Once work was through, I went home to take care of the Frankster and then ran some errands. Tonight we had our Body Step launch and we all wore pink in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
Chopped cabbage
Broccoli Slaw
Any other veggies you have on hand (I used broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, jalapeno)
Walnuts (or peanuts or almonds)- toasted or raw (I went raw)
Chopped Apple
Dressing: Olive Oil, lime juice, S&P
Mix together dressing and toss with veggies/fruit. Add nuts before serving:
How is your week looking? I am teaching quite a bit this week and sneaking in my longer run. I am excited/nervous to hit double digits. My workout plan looks as follows:
M: Body Step Launch
T: Body Attack Launch
W: Teach Body Step
R: 10 mile run
F: Teach Body Attack
S: Fitness Day at the gym (I will be coaching the Beep Test, Teaching part of Body Step (abbreviated), Taking Body Pump (abbreviated), and taking Body Combat (abbreviated)). A bundle of the instructors will be teaching and I think its going to be tons of fun
On a side note, did you all see this very scary article about the three half marathoners who died this weekend?
M: Body Step Launch
T: Body Attack Launch
W: Teach Body Step
R: 10 mile run
F: Teach Body Attack
S: Fitness Day at the gym (I will be coaching the Beep Test, Teaching part of Body Step (abbreviated), Taking Body Pump (abbreviated), and taking Body Combat (abbreviated)). A bundle of the instructors will be teaching and I think its going to be tons of fun
On a side note, did you all see this very scary article about the three half marathoners who died this weekend?
wow, that is scary that 3 healthy people died in the same race! who knew running could be so dangerous!
I love dressing up for launches! Great theme!
that is scary, and it really sheds light on how intense of an activity running can be. I love the pink launch wear - so cute!
You are going to seriously rock on your 10 mile run, girl!!
I saw that article...that is so, so sad. Especially because two of the guys were so young. :-(
love the launch outfit! pink is my favorite color! :)
that's a sad new for runner, it's about time to watch out workout intensity!
Sounds like an exciting week for you! Love the pink too!
I hate hearing about deaths at races like that. We actually lost a club member at a half marathon a little over a year ago, he was later 50's and appeared healthy as a horse... ran many marathons but he had a major heart attack and unfortunately passed away. Scary stuff, but all you can do is take care of yourself, visit your doctor reguarly and listen to your body. Its not going to stop me from running.... cannot live in fear.
Wow that is scary...just shows how careful you have to be!!!
congrats on the launch!! looks amazing!!
sounds like a busy week - but fun! love the coordinated pink, so cute :)
This week looks a little bit less hectic than what the rest of last week turned out to be. My lab (UGH) is tomorrow, and I have a costume design project due thursday which is about halfway done. And I am going home this weekend which is nice because that means I'll get to relax!
But wow that article was very shocking to read. I've read several stories about fit people just collapsing and dying, but not this many at the same time. Scary.
i love that very simple slaw! i'm all into cabbage these days....raw and cooked!
OMG I just heard about those poor runners on GMA this morning. WOw, what a terrifying tragedy. I remember seeing people lying on the side of the road being carried off by ambulence during my 1/2 marathon and I got really scared. Ugh, I guess there is serious danger in any kind of sport.
Sorry your Monday was a little dull at first, but good thing you were able to pick it up with a little help for the SBUX!
Love the pink for breast cancer awareness! Sounds like you have fun/busy week; exciting that everything is launching!
Ooo. I love cabbage. And just beginning to discover the joy of walnuts in salad.
Tomorrow I'll pack raw broccoli and cauliflower for my work snack. Say you're proud of me?? Yippee!
Love the launch picture ... you guys are so cute! ; )
That's an adorable picture! You guys look like so much fun.
The workout plan looks like it'll be fun. I want to take some of those classes!
I love the pink:) I wish I had your job. I would love to get paid to workout and have fun! I heard about those runners, very sad!
Cliff told me about the runners...very weird!
Cute photo of you all!
I love working out to hip hop and feeling the groove while still getting a burn on
Cute picture!! That article is crazy scary... this was the first i'd heard of it. :( And yes, I was super groggy today... boo.
Such a hawty in your pink get up lady! Congrats on the launch!
you ladies in pink are too cute :)
Congrats on a successful launch!
So sad about those runners. I've heard about that happening before, but three in one race?! Terrible.
Cute!!!! My sorority's philanthropy is Breast Cancer Education and Awareness so I've got tons of pink shirts :)
Yum broc slaw!! Favey fave! You've got a jam packed week of fitness!
I did see that article.
sign me,
Newbie Runner :)
haha you are soooooooo cute! I love the picture!! seeing your face always makes me happy! that may sound creepy, but you really do have such a beautiful smile Erica!!!
and is broccoli slaw not the greatest invention ever?!
hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!!!!
P.s. I promised myself I would do this (my last post says why):
Consider abundance and # of species when looking at biological diversity.
4 levels of biological diversity are:
genetic diversity
functional diversity
ecological diversity
species diversity
AWESOME looking salad.. totally right up my alley!! I also love the dressing (Im not a vinegar fan so I get excited when I see alternatives!)
Love the pink outfits--glad your launch turned out to be a success!
that broccoli salad looks SO good!
You have a cuhrazy busy week of workouts ahead of you but Saturday definitely seems like such fun! Plus it will make chilling out on Sunday feel so much better haha (if that's what your plan is)
aw, you guys look so cute in your pink. i love the slaw. i'm going to check out that story, it sounds scary!
i love those arnold sandwich thins! and you were probably groggy bc this weather is awful! i just checked weather.com and thursday is supposed to be 80*...what in the world!
Oh no, I hadn't heard of that! Personally I'm taking a little break because a long drive home from NYC last weeked put a crick in my neck that just keeps getting worse! Yikes.
Very nice! We had our Body Pump Launch last night too! FULL HOUSE! It was my first launch to teach. FUN! Our other club is wearing all pink for their launch in 2 weeks.
Heather-For The Health Of It!
Ohhh man I feel you on being groggy! I haven't had any coffee yet this morning and I am about to crash. I need to fix this situation...
They still haven't released autopsy results on those runners either - very sad that they died.
Glad the launch went well! I do love me some Gaga, Brit, and Beyonce!! I haven't seen that variety of Arnold's thin before. Sounds yummy!
Hope you're having a great Tuesday!!
I can't believe 3 runners died. How horrible!
Your week looks as busy as mine!
So sad about those runners!! :(
Love your slaw salad! I have a pack of broccoli slaw waiting to be used up...may jazz it up with some nuts and this dressing!
Thanks so much for the acorn squash inspiration! Had a vegetarian version last night with beans and lots of veggies...so delicious!
Aww so cool that you guys all wore pink...love it!
And yep...I'm always groggy on Mondays! lol
Good music definitely equals an awesome workout! Your pumpkin muffins look amazing, by the way:)
Good luck with the longer run. Yes, I heard about the Detroit thing too. Scary.
wow that is crazy/scary about the runners. good luck on the 10 mile run, that is impressive!!! never seen the honey wheat thins.. i will have to be on the lookout.
Holy crap you are soopah busy! Sounds like a blast though. Your Body Step group looks like a fun group.
I did read about that...scary stuff:(
omg very scary about the runners who died! crazy
LOVE that pic of you fitness ladies at the gym!...at my gym we are having a huge launch party all day saturday, lots of classes, new music for all the les mills classes too!
awesome 10 mile run in your workouts for this week!
Eek, I can see why you'd be nervous about your run based on that article, but considering you're an exercise instructor, I know you've got what it takes to hit your goals!
Wish I could have taken the launch class! Good music is key. :)
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