Ah, Sunday! I used to dread Sundays!! Then Josh and I started our Sunday morning brunch out tradition- now, I'm loving it! This morning was a very special Sunday because we were launching the new Body Pump (73) at the gym! We gave it a rocker theme with big eye makeup & hair. I stink at doing hair/makeup, but gave it my best go!

It was an extra fun launch for me because my parents came down so my Mom could take the class! Here is a picture of myself and the other three instructors I launched with:

And a few action shots from the launch itself. The class was larger than I thought it would be (we launched at 10 AM and I figured many people would still be at church):

Chest track:

& lunges:

Overall, the launch was FABULOUS! Myself, my parents, Aunt & Uncle, cousins & Josh headed out to the usual
Charleston's Cafe for brunch afterwards. We then did a bundle of work around the house. Later in the afternoon, Josh and I enjoyed some snacks and tried another flavor of
Galaxy Granola that the company sent us, Not Sweet Vanilla.

On top of Greek yogurt:

I loveeeee this flavor. Very simple and (obviously) not too sweet- just how I like it! Fabulous and crunchy!
After some more house work, I made up dinner- Vegetable and Bean Enchiladas. I cooked up some yellow squash and jalapenos. When they were nice and tender, I added some spinach, cumin, and pinto beans and cooked the mix until the spinach was wilted.

I then packed the mixture into some Whole Wheat tortillas and topped with Enchilada sauce. I baked them at 375 for 15 minutes. I threw some 2% sharp cheddar on top and then baked for another 5 minutes. The outcome with TJs refried black beans:

Very tasty!
Do you love or dread Sundays (or a little of both)???Any exciting plans for the week?
I love AND dread Sundays. I get the Sunday bluuuues.
Sunday and I have a love/hate relationship. I love how relaxing they are, but I get pretty down about the work week looming over my head. :(
Ahaha you look cute!
That granola arrived on my door step but I am not home to try it out ahhhhh! I can hardly wait.
You sure made those enchiladas easy peasy and quick.
Both! As the day goes on I get sadder :-(
I love greek yogurt!!!
I love Sundays until about 5pm then I start dreading going to work on Monday.
This week I'm continuing my running program and might have a first date!
Sundays are always so relaxing! I love Sunday mornings, but always get a little sad when the sun goes down.
Sunday brunch traditions sounds like such a wonderful thing. And congrats on an awesome Body Pump Class! :)
Hope you enjoy the rest of the night hun.
Body Pump looks like fun. They don't offer it at my gym. :(
I don't like Sundays. I wish I could convince myself to enjoy the day and not think of it as a prelude to Monday.
You look lovely :) I stink at hair/makeup too. We natural beauties tend too, I think :P
Love the veggie enchilada idea with whole wheat tortillas, I must try that. Latin foods are more and more intriguing at home, I love the flavors but restaurant dishes are too cheesy/greasy.
I used to dread Sunday evenings, but I don't so much anymore.
Hey Sweet Erica!! You look great with that fun makeup!!
Those enchiladas look so tasty!! I will have to make those soon for me and Andrew.
I like Sundays, but hate the evenings... they always get here too quick!
sounds like a great sunday!! and lovely enchiladas :) they're not something i grew up eating so i always forget about them! i harbor both love and hate feelings towards sunday...
A little of both- its so relaxing but means Monday is just around the corner!
Love your rocker hair! So glam.
I love Sunday mornings... Sunday nights are never long enough!
Sunday's mean lunch at Grandma's house! It is always a Cuban feast!
Plans for this week include launching a Kids Club at work, developing new recipes for Tasty Tuesdays and Foodie Fridays, and planning store events to celebrate Earth Day!
That body pump class looks like so much fun! I usually enjoy Sundays, but around 9 or 10 pm I start to dread them. I am usually no where near as ready as I need to be to start the week. Oh well! :)
Congrats on the Launch!
I love Sundays! They feel like a "free" day to me, though I do typically spend them doing work-stuff, usu just for the blog. The only thing I dread about Sunday is it being over b/c it means the work week is back again!
But then I have Starbucks Monday to look forward to. :)
Have a great week!
I love having the day off but dread the coming week! I am definitely a weekend girl : )
Looks like an awesome launch. I have not taken a body pump class in soooo long...I should make a point to get to one!
I used to HATE Sundays. Now I see them as just like the rest of the days of the week :)
that class looks like a blast! i just love how pocket sized you are :) being short is the best, no? i am a little of both on the sunday vote! xo
I love Sundays! just something nice and un-hurrying the day seems. Just don't like that Monday follows after it.
Looks like you had a fun-filled day, starting off with fitness is the way to go.
haha so funny that you said you dread sundays, because well, I do...the day is nice but it is just looming that is the start of another work week, and especially since it was beautiful weather here in boston, it was hard to think about going back to work, but work hard play hard, right?
love the pics from the launch! you look So cute!!! awwesome taht you guys have themes like that! it makes it so fun! :)
the galaxy granola ROCKS, i love how it isn't sweet either!
You all look so cute for the launch! I love that you take pictures!
Hey lady!! I feel like we haven't talked in ages. Glad the launch went so well! You look cute! I would totally go to your classes if I were anywhere near there - they sound like a great work out.
That granola sounds pretty fabu! When I was training we had our longest session Sundays so I used to dread them. These days I kind of like lounging around getting stuff prepared for the week. Hope you have a wonderful Monday :)
Aww that's so cool that your mom got to take part in the launch class with you! I love Sunday's because I can usually get a bunch of stuff done, but then I hate when they're over cause Monday's have to start :(
I love your veggie enchiladas!! I am going to whip up some just like that this week!
Well done on the makeup and hair!
So nice to see another fun photo with your mom...you both rock it!
Have Fun and Enjoy!
xoxo Sweetie!
I semi-dread Sundays. I love how you started the brunch out Sundays-that's a great idea!
The enchiladas look great. It's like a baked fajita - yum! I love Sundays until after dinner, then I start thinkign about work the next day and I begin to wish it was Saturday.
You look so beautiful- so naturally radiant!!! Great job on the Pump 73 class!
Delicious enchiladas! I can't believe I've never made them before- they are surely something I'd love. Anything that requires salsa and sour cream.
I love Sundays! I love looking forward to a fresh start on Monday! way too many exclamation marks in this comment.
The enchiladas look awesome! I never thought of filling them with beans and spinach...they may show up for a dinner next week! :) My boyfriend and I have pancake day dates every weekend, so I know what you mean about making sundays great! They can be a bummer!
oh i wish i still belonged to a gym! i love new releases! you looked super cute and sounds like you had so much fun with pump 73 :D
your enchiladas look so good! i need to get some TJ's refried beans and enchiladas into my life asap, your meal is making me drool haha.
i love sundays because i still get to relax and get some much-needed work done, but sunday nights are not so much fun for me... i think most would agree. hope you have a lovely week!
I love all the veggies in your enchiladas!!! So healthy.
I love Sunday's - its the one day of the week I get to cook the most!
Have a great week Erica - and way to kick ass at that launch!
Your classes always look SO fun!! (and tough);)
Noah has his last few playoff games this week so I'm excited about those. Hope they win!!!
I LOVE that y'all theme your launches! Rock on girlie!
Sunday is my absolute favorite day of the week. Hands down. I love to just relax, prep for the week, and spend time with the pupper and hubbie!
That's great that the launch went so well! Is every week going to be themed? So cool that your mom came too :D
I have loved Sunday's since I joined the gym and have somewhere to go when I wake up...I get up around 5:30 every day! Plus the gym is really quiet which I love :)
I think once it starts getting dark on sundays i get the bluesssss :( you look so cute for body pump, glad the class was a success!
I so can't wait to get back to body pump hopefully not long now! I love sundays especially when I don't have to work! You look so pretty in the picture x x
love the hair and the veggie enchilada! I've been finding all kinds of good ways to make things that used to be considered meaty meals with veggies, so fun!
i love sundays they are my most relaxing day
Those enchiladas look tasty! You should try them with corn--if you heat them up a little, you don't have to fry them. And if you can find blue corn tortillas, they're phenomenal. YUM.
definitely both! cute pics, i love the hair and makeup!
Congrats on the launch! Looks like an excellent workout.
I like Sundays. It is really the only day of the week I force myself to take off. My husband and I usually do something fun (like go skiing) or relaxing (like a big grocery trip). Either way, it is always a nice break.
Wow, it seems that you all had a nice workout :-) I love Sunday until late afternoon when I realize that next day is Monday :-)
You look so cute! I think it's so fun that you do themes at your launches!! And how fun that your mom got to take the class, too. I'm glad everything went well!
You know, there's still a part of me that dreads Sunday nights, but I think that's only bc I don't like my job. :-( But it's my goal this year to change that! I love how you guys have that Sunday tradition. Makes days so much sweeter!
Hmmm....my comment is showing up? Sorry if you get something from me twice. :-)
The launch looks like so much fun - and how neat that your mom was able to come!
I still dread Sunday nights, but that's bc I don't like my job. Workin' on fixing that this year, though! I love how you have that Sunday tradition. Totally changes the mood of the day!
Love all the colors in your enchiladas!
That's so awesome that your mom came down to take your class! :)
Mmm and those enchiladas look delicious...I've been craving some lately!
Yea for launch day! Looks like fun. I SO wish I could come to your classes. Maybe someday:) I am on a work trip this week. I will miss my classes. It is nice so I hope to run and I brought tons of food so I can keep on the healthy track!
WHY do i not read your blog prior to making dinner. those enchiladas are faaaaaabulous looking! and so easy! no?
girl you look GORGEOUS! haha i suck at hair and makeup too, and leave that to my sister to help me out with haha. its fine bc when we're housewives we'll have someone do it for us ;)
pump looks so fun!! come to new york and teach a class so i can playyyy
Looks like it was a fun class!
Usually I do my long runs on Sundays, its hard getting out the door sometimes but it so worth it when I'm done. Plus its good ME time.
#1: you are adorable. end of story.
#2: i may have to make enchiladas this week.
#3: LOVE the body pump pictures!
#4: i LOVE sundays. i know monday is the next day, but it is the perfect day to be really productive or not do a damn thing at all :)
sundays = great in the morning but by the pm I am bummin'
you look tooo cute in your outfit. cute, i mean badass!
Sundays define bitter sweet for me - boo... but nice! haha
Looks like a great class - and those enchiladas look SUPER!
You are looking hot! ;) I would love to go to one of you body pump classes!
I love Sundays - I just hate that it means Monday is about to begin!
Love the rocker hair!
I would say I dread Sundays. I tend to put off on Saturdays things that have to be done before the end of the weekend, so I either have to jam pack Sunday or I don't end up doing them. And I end up counting down the hours I have left of freedom before I have to live at the office for another 5 days.
Your gym is huge! I love it. My Body Pump class is in a tiny little room thats always packed full of people. By the end it seriously smells! (EW!) It must be nice to be spaced apart like that :)
We just set our launch date for 4/19. We start practicing this Friday. What tracks did you teach?
Those enchiladas will def be onmy to do list! They look good and easy!
Sundays are kinda bittersweet for me.
I used to LOVE sundays... but now.. I'm kinda 50/50. Its so great because it should be a day of relaxation but it just reminds me that its my last day before a long week ahead.
congrats on the launch i bet your mom LOVED your class!
Wow your food looks so good!
In some ways I dread sundays just because it means the weekend is over! I'm trying to enjoy them. A brunch tradition might help!
i hate sundays...but i hate mondays more - ha! for some reason nothing gets done at the hospital over the weekend and mondays are just a mess. anyways, i definitely need to get on this galaxy granola band wagon...everyone is raving about it!
This post inspired me to make veggie enchiladas the other day! Similar to yours but instead of squash I used peppers, and added some quinoa! DELISH!
Love the pic! I want to take your Body Pump class!! I love how you all do the launches together...I feel like my gym is behind.
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