Then I took this guy for a quick walk to cool down:
For dinner tonight, I wanted something easy. I roasted up the remainder of my ginormous sweet potato from last night and some jicama. I topped them with tons of pinto beans and salsa. On the side I had my usual apple and unpictured glob of nut butter:
For dessert, I had a big mug of hot chocolate topped with truwhip (YUM!). Now I'm watching the Patriots/Colts, Christmas shopping, and doing laundry! Phew!
Whats your Monday looking like? Monday is normally one of my lighter work days, but I have about 6 hours of meetings and some work that needs to get done, so I have to shift my schedule around a bit. Other than that, I have Body Pump in the AM and hopefully some relaxing at night!
Edited to Add: Please check out The Healthy Everythingtarian's effort to bring a new well to the people of Cambodia!!
I don't have classes on Mondays, but somehow they always seem to fly by and I end up getting nothing done!! I'm back to 5 day weeks next semester so I'm living it up!
Girl anytime you wanna chat, just holler. would love to talk about NC/SC. I have fond memories. Some of them. The other half were not so good. Too country and southern with no real yoga (this was 2000-04) and I was a young whipper snappper on my way to CA. Had I lived there now, my friends tell me things have gotten wayyy more progressive, and I've mellowed. LOL Write me if you wanna chat about life in the Carolinas! Would love to hear your take...
how come you never show pictures of the nut butter you claim to eat so much of?
Happy Sunday girl! I must say that my tomorrow is lookin' pretty busy, but Mondays usually are full of meetings and work grrr and tomorrow will be much of the same! However after work I am going to a Whole Foods cooking class with my Mom that is based around T-giving so I can't wait for that! Plus good tv once I get home, yes please :)
haha apparently the Anon doesn't know what nut butter looks like! ;)
Looks like a fun run!
Monday itself isn't bad, but it does mean the beginning of a stressful week...I just keep counting down to Thanksgiving!
monday for me has got to be work work work cause i've been so lazy lately! lol my school work needs a good kick in the butt!!!!!
dinner looks awesome, and good luck with your class tomorrow! :)
Monday is my day off! My mom and I are getting together for a girls day. We will probably go to the gym for an hour, go shopping and to lunch.
anon- I eat it right out of the jar so it never makes it on the plate :). Please comment with your name next time or I will delete your comments. Thank you!
Well, I zoned in on the "dessert" part of the post and I must seek out this TruWhip you speak of.....
Relaxing run, walk with the pup... best kind of Sunday in my book!
I have physical therapy and a job interview... good distractions, because my boy's going away for a month :-(
Tomorrow looks to be a busy day for me, but I'm excited for it. Your dinner looks so yummy! I need to really try putting beans on top of sweet potatoes, it looks good, but I keep wondering about the similar textures..
eh - my Monday should be okay, not as chill as I'd prefer but I have few meetings so yesssss. :)
5:45?! Wowza!
Frank always looks so innocent!
I might have a case of the MONDAYS... too many year end things at work, car battery just died (4th one in 3 months and they can't figure it out, lol), and studying for a work-related exam! Yikes... Debbie Downer! :)
sounds like a relaxing day! i'm going to get that apple crisp recipe up soon! if i don't, be sure to remind me, my memory stinks! lol
Sofa day was great! I've just noticed I have the same workout watch as you, I keep forgetting to put it on! I must get back into wearing it.
Thanks for stopping by x x
What a great day! And I never congratulated you on your AWESOME 10 mile race! So proud girl! ;)
Aren't you loving the Tru Whip? Watch out, this stuff quickly becomes addicting. I'm hooked on it! :)
Have a great day loves.
OMG your doggy is SO CUTE!!!
how was your body pump class this morning?? at work someone just left a body pump CD-great tunes on there I am totally takuing it home and adding it to my itunes :)
my monday is the same old. work at 5am-1245 then I hit the gym around 3 after lunch is digested...I am thinking of baking something delish tonight!!
You gotta love the wrinkles on the bullies!! I love em' the only thing is they are soo high maitenence..but worth it!! Do you have to wash Frank's face and all of that fun stuff?!
Sounds like you have a busy Monday, so glad you slept in and kicked back a bit on Sunday!
Frank!! What a stud just chillin' on the couch!
6 hours of meetings? That sounds like torture! When my work meetings go over 2 hours I get cranky so good luck today!! Also, I hope the class went well this morning! My Monday includes bio studying and How I Met Your Mother watching. The last part is my savior ;)
I couldn't stand 6 hours of meetings! Good luck with that. My Monday is looking pretty low key. Working, playing taxi and then I have a movie to watch!
oh! I hope class went good this morning! You gotta be on your A game so early girl :) you know you'll kick butt.
hahaha frank is such a stud for real.
I've got LOTS of school work to hack into this week. aka notttt fun stuff.
Mondays are usually pretty busy, but having sunshine this morning definitely helped get me going on the right foot.
I really have to try jicama sometime soon!
congrats on your race!!!! fantastic job :) and what a fabulous weekend :)
Usually Mondays are very busy for me. However, today should be slow. Tomorrow will be my busy day as we have our monthly board meeting.
That IS one heck of a busy day! Awesome that you are staying with your running routine even after the race. How did your legs feel? Still fresh?
Have a great week!
I wish I could borrow your pup for my cool downs. I need a dog buddy!
Oooh, hot chocolate sounds soo good!
Monday is looking busy, off for a workout, dr. appt, and evening out!
I am having a hard time with my Monday! I can't seem to get into the swing of things. Motivation is at about 10%, haha.
Hi Frank :)
So....I went to Body Pump last Thursday!!! LOVE it!! Definitely going on a regular basis now :) I am trying Body Combat tonight, can't wait!!
Frank looks so sweet and a bit sad in the picture!! I just wanna give him a big smooch.
I'm jealous of your warm weather...I hear SNOW might be coming our way!??
I love your random dinners. They remind me of our scrounge dinners!
Mondays are generally pretty light for me too...except this week!
Love that dinner creation!
I've never heard of TruWhip!?
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