Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cookie Giveaway & Workout Wednesday

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday. Week going well so far? Mine has been busy, but good. A lot of you had questions about the Trader Joe’s peanut flour I used in my cookies. YES! It does taste like nut butter in a recipe! Its kind of like PB2 for baking. I am really enjoying the product and can’t wait to try it out in more recipes.

Since I haven’t made any new or unique recipes this week, I decided this would be a great time for a giveaway! One winner will receive their own batch of Peanut Butter (flour) Chocolate Chip cookies!!

flour 013

There are two ways to enter (note: you DO NOT have to have a blog to enter):

  • Leave a comment telling me your favorite Trader Joe’s product
  • Lave a comment telling me your favorite fall recipe (with a link)

Each entry requires a separate comment to count. The winner will be picked with a random number generator! You have until noon on Saturday, September 25 to enter. Good luck!

And since its workout Wednesday, here is the plan for the week:

  • Monday: Ran to warm up, taught Body Pump
  • Tuesday: Taught Body Attack
  • Wednesday:  Off or short run (I have a race coming up and very little time to run- yikes!!)
  • Thursday:  Teach 45 minute Step & Pump
  • Friday:  Teach Body Step
  • Saturday:  Teach Body Step and Body Pump launch
  • Sunday: Off

Packed week! The Body Pump launch on Saturday is going to be really fun because its two weeks before the real full up launch for all the programs. Its a launch that is only being announced on the gyms facebook page. I am eager to see how it goes! What is your plan for the week?


Jessica @ How Sweet said...

Ahhh that is so hard! I would have to go with peanut butter filled pretzels!

Heather said...

I love the black bean and corn salsa - I actually used it last night in our eggs for dinner!!

Your workout schedule this week is pretty intense. Good luck at the "launch" - that's a great idea!

Lindsay said...

My new fav fall dish:

the original recipe is here:

Anonymous said...

I love chili and cornbread in the fall! Here's a recipe for some great cornbread:

Anonymous said...

I have three favs from TJ's: pb filled pretzels, greek yogurt, and SUSHI!

JMM said...

I can't leave Trader Joes's without tubs of the guac w/spicy pico. It's insanely addicting. I could east it everyday for bfast, lunch & dinner.

JMM said...

For fall -- fall starts for me when I make a loaf of pumpkin bread.

with a nice hot cup of coffee and a nice warm piece of bread. So good on a Sunday morning curled up under the blankets

lee said...

I really like their organic marinara sauce. It just has a good taste to it.

lee said...

This is my favorite fall recipe. Except that I make it year round -

Paul Wilczynski said...

Hopefully, a Trader Joes type of product will do: we absolutely love their sauces.

Jenny said...

We love the Trader Joe's two-buck chuck! The wine is yummy, but cheap to use for cooking as well!

tam said...

Wow those cookies look and sound amazing, I still haven't found peanut flour anywhere near by but am dying to try it! I'm kinda guessing this is a us giveaway only but I thought I'd comment anyway just in case!

We don't have trader joes here in the uk but Debs bought me over a jar of Roasted Almond and linseeds butter and it is SO SO GOOD! I am in love so I guess that would be my favorite.

Hmmmmmmmm I don't think I have found my favorite fall recipe yet but I do have some I'm loving right now:

Red Lentil and Swede Stew:

My Healthy Cookies!:

Have a fab day lovely x x

Anonymous said...

cilantro and jalapeno hummus. i die.
actually, i just eat it like it's a food group of it's own.

brandi said...

aw, how fun!

I LOVE the Nuts over Raspberries trail mix from Trader Joe's. so good!

I haven't tried a lot of their cold/frozen items because the closest one is 6 hours from me, so I have to buy stuff when I visit my parents and bring it home.

brandi said...

Favorite recipe? That's tough!

My latest favorite would be Mama Pea's pumpkin cinnamon rolls.

Anonymous said...

Exciting! I love, love, love TJ's chocolate pb pretzels.

Shannon said...

Definetely the garlic hummus!

Meghann said...

Love the giveaway! I hope I win!! :)

My favorite TJ's product of the moment is the Dark chocolate cover Edamame. Since I don't have a TJ's around me I have to savor each container everytime I get one. :)

Molly said...

My favorite Trader Joe's product is the whole wheat pretzels...classic!

Kim @ Kim and Mikey said...

Unfortunately for me, I do not have a Trader Joe's nearby. The closest one is in Atlanta, nearly 3.5 hours away.

However, I make frequent trips to Atlanta. My hubby has already been informed that the next time we go to the ATL, we will be visiting Trader Joe's.

While there I intend on picking up some dark chocolate peantu butter cups.

Kim @ Kim and Mikey said...

Fall is my favorite season. I love the changing leaf colors, the cooler weather, and the food. When it comes to fall, I love anything with pumpkin.

And I have just fallen in love with Caitlin's Autumn Grilled Bananna Sandwich. I made it this morning and it is delish!

Here's the link:

Lindsay @ said...

I adore the TJ's This Fig Walks Into a Bar. I couldn't sleep a few nights ago and it was the perfect midnight snack.

The rest of my week will be spent doing a little bit of lifting. ;)

Corey @ the Runner's Cookie said...

Favorite TJ's product is probably the frozen bean and cheese burritos (to pack for lunch when my fridge is empty), or TJ's almond butter! Tough to choose.

Corey @ the Runner's Cookie said...

My favorite fall recipe so far is the Autumn Chickpea Couscous I made a while ago (

Stephanie @cookinfanatic said...

I'm so curious about this still, I need to get over to TJ's asap! My fave TJ's product would have to be their mini peanut butter cups -- so addictively delicious!

AllieNic said...

My favorite TJ's product has to be Just Mango slices! The almond meal comes in a close second (I use it as a flour substitute in most recipes).

My favorite fall recipe so far is one I tried for Pumpkin muffins!
They were the best muffins I've had in a while...if I do say so myself!!

Julie said...

WHY would you make me choose. ugh we're not friends anymore. can i say 4? fine i will. peanut flour, garlic aioli mustard spread, salmon patties & the blueberry flaxseed!!!!! get them all!!

ahhh!! a race coming up! that's REALLY exciting :) my plan for the week is to try and get through it haha and then i have a bridal shower on saturday that i really honestly don't want to go to but whatev!

Christina said...

yum! you are so sweet. my favorite TJs product is either their almond butter or those cashews you gave me. so good!

Beth @ DiningAndDishing said...

I love a bunch of their products!! If I had to pick one - their three seed bread :).

AlwaysJoy said...

tj's has a vegetarian "jello" LOVE!

AlwaysJoy said...

tj's has a vegetarian "jello" LOVE!

AlwaysJoy said...

my favorite fall tecipe is one i made last night --- 4 cortland apples 3/4 tablespoon cinnamon small crockpot on high 6 hours! when done 2 tablespoons splenda or sugar - mix and devour!!!!!!!

rskamel said...

I am pretty much addicted to all that is trader joe's, so choosing 1 thing would be really hard! things i use on a regular basis are their WW pizza crust (which is 99 cents!), all of their frozen fruit (very fresh and so cheap compared to other stores) and their cereals and low fat granolas. oh and how can i forget my favorite FALL item from TJs, pumpkin butter and apple cranberry butter, ahhh when I have these in my hands i put them on everything!

Angharad said...

Fun giveaway! My fave TJs product is their sunflower seed butter - so tasty on apples!

Holly said...

Mmmm....I would LOVE some of those cookies!! I really, really want to try some of that peanut flour, too.

I would have to say my favorite TJ's product is their almond butter!

Holly said...

And this is my favorite fall recipe right now....can't wait to make it!

lynn said...

i love their meatless meatballs!

lynn said...

my fave fall meal - microwave pumpkin pie:

Holly said...

fave TJ's product? their curry sauces! SO DELICIOUS!

hmmm...on tap for my week? spinning tonight, butts n' guts tomorrow, a movie date with friend steph on friday, work on saturday and hopefully a restful day on sunday! ahhhhh...let the weekend come already!

heart you!

Amelia said...

OOoh, I hope I win! Those cookies would make a great study snack. ;)

I have to pick ONE thing from Trader Joe's? Gosh that is tough. I do love their raw, crunchy almond butter. I am also a sucker for their Naturally Nutty Bits (the chocolate covered nuts and seed squares).

Amelia said...

My second entry for a favorite fall meal is a tough one. The butternut squash and apple soup I made the other night is definitely in my top 5 favorite! I am also in love with Kath's Nutty Vanilla Sweet Potato & Kale Soup.
I normally omit the raisins though. Not a fan in my soup!

Jenna said...

I'm headed to Arizona today. :)

Definitely the PB pretzels! I just picked up a new bag last weekend and they are almost gone. Oops!

Lauren said...

Oh my, winning a batch of your cookies would be like winning the lotto!

My favorite TJ's product? That is like asking me my favorite fruit. Well, if I had to choose, I would say that I never walk out of the store with a container of the White Bean and Basil Hummus.

Lauren said...

And one of my favorite fall recipes…

Pumpkin Black Bean Soup

Not gonna lie, I chose this one mainly because I thought you would love it too! :) Hoping that helps my chances just a bit. ;)

Angelalovesfood said...

I would love your cookies, because they are made by...well, you!

I love TJ's, but I'm not sure what my favorite product is, so I will make a few list. Pita Puffs, Hummus with pinenuts (sooo good), their cookies, peanut butter, and soups, their chocolates

Megan D said...

Ooh I want some of those cookies!! And I miss Body Pump.. never thought I'd say that =P

Kristin S. said...

Favorite TJ's product has to be the frozen mango chunks.

My absolute favorite fall recipe is this Squash Soup from Smitten Kitchen. It's wonderful on a crisp, fall night!

vanillasugarblog said...

hey girl you won my giveaway! the free ecookbook that i am published in. your email is
in a couple days you will receive an email from publisher with ebook and all that fun stuff.
congrats girl!!!

Allison said...

Yay! My fave TJ's product is their pre-marinaded Teriyaki tofu. So good!!

Allison said...

My kids love the Naan that they sell, and TJs 100 calorie chocolate bars.

Mere said...

My favorite TJ's product is their white bean hummus! It's so creamy and delicious!

Natalia - A Side of Simple said...

Oh no, I have to choose? ...Sesame Honey Cashews might top the list.

Clare said...

Favorite trader joes product is either their 3 layer hummus (garlic, roasted red pepper and cilantro) or their frozen mini mint ice cream sandwiches. YUMMM

Heather @ Get Healthy with Heather said...

I really want to try out that peanut flour... And your cookies!

My favorite TJs product is their refrigerated pizza dough. Its super convenient.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Trader joe's product has to be the Organic Grain drink. I cannot get enough of it!

Anonymous said...

Favorite fall recipe? that is a tough one.... I guess it would have to be caramel apples. You don't get much more fall than that!

homecookedem said...

I love TJ's whole wheat pizza dough!!

homecookedem said...

Andrew's chili is my favorite fall recipe.

webmailaddress2 said...

Longtime fave: black bean and corn enchiladas

Newfound fave: dried seaweed

The Blonde Duck said...

I want a cookie.

Lindsay said...

I'm a HUGE fan of Trader Joe's peanut butter filled pretzels. I just wish I could get them more often!

Lindsay said...

My favorite fall recipe? Has to be this pumpkin gingerbread recipe! Yum!

Lindsay said...

WHoopsss. I forgot to post the link :-) Here it is:

ashley nicole said...

i love Trader Joes pumpkin butter!!!! they only have it for Fall, so stocking up is a must ;)

RunToTheFinish said...

ok totally not fair here I am wishing for a TJ's and I can't even enter cause i don't have one ;) Actually Danica sent me a package and it had some trail mix from TJ's that was amazing

Dynamics said...

Hard boiled eggs, six to a package. I also love that I can buy Himalayan salt for only two bucks.

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

TJ's coffee is best bang for the buck, ever!

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

fall recipe, raw vegan apple crumble!

Lea @ Healthy Coconut said...

Ahhh I enjoy many TJ's food item but I really love their Hummus, the roasted pepper kind. It's in a large container and I think I've purchased 5+ alone this year.

Lea @ healthy coconut said...

I just made this soup this week, it's the first thing that came to mind for fall food.

Semi-homemade Lentils & Squash soup. Easy and quick, ready in less than 30 minutes

Here's the link:

Anonymous said...

My favorite Trader Joe's products are peanut butter and joe joes!! ;)

Anonymous said...

This might not be a healthy recipe, but it certainly is AMAZING and you should totally try it!! :)

Anonymous said...

You are a workout machine! I would love to take a class from you! AKA when I'm home in Myrtle over the summer take a little trip ;)

Favorite Trader Joes product?
The only thing I've ever had from TJ's is some hummus way back in the day. My aunt brought it to a family picnic. I've been hooked ever since! However, I haven't ever lived close enough to shop at a TJ's.

Favorite fall food would have to be chocolate chip pumpkin muffins. Wonderful with a cup of tea or morning coffee. I love foods that double as a snack and a breakfast! I don't have a specific link. I took a page out of my mom's recipe file.

Hope you have a great week! xo

AllThingsYummy said...

Oh there are sooo many Trader Joe's products that I can't live without. To name a few: pomegrante/blueberry juice, Chicken Tikka Masala frozen lunch, Organic marinara sauce, Mezzacorona Pinot Grigio.....yum!

Amy said...

I love their balsamic frozen veggies-throw them on a salad and you have a meal!

Stacey said...

So many great Tj products, but I do love their blueberry Greek yogurt, oh and their almond flax butter.

Krista said...

You are always so busy, hun!! But busy is good, right? That's what I always tell myself! ;)

TheHEalthyapron said...

Ooo not sure I could pick just one! I LOVE LOVE LOVE their Crunchy Almond butter though!

Anonymous said...

My favorite TJ product is probably the creamy!

Biz said...

One thing I get every time I go - Trader Joe's orange chicken - its nice to have in the freezer for the rare times I don't feel like cooking! :D

Naomi(Onefitfoodie) said...

HEY GIRL!! i will share my fav tjs product but sadly will step away from entering since I wont be able to enjoy them to the fullest (one day I will!!!)

I LOVE the corn salsa, TJs greek yogurt and valencia PB!!!


Anonymous said...

Favorite TJ's product of the moment would have to be the dried granny smith apple slices. So addictive!

Janetha @ meals + moves said...

oh meeee i want your cookies.

fave TJs product, haha. that's funny, erica. i guess if i have to pick, their 3 layer hummus.


Natalie said...

i've been on vaca and am finally now catching up on blogs...just in time for a giveaway ;) my fave t.joe's product is their everything bagels! we LOVE those!

Natalie said...

and my favorite fall recipe? ahh that's hard...maybe these pumpkin cookies or this sweet potato shepherds pie

Anonymous said...

does the peanut flour make it taste like peanut butter?

Rachael said...

Dark chocolate edamame. Makes my PMS smile (if that's possible) every time!
Oh, TJ's, how I miss you in these Southlands....

Lisa said...

My favorite fall recipe is a Chai Biscotti that I make.

Miz said...


I want I want.

and I LOVE I LOVE peanut butter pretzels.

so does the child.

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Oo I'd love to try some of your baked goodies! Trader Joe's garden patch soups is one of my favs!

Jodie said...

This simple recipe is my fav:

Kelsey Ann said...

oh yay i still have time to enter, almost missed the deadline!! THESE COOKIES ARE SO LOVELY <3

chandra said...

Ah! I'm guessing you guys launched 75 for Pump?? My gym isn't launching it until the end of October!! I've had it for weeks but haven't even looked at it yet so I don't get tempted to teach it. :)