Chobani. :-)

Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

glad that you enjoyed the baby shower and that you have a day off! :)
love your lunch salad combo! I love salad when it's warm!
Frank is so lovely~~~ (opsl... I overused love;))

Heather said...

frank is so cute! Roxie hates her baths! I can't think of a favorite new product now - I'm sure there are a few, though! Enjoy the day off!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE FRANK!! I hope you spoil your niece like crazy - I'm so excited for you :)

My favorite new things: Clif bars! Where have these been my whole life?!

lauren said...

awww - frank! oscar hates getting baths...I cant do it at home because of all his hair and I dont have a door to keep him in - he does everything in his power to get out of the tub. ha.

vanillasugarblog said...

LOL! I love it! What a cutie, Yes, you and Frank are adorable. You and this clean eat are inspiring me to try it out.
I love that greek yogurt!

Erin said...

((Frank)) What a cutie.

My new fav product this year is PB & Co.'s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter. It is to die for.

Diana said...

Aww we are going to be new aunt twins! :) I am so loving spending time with my little niece -- makes me want a baby of my own!

My favorite new product discovery this year is Rachel's Wickedly Delicious yogurt. I am obsessed with it!

Fitnessista said...

hahah awww i can never get enough of frank and his precious smushy face :D too cute for words
mine would have to be ALMOND BUTTER! a year ago, i didn't even know it existed and now i'm obsessed
hope you're having a great day!

Lori said...

Being an aunt is the best. You are gonna love it! Hope you are enjoying your day off from work. Frank rocks! :)

Chef Jeena said...

It is so funny bathing dogs especially when they shake off all the excess water arghhh! I had to smile at that picture!

The Blonde Duck said...

I love the bath picture!

We've been all into these Fiber One bars recently. They're really good!

Anonymous said...

love the latest pic of frank ~ too cute for words!

Erica said...

Hey Anon! Bulldogs are so awesome, aren't they?? I do give frank baths often. I tried to follow the guidance here: but Frank HATES to be brushed. Since he won't let me brush him, but loves baths- I give him one more often. He also is prone to infections under his tail, I pay a lot of attention to cleaning that area!

Anonymous said...

That picture is so great!!!

My favorite product actually came out last year, but Hot 'n Healthy bars take the cake!

Nicole (Sweetie Pie) said...

Frank is so awesome! I love that photo!!

I can't seem to stop having oat bran for breakfast EVERY morning! I'm also obsessed with Mighty Maple and Zoe's Granolas.