Saturday, November 14, 2009

10 Miler & Trip to My Parents

How was your Saturday? Mine was great but I am exhausted :). I woke up at 5:30, got ready for my race, and headed out the door:

It was a cold morning in SC (around 48 degrees) and I was nervous about what to wear. I ended up going with a long sleeved under armour top:
And Nike capris:

The race course was beautiful! We ran two five mile loops through Folly Beach. In the end, I finished my 10 miler in 1 hour, 19 minutes, and around 48 seconds (I couldn't get my watch to stop for about 10 additional seconds haha). I CANNOT believe I ran, at average, an under 8 minute mile!!!!!!!!!! I was so so so excited:

Here I am, post race:

And a few picture from the ride home, beautiful Folly Beach:

Love this gorgeous Charleston Bridge:

I got home, refueled, and then Josh and I headed to my parents house. Josh and my Dad went fishing and I hung out with my mom. We took their dog, Tedy, for a walk on the beach:

And then walked around and did some shopping in a little outdoor market. This is the view out my parents back door:

And here is a picture of my Mama and I:

For dinner, my dad made up plates of tomatoes and mozzarella with olive oil, basil, and parsley:

I had a big sweet potato topped with more mozzarella, tomato, and basil:

They had steak and potatoes:

For dessert, we had the Gluten Free Crustless Pumpkin Pie I made topped with TruWhip:

Guys, this crustless pumpkin pie is AMAZING. The truwhip is also pretty good! It definitely tastes a little different than cool whip but I actually really enjoy the flavor! Give it a go!

Tomorrow I have lots of cleaning and choreography to catch up on! What are you all doing??


Lauren said...

wow! awesome run - congrats!!! I wish I could motivate myself to be more active. Reading your blog is slowly getting me there...

homecookedem said...

WOW!! Way to go!! :) What an awesome run!! I know you must be feeling very proud of yourself right now, well done!!

Ok, you're really killing me with this pumpkin pie - will have to pick up ingredients to make it ASAP!

Jane Beall said...

Congratulations on the great time!

Your parents have sweet digs - where are they?

Katherine B Wood said...
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Anonymous said...

oh my gosh that looks like so much fun!! i LOVE charleston-i go to school at clemson so it's right near there.. do you run the cooper river bridge run? its so much fun!

Alison said...

YAAAAaaayyyyyy CONGRATS on your fab race! Awesome job! Looks like a lot of fun post race fun too - what a great day you've had! :D

Maria said...

Congrats on your race! You are awesome!! Glad you had fun with your family too. And we are getting lots of snow today so I don't think 48 is cold at all:)

Anne said...

Wow, congrats girl! That's an awesome time :D The pumpkin pie looks great, too!

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

GRRRREAT JOB ITZ!!! Wowza!! You looked so fabulous and happy afterwards :)

I hope I live near my rents later so I can pop over for din din together too hehe. Pumpkin pie looks amazing--I smell Thanksgiving!!!

Deva (Voracious Vorilee) said...

Awesome run! Congratulations! I plan to go running tomorrow - we'll see what the weather brings me for outdoor running, or if I'll treadmill it :-)

laura dishes said...

WOW- congrats on the amazing time!

Love the pics... I just love Charleston! I need to plan my next trip... my sister is living there and trying to get a job at MUSC, so I'm totally jealous. ;)

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

Ok so in 2000-2002 I lived in Wrightsville Bch (Wilmington) NC and in 2002-04 lived in North Myrtle. Where do you live? I didnt know you lived in the Carolinas?!! And in those 4+ yrs, hubs and I ran 3 races a month. There is not a podunk town or race somewhere on the 74 or 76 that we haven't ran. Charleston's bridges, yep. Battleship bridges in Wilmington? Yep. Bald Head Island ferry to the race? Yep. We literally raced 150+ races in our time there. Wow girl..write me about this if you wanna chat. I have lovely memories of the races there.

And yeah, cashew cream is it's own animal. Not really a tru or cool whip direct substitution but ya know. Sorta healthier but not the same fluffiness as Tru or Cool. Enjoy your Tru :)

lynn said...

yay run! dinner w your folks looks fun - especially dessert....

tam said...

That pumpkin pie makes my mouth water! Congrats on the run x x

Ashley Lauren said...

Congrats on the run!

Family dinners are great :) I love your parent's dog! Labs are so sweet!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...


Yaaaay family time! Love Tedy :)

I'm doing tons of schoolwork.

Molly said...

Congrats!!!! That was an amazing run!!!

I'm racing a 10 mile racethe Saturday after Thanksgiving and I will be definitely use you as inspiration!

K from ksgoodeats said...

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR AWESOME RUN!! That's fantastic and inspires me to go running!

Your parents have a gorgeous view out of their backyard. Your pumpkin dish looks delicious! Glad the TruWhip worked out!

Today has lots of bio studying for me - boo! Happy Sunday :)

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I am not too up with the running stats, but it still sounds GREAT!! And so glad you got to go visit your parents--your dad whipped up some yummy looking tomatoes! And I kneeew that pie would be delish, it just screamed yum! :o)

Holly said...

under an 8-minute mile? YOU GO GIRL!

and that pumpkin pie looks amazing - glad you were able to enjoy the day after your amazing run. me? i am sore from a yoga sesh yesterday and have no idea what i am going to do :)

Lizzy said...

Great job on on the race love! you did awesome! :) I want to run in a race so bad!!!

glad you like the truwhip, sounds like it could be a great alternative!

Have an awesome sunday girl! :)

GF Gidget said...

Once you go crustless, you never go back! hahaha! Love the pie and your parent time! Have fun!

Krista said...

Great job on the race!!! And it looks like you and your Mom had a nice day together.

Holly said...

Wow, girl - that is so fast!! You have to feel awesome!! What a great way to start the weekend. :-)

That truwhip looks SO good. I'm a Cool Whip fan,'s embarrassing how I used to put a whole container down in a couple of days!

Julie said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!1 CONGRATULATIONS! 8 minute miler is like crazy good girl :) I really need to try that crustless pumpkin pie! mmmmmm maaaaaybe todaaaaaay..

i'm about to email you about nunaturals :)

Pam said...

Your pictures are great! Congrats on a race well done! U R AMAZING!

It's so beautiful where you live...enjoy!

I love to see your smiling face...have fun!

~M~ said...

Congrats on the run!!!!

vanillasugarblog said...

ohhh congrats girl! I knew you'd do it--piece of cake for you.
:::must get TruWhip:::

Abby (Abbys Vegan Eats) said...

YAA!! good for you!! Im loving your running outfit, btw.

You and your mom are adorable.. hope you had a great weekend, hun :)

Jane Beall said...

Oh, cool, my favorite aunt lives in Murrells Inlet - love that area!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on a great race, speedy lady! And thanks for making that GF pumpkin pie... I might have to make that one today as, you know, a trial run (not so that I can eat it all...) for T-giving. :)

Priyanka said...

I love the backyard scene and charleston bridge picture!

How cute is Tedy!?

Anna said...

I have to say that I would love a crustless pumpkin pie. The filling is by far the best part!!

Right now I'm doing hw, hw, and MORE hw, but hopefully I can get a new post up by tonight!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance said...

Careful driving and taking pictures! haha :-)

Paige@ RunningaroundNormal said...

Wow...NICE job on the run! That is absolutely stellar! Inspiration for sure. I can't believe you had so much energy to do every thing else you did that day, too! Sounds like a great time :)
Those tomatoes look awesome!

teresa said...

great job on the race!! and how is it that you look just as good after the race as before!

the pie looks and sounds awesome! what a fun day.

Anonymous said...

awesome run girlie!! congrats :)
mm that pumpkin pie looks fabulous!

Nicci said...

Great job on the run, awesome time Erica.

The Purple Carrot said...

Congrats on your race, Erica!! :D I'm so excited for you!!! I bet you felt great!

Trying To Heal said...

wow, that is an awesome run!!!! congrats on that time!

Esi said...

Congrats on the race!!! Sounds like it was a great weekend.

Triple Threat Ladies said...

Great job on your race! That is awesome and fast! I love how you have the biggest smile on your face after the are just beaming in that picture! : )

Anonymous said...

YAY! Congrats on a great time!

Bridget said...

AWESOME JOB!!!!!!!!! That is so great!! Definintely motivating for me :) That pie looks incredible too!

Unknown said...

I particularly like the looks of the tomato and mozzarella looks delicious! I like your website and you are definitely a health-conscious person. I have some whole grain recipes that might interest you, I also talk about the different health benefits each provide:

Feel free to comment! :)

mtbcy said...

Congrats on the wonderful run! The picture of you and your mom is so cute :)

lauren said...

omg - you totally rocked the 10 miler! SO impressive.