Sunday, October 18, 2009

French Toast, Pumpkin Muffins, Dinner

I slept in this morning guys- so wonderful! Josh and I didn’t roll out of bed until after 10 AM! It was such a treat. Once FINALLY out of bed, I got to work on another batch of Tina’s Vegan Pumpkin Carob Chip muffins that I am going to give to all the instructors at the Body Step launch tomorrow night.

Meanwhile, Josh used the leftover Wheat Bread I made yesterday to put together a plate of French Toast for himself. He calls this blackberry USA toast, the Steelers suck (haha...Eagles fan ;)). The french toast is topped with brown sugar, cool whip, blackberries, and a little bit of maple syrup:

The rest of the day was pretty relaxing too. I ran some errands, went to Starbucks with a friend (Hi Jill!!), learned the rest of my choreography, and watched football. I didn't workout today. It was the first day in forever ever and felt GREAT. My body was in massive need of a break, especially with my teaching schedule this week.
For dinner tonight, Josh grilled up a steak and I made him a side of brussels and pineapple (which he ate before the picture was taken).

I had brussels, a pear and the other half of my acorn squash from last night stuffed with beans, salsa and green pepper.

Tonight, more football and we're watching the Proposal. I'm excited! Are you ready for the week? I feel semi ready after my relaxing day.


Anonymous said...

The Proposal was fantastic. That and more football sound like the perfect weekend! Glad you had a nice one!

Pam said...

Oh, I would like to be one of those instructors...yum!!!

Glad you were able to rest up more!


Stephanie @ cookinfanatic said...

My boyfriend just caught a glimpse of the pumpkin muffins and was like "those look awesome!" -- I agree! :) I don't know that I am ever ready for the weekend to end, however it's been such a great one that I feel good about starting off Monday right tomorrow (we'll see if I say that at 7am though ;) )!!

Jessica said...

The french toast looks delish! I may make some for dinner now...

Molly said...

I slept in this morning too...felt soo nice!!
Those muffins look amazing...something tells me I will be making those for Thanksgiving.
Surpringly, I got enough work done today that I am actually prepared for Monday !!!...physically prepared...not sure I'm ever mentally prepared ;)

Lauren said...

those pumpkin muffins look great! and I put stuffed squash on my menu for this week after seeing yours. :)

Heather said...

i think josh has a future career in naming dishes for restaurants :)

chandra said...

I just watched The Proposal on Friday! It was great!

Lauren said...

Okay hun, I really think we are twins separated at birth. You need to read my post. I just revealed a pic of Toly's breakfast that he made himself and was quite impressed. AND I told about how I saw the Prosoal. I also had roasted squash for dinner tonight (but I didnt post that). We are so much alike its scary! ;)

Glad you had a great weekend darling.

Maggie said...

I totally slept in today too. It was glorious.

Enjoy the movie! I haven't seen it :)

Meredith (Pursuing Balance) said...

Oh I am really starting to crave french toast now!

Jenna said...

Can I have some of that french toast? haha. It look so good!

Bring on the week! I have a short three day work week before I go on a mini-vacation :).

lynn said...

i auditioned for "the proposal" ! for the role of a stewardess or something who talks to sandra bullock. i wonder who they cast?!

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

thanks for sayin hi on my blog :) I love brussels sprouts and the vegan muffies you made look really yummy too!

Maria said...

Good for you for sleeping in. We never do. If I am in bed at 6:30 that is sleeping in for me:) I loved the Proposal, such a cute flick! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

AH i wish i could sleep till 10, I seriously can't anymore! Sounds like a fab and restful day, they are launching Body Jam at my gym this week, hopefully to have it in the schedge next year, it sounds so fun!

Yum Yucky said...

I see steaks (again). That is all I want. With A-1 sauce.

Anonymous said...

I always forget about French toast! Good stuff :) I am looking forward to this week...2 blogger dates!

Have a great Monday!

I Run for Fun said...

What a creative dinner! When I run low of ideas of things to cook up, I just need to read one of your posts! Glad you got the much needed break!

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

So many pumpkin muffs were made this weekend :)

I put carob chips in my bars on tasty!! I love them...more than chocolate...maybe?

Holly said...

Ahh - sleeping in is SO great!!! I didn't get to this weekend but I'm hopin' to on Saturday.

I liked the Proposal, too! Well, okay, I like Ryan Reynolds IN the Proposal. :-)

Holly said...

I took a cue from you and had savory acorn squash last week for dinner - SOOO good!! I don't know if I'll ever go back to brown sugar. Well, maybe I will...but I love it savory!

Holly said...

i haven't seen the proposal yet - but i need to! i love those days when you feel organized and ready to tackle the week. i think with a good night's sleep, i will be there too :)

Britt said...

Yum that french toast looks delish! And yes I'd like to be one of those instructors too. Ah pumpkin abounds this time of year. Sounds like you had a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins are my daddy's favorite! I should make some for him.

I'm glad to hear positive Proposal Feedback in your comments... I need a good romantic comedy!

Anonymous said...

Ooh what a gorgeous treat :) You never sleep in! I'm so proud of you honey :)
I heard that movie is so so good!

Miz said...

Im with stephanies boyfriend.

uh, not literally :) but in the muffinadoration.


Anonymous said...

that french toast looks amazing!!!! oh.... pumpkin muffins !! i forgot how moisturized are they, time to make a batch! :)

Chocolaty Lifestyle said...

What a great recipe and nice pictures! I have never tried to bake something from pumpkin, I uess I should try! :)

veron said...

Lovely recipes! I watched the proposal this weekend too, so cute! Have you watched My life in is adorable too.

CaSaundraLeigh said...

So glad you got to relax like you had planned! Sleeping in till 10 sounds heavenly! And Cool Whip on French toast? I actually never thought to do that--yum!

Dawn (HealthySDLiving) said...

Wow not getting out of bed until 10 sounds aaaamazing--good for you guys!

Therese said...

Wow you were a baking and cooking machine this weekend! Everything looks awesome. Hopefully you have lots of leftovers for your busy week ahead :)

teresa said...

enjoy the proposal, i'll watch anything with ryan reynolds in it ;-)

the french toast looks divine, what a delicious spread!

Diana said...

Aw, The Proposal was pretty cute, right? Not fine cinema or anything but a good time.

I left you an answer to the coffee creamer question in the comments of my blog post because I thought it might be useful to others reading, but the short answer is that the coconut one works great, but my non-dairy go-to is actually unsweetened hemp milk! Kicks almond milk's butt anytime as far as coffee's concerned. Hope that helps!

Krista said...

The muffins look great! Love all the chips in'em.

Glad to hear you had a fantastic rest day. We all need those sometimes!

Julie said...

Those muffins look so chocolate chippy! mmm mm :)

I love that you relaxed all day sunday! Muuuuuch deserved!

Anonymous said...

Muffins look delish! French toast too!

Samantha said...

Your baked goodies always look so yummy.
Yes, I am making veggie chili - that way I can eat it too. I am trying to make more meatless dinners for Charlie. He was just diagnosed wild a mild fatty liver - not really sure what that means yet. Last nights recipe was a hit and I pretty sure the chili will be too. I have one more recipe this week that I am going to try and I am positive that he will dig that one too. Every little bit counts, since I can't see what he eats at work. He is always snacking on something that a coworker offers him.

Unknown said...

fabulous eats and a great weekend :) i love homemade applesauce--apples and cinnamon in the crockpot and that's it!!

Erika said...

Those muffins and french toast look so good! What a great way to start the day!

health savvy shopaholic said...

those muffins look soooooo yummy!!! so does your dinner- brussel sprouts are DELISH! hope you're having a good monday :)

Anne said...

Oh my gosh, those muffins look amazing! Can I have one? ;) I had a pretty relaxing weekend, but I wish I just had one more day before I have to face another week :)

Paige @ RAN said...

Oooh, I want to see the Proposal.

Thos muffins look SO good. I love all your versions of squash:)

Juliana said...

Wow, everything looks so yummie...I want to try them all :-)

K from ksgoodeats said...

I love the stuffed squash! Your co-workers must really love you because of all the goodies you take them! Those pumpkin muffins sound fantastic!

I hope you enjoyed the movie and had a wonderful Monday :)

Cate O'Malley said...

Mmm, that french toast with the berries looks delicious - perfect way to start the day off right - yum!