Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Training Day & Brussel Bake

Don't forget- you have until midnight to enter my V8 giveaway.

Today was a good day. I got to take the day off from work due to the OT that I’ve been putting in. I started off my day with an 11 mile training run. Today was just not an ON day for me in terms of running. My legs were a little sore, my tummy was feeling a little funny, and it had poured earlier this morning, so there were lots of puddles. BUT- I finished the run and that’s what matters!:

When I got home, I refueled and then ran out to WFs for some items I need for my Thanksgiving baking (pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin (on sale for 99 cents!!), apples, etc). Due to the rain (which started back up after I finished my run), I wore my cute rain boots that are covered with little Franks:

Afterwards, I came home to work on Choreography for Step/Pump. The rest of my day has been spent wrapping Josh’s family’s Christmas presents (which we will bring to them at Thanksgiving):

Starting to decorate the house for Christmas, doing housework, and relaxing with Frank. Fabulous! My dinner tonight consisted of a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I only really took photos of one dish I ate, a Brussels, apples, and jicama dish with almonds and Parmesan cheese based on this recipe from Kalyn’s Kitchen. I basically made a smaller portion of the original recipe and added the jicama in with the Brussels. In the last five minutes of cooking, I also added in some chopped apple. The result:

Please check out Kalyn's pictures which show just how amazing this dish looks. It was SOOOO yummy. I cannot wait to make it again.
Many of you asked about the Crowder Peas I ate last night. They were totally delicious. According to Wikipedia (the official source on everything…right? ;)), Crowder Peas are part of the Vigna species which includes Black Eyed Peas. They are a subcategory of Cowpeas and Wikipedia notes:
“Cowpeas are a common food item in the southern United States, where they are often called field peas . A subcategory of field peas is crowder peas, so called because they are crowded together in their pods, causing them to have squarish ends.”

Question for you all- are you making anything for Thanksgiving? If so, what? Share recipes!
Edited to Add: Check out this awesome chocolate/coffee giveaway


Naomi(Onefitfoodie) said...

ohh what am i making for thanksgiving...well my mom is making the turkey which I am certainly helping her with! I am also making some corn or pumpkin bread or maybe corn/pumpkin bread?!

awesome job on that workout girl, you are a machineeee

Abby's Vegan Eats said...

11 mile run?! You're on fire!! Can you believe its almost Christmas..I can imagine wrapping presents kinda put you in the holiday

Not sure about Thanskgiving meals yet... I better get cracking!

homecookedem said...

WOW! 11 miles is awesome!! :)

As for Thanksgiving - Andrew is frying a turkey and I'm in charge of a tossed salad (thinking walnuts, craisins, goat cheese?), cranberry relish, and possibly some simple green beans.

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

FABULOUS mileage!

I always make my "famous" homemade chunky cranberry sauce and a special dessert :)

Jessica said...

I'm making tons of goodies for Thanksgiving! Probably some pumpkin goods for the inlaws and my fam. :)

Anne said...

Great job finishing that run even though you weren't totally feeling it. That's awesome :) That brussels sprouts dish looks delicious--perfect for thanksgiving!

Britt - Runnerbelle said...

Great job on the run! I wish I could work OT and then get a day off, especially with how early it gets dark now... so jealous!

Brussel sprouts & cheese.... you can do no wrong with that combo in a recipe. Just my opinion.....

Anonymous said...

11 miles on an "off" day? I'm impressed!

I want to try to make some sort of multi-grain stuffing, but I haven't found the perfect recipe yet.

Molly said...

Nice run!
I keep changing my mind about Thanksgiving - every recipe I look at is immediately "the one"! But I'm racing that morning and I don't want to overwhelm myself!

Erika said...

I am supposed to be making a pomegranate cheesecake which I do not have a recipe for yet and some sort of antipasto salad as an appetizer. I was thinking more pomegranate seeds, pears, walnuts and greens.

Dawn Dishes It Out said...

That brussels sprout dish looked fanatastic! I am definitely trying that one.

For Thanksgiving I always make Butternut Squash Lasagna. It is delicious. I love it!!

Shannon said...

I'm planning on making brussels sprouts and baby carrots for my Thanksgiving bring-along contribution. I plan on simply roasting them in olive oil and sea salt & pepper, maybe a little maple syrup--haven't decided. I love brussels sprouts and your dish looks fabulous! Way to go on the 11 miles!

fittingbackin said...

Your rainboots ARE adorable - love! Nice run girl - you rock! I'm also mucho impressed that you're already WRAPPING xmas presents - you have it together for sure!

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

How cute are those rainboots? I love them!!!

I need a HRM. Was yours super expensive?

Sarah @ The Foodie Diaries said...

I need to come up with what I'm making for TG! I'm looking to blogland for inspiration haha

elise said...

ooo, im gonna have to make that dish soon, i currently have ALL the ingreds (how weird), so clearly it was destined to happen!!

nice run, stud!

ill be working on t-giving, so maybe i should start cooking now, so i dont come home to a pathetic fridge and wallow in my lonely misery with a jar of peanut butter, haha

Sarah said...

Delicious salad! Mmm I love autumn/Thanksgiving flavors.

Beautiful blogger passed to you!

The Purple Carrot said...

Yay for a day off!! :D

Ha, I love those boots ... perfect for you! And you know I love the looks of that Brussels dish because you know how much I LOVE Brussels!

Maria said...

I am glad you had the day off. Nice job on the 11 miles. I love Kalyn, we used to be neighbors, her blog is fabulous!! I am not making Thanksgiving. My dad came to visit so we already celebrated earlier this month. I don't eat turkey and don't like most of the traditional foods. I am sure we will cook up something tasty though, it's just the 2 of us.

A few recipes to share: Roasted fall veggies:

Fresh Cranberry Sauce:

~M~ said...

Love the wrapping paper. I seriously wiki multiple times a day. hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the 11 miles! That sounds like a wonderful time to me!
I love those rainboots! Makes me want to get some. That's pretty cool that you exchange presents at Thanksgiving. This year we are drawing names at thanksgiving for presents at Christmas, to cut down on costs.

Paige@ RunningaroundNormal said...

Err..I think my previous post just got deleted.
Great job on the 11 miles! That sounds like a wonderful time to me!
Those rainboots are SO awesome. I need to get me some.

BroccoliHut said...

Cute boots! You know how much I love rain gear;)

Anonymous said...

ive never heard of cow peas! so crazy..for thanksgiving im def gona need some MAC AND CHEESE!! I usually make a healthier dessert..since the rest of the desserts are def unhealthy

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

jicama in with the Brussels and apple? be still my heart. Now THATs my kinda salad!!! Well done & yum!!

lynn said...

i'm going to my aunt's in boston for t'giving and am a guest, so i guess i'm not making anything - though i really want to!!!

Anonymous said...

Great run! I'm so inspired, Erica. I have a 15K in a month and that seems so far away from where I am in my training!

Love those boots. I wonder if they make pug ones?

Nicole @ Geek Turned Athlete said...

Cute boots! I need some of those for all the rain we have been getting in Germany! I know that this a dumb question, but since I've only been reading your blog for the past few weeks I don't know the answer. You are a vegetarian right? Are you going to try out the vegan challenge that is going on today?

Anonymous said...

What a delicious use of brussel sprouts! I used to think I didn't like them until I tried them roasted, and now am hooked.

Love the rainboots :D

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but am on the lookout for a recipe for squash stuffed with wild rice/craisins/almonds. or just make up my own!

Anonymous said...

Love your boots!! I finally have some for Boston :D Great run Erica and double yay for xmas presents!

Stephanie @ cookinfanatic said...

Those boots are adorable! Isn't jicama such a fun veggie?! I like the idea of your veggie combo, Kalyn's Kitchen totally has some great recipes :)

Holly said...

GREAT job on the run, girl! I hope your tummy feels better. :-(

omg - I want rain boots SO badly! Those are the CUTEST. Considering it's rained 200 days here this year (seems like), I think I'd be justified in that purchase.

Yes - I am making these cookies for Turkey Day (for the 1st time!):

YUM. :-)

Krista said...

I'm feeling ya on the bad run, hun! Wonder how many others out there had yucky ones, too?!

Pam said...

Such cute boots....xoxo to Frankie!


CaSaundraLeigh said...

I get to go to Whole Foods and TJs this weekend--I cannot wait! Any new things I should look for that you like?!

That dish does sound great--really flavorful!

Julie said...

oh!! i love those boots :) rain boots are so fun and sometimes i wish it would rain more just so i could wear mine but at the same time i hate the rain haha.

mmm brussel sprouts! the best way to buy them is the GIANT b sprout tree at TJs! so fun and can be reused as a xmas tree hahaha

99cents pumpkin! means i'm on my way to WF RIGHT NOW.

i'm saying so many things right now haha.

and for thanksgiving i'm making hungrygirl's pumpkin pie, string beans sauteed with almonds, mini cheesecakes, & i think that's it. we go to my grammy's so she takes care of the whole dinner shibang

Yum Yucky said...

Ooo! Brussels! And if I could just quit over-cooking them, they'd taste even better....

Kalyn Denny said...

I really love your version! This is the best thing about cooking, how everyone makes the recipes their own.

teresa said...

good for you for finishing that run! i would have quit at mile 0.5 if i wasn't feeling up to it lol!

i am making stuff for thanksgiving, but so far it's all very standard. i'm still trying to decide if i want to think outside the box and do something different and daring!

teresa said...

you're so sweet, these both look sooo good! i'm going to give them a try!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance said...

You're always on the go! I can't even start thinking about Christmas decorations yet...maybe the weekend after Thanksgiving. Btw, love that brussels recipe :-)

mtbcy said...

Those rainboots are sooooo cute! Great job on pushing through the 11 mile run! I need to figure out some sort of dish to make for my family to snack on before thanksgiving dinner... maybe that will be my project this weekend! Last year I made a walnut fig spread but it's always fun to try something new. Hope you have a great Thursday!

Holly said...

i am LOVING that dinner mix - definitely will have to give that a shot. and i LOVE rainboots. i have red-flowered ones...too much fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about making a chocolate pie with tofu in it...I'm going to try the recipe this weekend before posting it. I want to make sure it's good! lol

Triple Threat Ladies said...

Oh man, that brussel bake thing looks awesome!

Kris | said...

Awwww bella, your boots are too cute!!! I need to get me some with little weiner dogs on them ;)

Your food pic looks delish as usual. Is this easy to make??


Juliana said...

We are having a family gather at my uncle' will be fun since everyone brings a dish...I'll make pumpkin cupcakes...your brussel sprout looks yummie!

bhealthier said...

oh my goodness those rainboots are AWESOME! where did you find them?

nice workout lady.

not sure about t-day plans yet- its always been about jeff' s family...

Anonymous said...

Love the boots! How cute!

Anonymous said...


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