Monday already? Where did the weekend go??
Hope your day treated you well. I started my day off with a one mile treadmill run and then split teaching Body Pump with my friend, Kristen. I taught warm up, squats, chest, back, triceps & biceps. It went really well! I LOVE the 5:45 AM group.
Afterwards, I took a quick shower and headed into work for lots of meetings and a little work, work. On my way home, I treated myself to a three pump gingerbread, nonfat

The rest of the afternoon/evening has been spent working (again ;)) on choreography for Attack and Pump, a little laundry, and relaxing (
For dinner, I had another golden acorn squash:

I went back and forth in my mind all day on how I wanted to prepare it- sweet or savory? In the end, I went savory. I roasted the squash for 40 minutes at 450 degrees. During the last 15 minutes, I roasted up some tomatoes and peppers topped with red pepper spice. I also added some pinto beans:
And you know I had an apple (addict) on the side with nut butter. One commenter asked why I never show my nut butter…honestly…I usually eat it right from the jar. So, for a special photo op treat tonight, I actually put it on the plate!

Make sure you come back tomorrow for a fun giveaway!
Anyone else dreaming of the weekend already?
I am so dreaming of the weekend already!!
Okay, I really do need to try this whole roasting a squash business! I'm just chicken.
And yes, god yes, I am already looking forward to the weekend!
Where did the darn weekend go? It zipped by much too quickly for my liking. The stuffed squash looks so delicious- I'm giving it a try this week!
I know, this weekend flew by didn't it?
So glad that Body Pump went so well. I am dying to take one of your classes. I really hope to come visit you someday to make this dream a reality! ;)
I can not get enough of squash and I am glad to see my twin is loving it just as much as I am.
Enjoy your night hun.
Stuffed acorn squash looks great, I've been seeing this around lately. I may buy one to experiment with. lol
Yeah for the red starbucks cups coming back! I had one this weekend, too. :)
squash looks delish!!
I am totally dreaming of the weekend already. They go by too fast!
Sounds like a busy day for you. I was home sick today. I relaxed in the morning and then worked out...I just had too:) I plan on relaxing again tonight with my Josh.
I'm glad your class went so well!! I'm definitely dreaming of the weekend already - I felt like a zombie today!
Haha, sadly I AM dreaming of the weekend already!! I'm sure it will be here before we know it though.
Oh, I will definitely have to try that gingerbread misto! I don't think I've ever had any of their gingerbread drinks- probably b/c I love peppermint mochas. :)
I have an acorn squash in the oven right now... great minds think alike!
Delicious looking meal!!! Looks perfect. Ive actually never tried a golden acorn!
I love that you teach at 5:45.. thats hardcore!! Im just getting up and you're already pumping away. lol
Of course, Im dreaming of the weekend.. as always! :)
Nothing like being forced to the demands of your fellow bloggers..nut butter in!!
P.S. love the coffee..yum!
Oh yes, I was dreaming of the weekend before this past weekend even ended! I get to go home woohooooooo!!!
AB outta the jar? Oh yes! simply and straightforward. And none wasted :)
Ooooh, I've never heard of golden acorn squash! Gosh, just when you think you've heard/seen it all... ;) That looks so delicious! :)
Yes, totally ready for the weekend!! :)
I love gingerbread lattes/mistos. Now I want to rush over to starbucks! :)
I am totally dreaming of the weekend. I only have a four day work week, so I am counting down even more. Three more days :)
I have an acorn squash and I can't waiiit to fill it like you do :) woo hoo!
weird that someone wants you to snap a shot of your nut butter..but yum! I just had an apple too :)
aww I'm so happy the class went good this morning! I always think that earrrly classes have great vibes bc people don't wake up to not work out you know!
Your dinner looks awesome! I definitely need to pick up a squash next time I'm at the market.
I love the gingerbread syrup from starbucks. so yummy!
the weekend can't come fast enough!
That squash filling looks AWESOME right up my alley!
And of course STarbux. Hello. My First love is coffee :)
when i was drinking coffee, misto was my co-pilot. gingerbread sounds so good!
Oh my..your squash always looks delish!!! I must get creative with mine like you do!
I think your unwinding rituals sound wonderful! Who doesn't like to cozy up with a hot bevy?!
PS I am finding me some TruWhip :)
Thanks for another great post!!
i love your dinner tonight! So filling and i bet tasted AMAZING!
I'm addicted to apples too, i have one during lunch and i think i'm about to go have another one right now! hehhe
Totally dreaming of the weekend... and feeling better too hopefully! Yea, what was up with the nut butter comment? Saw that and wanted to know why they were so freaking concerned anyways?! Ah well, what can you do. Have a great Monday night busy lady!
Yes yes and triple YES! I need the weekend to be here STAT!
Yum, that looks good! I've never gotten into acorn squash before, I may need to give them another try.
Oh that dinner looks sooooooo good!!
Yay squash!!
I know the weekend flew by, I'm looking forward to next weekend involving a lot less house cleaning! But I'll enjoy tomorrow before the weekend. ;-)
the gingerbread lattes at starbucks are my FAVORITE! and mistos too. and stuffed squash. and eating nut butter out of the jar. great minds think alike!
and yes, i am ready for the weekend :)
I wish I could find some of those golden acorn squash--they're so pretty!
I am SO looking forward to the weekend already--I go home on Saturday!
I miss Starbucks so bad!! Just a few more months 'till I'm back in the states...
That stuffed squash looks really good! I actually tried spaghetti squash for the first time last night. It was really good.
SUCH A TOUGHIE!!! I'm so torn between sweet and savory EVERY TIME I buy a squash. It's like when you to breakfast, and you're like, "Sweet breakfast? Or SALTY breakfast?" And then you always regret your choice...which is why I've decided from now on to strictly divide any squash I buy in half, so I can make both. The best of both worlds in ONE squash.
I'm exhausted just THINKING about it.
p.s. finally got you on my blogroll. doing some housekeeping, yay!
Busy Monday! Your squash always looks phenomenal! I am certainly dreaming of the weekend! ay ay ay
I wanted to Body Attack the same as Body Combat? I went to check it out at my gym, and we only have the latter.
yes the weekend!!!! I can't wait till the weekend! x x
beautiful squash! oh i am so dreaming of the weekend. i woke up this morning thinking it was friday...but it's only tuesday! here's hoping that the week goes fast!
I love all of the colors in your meal - so good! :-)
That looks delicious Erica :)
Dreaming of the weekend already? Absolutely, positively, YES. Is it really only Tuesday? :)
yes! I am dreaming of the weekenddddd
and i am also dreaming of your stuffed squash! mmmm
I love eating things straight from the jar! When I'm the only one eating from it, of course. ;-)
Now I think I'm hooked on savory squash....I'm craving it! Next I need to try savory oats.
Yes, weekend...please come SOON!
I always stand over my squash and think, "hmmmm, sweet or savory?!" lol only food bloggers!
The weekend is all I can think about!! :)
Love what you did with the acorn squash.
And I'm totally copying you by ordering that misto when I get to the mall on Thursday!!!
Oh man, squash stuffed with beans? Talk about a match made in heaven!
I can't get enough of the red cups! You're making me want a gingerbread misto too . . .
that squash looks soooo good!!! i so wish it was the weekend already.
i could eat squash everyday...i swear!
Mmm! That acorn squash looks delicious! When am I invited to dinner? : )
Your stuffed squash looks totally beautiful!
What a yummy (and pretty) looking squash! I am with peeking out at the weekend already.
I dream of the following weekend on Sunday evening, haha ;)
I am most DEFINITELY dreaming of the weekend....starting yesterday! ;)
I do love those acorn squash. There is no end of yummy things you can stuff them with!
I'm with VG - I dream of the next weekend before this one has even ended! Haha...
I so covet your squash - I actually don't know if I've ever seen a golden acorn squash! I'm sure it's just as good as the green kind, though, right? Not that I get to eat that enough either! If only I was home to cook lunch AND dinner, I'd get to try all kinds of fun things with squash. :)
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