Thursday, October 15, 2009

CSN Stores Cory Everson Yoga Mat Giveaway

Are you having a nice day? My day is going well but it’s going to be a busy one! I have work, a few things to catch up on around the house, 45 minute Body Step, 45 minute Body Pump and then Body Step launch practice. Since I knew I probably wouldn’t have a TON of time today to post, I figured it would be the perfect day for a giveaway!

The wonderful people at CSN stores recently contacted me to let me know about their website and the large selection of dinnerware, cookware, and exercise and fitness products they carry. They also have an additional website that carries mattresses (if anyone is in the market!!). They have decided to give away an awesome Cory Everson Yoga Sticky Mat to not one but TWO Itzy’s Kitchen readers. So, what do you have to do to enter? For each entry, please leave a separate comment:

1. Search CSN stores website and let me know which health/fitness product you’re most interested in and why.

2. Tell me your favorite yoga pose

3. Link back to this giveaway on your blog

Remember, you must leave a separate comment for each entry to count. The contest will open until noon on Friday, October 16. Best of luck!!


Sarah @ The Foodie Diaries said...

i'd love a blender or yogurt maker. i desperately need a blender--but a yogurt maker sounds so cool!

great giveaway, erica!

Sarah @ The Foodie Diaries said...

i don't have much yoga experience but i really child's pose because i feel like--depending on how you do it, or if you have someone who can put pressure on your back for you--you can stretch your entire body. ah i'm gonna do it now :)

Jessica said...

I've LOVE the blender because my blender has gone wacky on me. It is posessed!

Jessica said...

I love the good ole' child's pose. Gotta relax. :)

Britt said...

Um kettlebells, cause I'm addicted and would love to have my own at home!

Huge fan of child's pose.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have a yogurt maker to make soy yogurt ! :D
favorite yoga pose=headstand! :)
have a great day!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Favorite yoga pose = twisting half-moon

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Such a fun giveaway! I would need to pick the blender because I don't have one in my apartment--tragic I know!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I like the downward-facing dog! The best stretch ever :-)

healthy ashley said...

No way! I totally need a new yoga mat!

healthy ashley said...

My fave is pigeon :-)

Julie said...

haha how about a freakin treadmill! that would be so awesome to have in the house :)

Julie said...

and I'm all about full wheel :)

Stephanie @ cookinfanatic said...

I literally almost went to buy a yoga mat for the new exercise room yesterday... crossin' my fingers and holding off on that for now ;)

I would love to try this yoga mat, that's my choice.

Awesome giveaway girl :) Have a great day!

Stephanie @ cookinfanatic said...

As for fave pose, I like chatarunga (more like a flow, but whatev) bc I love hte way it sounds when you say it haha and the way it works your full body :)

Kristen @ Simply Savor said...

I'd love to have a treadmill in my house so i could get some studying done while walking at the same time! haha I get so antsy just sitting around in the library!

I'm also in serious need of a new mat, so the Eco Yoga Mats look awesome!

Kristen @ Simply Savor said...

My favorite yoga pose is Dancer's Pose or Downward Dog!

Anonymous said...

I would love anything from the Fitball series, especially the balance pods!

Heather said...

My favorite yoga pose would be down dog because I have crazy tight hammies and it always stretches me out!

Lisanne Boling said...

I would love the Escali - Sola All round Multifunctional Scale. I have been eyeing a scale for some time. My favorite yoga pose would have to be child's pose. It always makes me feel so relaxed.

Holly said...

quite frankly, i would really like a sofa for my apartment :)

otherwise, i do need a blender really bad. i don't have one!

my fave yoga pose is triangle, hands down. i don't know what it is but i LOVE ITTTTTT!

awesome giveaway girl :)

Kate said...

I would love the cork yoga block to go with my new yoga mat! :) My favorite yoga pose is bow...I's so hard to choose just one!

Hildur said...

I´d love a blender/food processor (the Fusion 2 - in-1 Food Processor and Blender looks awesome) because my blender broke and I don´t have a food processor.

Great giveway!

Hildur said...

Oh and my favourite poses are the warrior poses, especially warrior 1. They make me feel strong and powerful :)

Leah @ L4L said...

1) I've been wanting a physioball forever! Love those things!

Leah @ L4L said...

2 Fav Yoga pose has to be warriors. They make me feel so strong!

Amanda said...

1. I'm going to have to say I'd love a treadmill! If I'm going to dream, I should dream big, right?!

Amanda said...

2. My favorite yoga pose is CROW!

Janetha @ meals + moves said...

1. they contacted me too and i have been gazing at their website all morning! i love their colorful cookware!

Janetha @ meals + moves said...

2. can you believe it, i have NEVER done yoga...

Mary said...

My favorite yoga pose is headstand for sure :D

Anonymous said...

oh yay! I LOVE yoga! I totally need a magic bullet to create new healthy treats...also, I would really love a boxing bag to practice kicking booty! Oh, I just want everything. ha
Fave yoga pose is the Bird of Paradise, very challenging.
I'll give you a BIG ol' shout out on my blog and post the link to this giveaway!

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

I would totally dig the yogurt maker!!!! I'm a total yogurt junkie and this would the coolest gadget everrrr :)

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

My favorite yoga pose is tree! It not only makes me feel like a super cool yogi but it makes me centered and balanced!

Naomi(Onefitfoodie) said...

great givevaway!!!

the kettle balls would be awesome OR the yoga mat!!

My fav yoga pose is eagle OR tree pose!!

Naomi(Onefitfoodie) said...


Anonymous said...

I'd love to try out their yogurt maker. I'd probably save a fortune if I make it my own.

Anonymous said...

My favorite pose is the tree pose.

Kristen said...

I've been wanting an exercise ball for awhile to help with my posture at my desk!! CSN has 'em!

Kristen said...

My favorite yoga pose is eagle!

Maria said...

I want to try kettleballs. Fun dishes on there too!

Maria said...

I like pigeon pose!

Lauren said...

Both of these items would be fantastic! My blend just bit the dust the other day (too may banana soft serve attemps prehaps?) and I am always in the market for a great new yoga mat.

FAVORITE yoga is the warrior pose. It feels so good. And of course the streaches are amazing (downward, vinosa and childs, I just want to stay in these postions forever!)

Thanks Erica! This is wonderful.

Jenna said...

i like the warrior pose!

Jenna said...

the yogurt maker sounds wicked cool!

Jenna said...

mentioned your giveaway on my blog!

Junghwa said...

omg awesome givewawy!
i'd love to have a blender! I'm trying to save up

Libby said...

I need to get a nice (aka working) blender...

Libby said...

I love tree pose--it energizes me and helps me walk taller!

Allison said...

The stability balls look great (as does the yoga mat of course!)

Allison said...

and my favorite yoga pose is Tree pose!

Kimmy J. said...

Favorite yoga pose = pigeon all the way!

Anonymous said...

Favorite yoga pose is bridge pose.

Unknown said...

I would get a foam roller. laying on it and doing ab work is amazing and it is great for releasing tight muscles.

Linda said...

I'd get the Fitball Wobble Board on CSN's site.

scooplinda at gmail dot com

Linda said...

Blogged about your contest on my site

Linda said...

My fav yoga pose is pigeon - gotta keep the hips stretched for running

scooplinda at gmail dot com

Jenna said...

I am in need of a yoga mat! I keep renting one at the studio because I can't afford a good eco-friendly one right now :( I would love to get a natural rubber yoga mat!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! My yoga mat is from 9 years ago and may or may not be from Delia's.

I'd love a yogurt maker! My grandmother makes her own, and it's so neat to be able to have a breakfast staple that you made yourself.

Anonymous said...

My favorite yoga pose is Pigeon... my hip flexors get so tight and the stretch feels amazing.

lynn said...

i'd love a stir fry pan - to make quick stir fries, of course!

lynn said...

my fave pose is corpse pose. ahhhh.

Paige @ RAN said...

Ahh my mat is on its very last leg, so I neeed another one - a stickier one than my Target one, too. My favorite pose is either triangle or good ol' down dog.

Jenn (eating bender) said...

Wowie, Erica! This is a fabulous giveaway :o) I'm new to yoga and I absolutely LOVE it, but my mat slips all the time! I have to say that of all the products on their website, the sticky mat is probably what I would choose!

Jenn (eating bender) said...

As for my favorite pose? I love the warrior series and am also a big fan of child's pose when all is said and done :o) So peaceful!


2friends1goal said...

Hey Girlie! What a great giveaway! I would love a new yoga mat!

2friends1goal said...

My favorite is downward-facing dog!

Julia said...

My favorite pose has to be the cobra! it's so opening.

Alicia said...

I need a blender badly, and child's pose feels sooooo good

JoanneG said...

I'd love to purchase a food scale....I need the help with portion sizes. My fav pose would have to be the child's relaxing.

Kristen Kennedy said...

I would love to have a new carry on suitcase: The Transcend 21" Carry-On Expandable Upright in Sunset!!

Kristen Kennedy said...

I LOVE the Happy Baby pose!! The best stretch for my legs:)

HEAB said...

I'm dying for a platform bed, and CSN has quite the selection. Why am I dying for said platform bed? Well, I'll tell you. Because after almost 3 years of living in our house, our mattresses are still sitting on the floor in our master bedroom. So embarrassing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Christmas this year. ;)

HEAB said...

Favorite Yoga Pose? So many to choose from, but these days, I am loving triangle and pigeon.

Just linked to ya in my latest post. :)

Sam said...

I would love a new heart rate monitor. Mine is dying a slow death :(.

Annie said...

I would love to try one of the personal blenders... It seems like it would be quite a bit faster than my big one...

Sam said...

Camel pose is by far my favorite yoga position... stretches your back in just the right way.

Angie said...

I really need the Escali - Cesto Portable Nutritional Tracker in Red. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

Annie said...

My fav yoga pose is definitely triangle pose (Trikonasana)!

Gina said...

Oh, I NEED this. I am sliding all over my current mat, trying so hard to break it in.

My favorite yoga pose is pigeon...or headstand. Actually, my favorite is pretty boring, I actually really like forward fold because it stretches out my back so much and my back is all screwy.

Angie said...

I love the one-legged king pigeon pose. What a great stretch!

Gina said...

I need a blender. I thought I had one in storage, but all our stuff has been unpacked for awhile now and...there is no blender in sight!!

Tiffany said...

Wow, I would love to try kettlebells! I think they would be a wonderful way to add more intensity and variety to my workouts!

Tiffany said...

My favorite yoga pose is definitely pigeon. Such a good hip stretch!

Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Does a food scale count? I find myself wishing I had one almost every day! Why, oh why, don't I just break down and buy one??

Anonymous said...

I love child's pose ... so very relaxing! (I think my cats even like it too. They tend to just park themselves on my yoga mat when I've got it out. It's adorable.)

Anonymous said...

I would love any of their bakeware, or a new blender! :)

Anonymous said...

Tree pose is definitely my favorite!! I could stand in it for's so relaxing to me!

Unknown said...

I would love either a hand blender or a tread mill...the ONLY reason I even belong to a gym is for the treadmill!

Unknown said...

My favorite is a flow between warrior two and reverse; it gives such a sense of intense strength and grace.

Amy said...

I'd want to try the kettlebells. I go to a ghetto gym and someone stole them!

Amy said...

I'd want to try the kettlebells. I go to a ghetto gym and someone stole them!

Lori said...

Oh, I could spend a lot of time on that site shopping! But what I really want right now is the foam roller!

Lori said...

My favorite yoga pose is pigeon.

Jenny said...

bahhhh this giveaway made my life! I am in DIRE need of a new yoga mat! mine slips and slides all over the place -- and needless to say, transitioning in to warrior poses can get quiteeee dangerous!

I love the CSN website :) I think the yoga weight ball is super interesting and would be a great way to amp up regular yoga poses.

Jenny said...

my favorite yoga pose is gorilla.. it looks so silly, but feels so good on the hammies! :)

jennifer said...

i would love to win a yoga mat! my old one is all worn out from too many warrior poses! pick me!

~ Cee ~ said...

I like the look of the Cherry Monterey Captain's Platform Bed on the CSN site. Functional and pretty!

ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

~ Cee ~ said...

My favorite pose is either child's pose or one of the spinal twist poses. Anything to help out my back ;)

ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

Jenna said...

fav yoga pose-downward dog :)

Jenna said...

i'd love to get my daughter one of those cute cute cute yoga mats for kids!! how cool!! she loves doing yoga with me...the only problem she feels left out b/c she doesn't have a mat! so she feels I NEED to SHARE...ha.

fitforfree said...

I love tree pose and pigeon! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Molly said...

oooo i want this.

Anonymous said...

I'd love one of those George Foreman grills, or a yoga mat holder. A new yoga mat would be nice too ;) Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of cow face pose because it stretches those hip muscles!

Lo said...

i adore downward facing dog pose because as a runner it really gets me all stretched out :)

Jill said...

I'd love some pretty office art to jazz up by new office!

Haylee D. said...

Urdhva Dhanurasana (Full Backbend) ahhh nothing more streching.. LOVE IT!

Jill said...

Favorite yoga pose is probably the savasanas in bikram yoga when all that good posture benefit sinks in!

Haylee D. said...

I would love one of their outdoor sofas or loveseats...ahh relaxation...

Liz said...

My favorite yoga pose is tree pose. I love pretending like I'm a tall tree swaying in the breeze.

Liz said...

I'd love to get a french press! I've been wanting one for a while. It would be more economical and greener than using coffee filters and I love the strong, robust flavor of black coffee.

Anonymous said...

a blender is needed SO bad!

Thanks for the giveaway! Feel free to check out my Chobani giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Favorite pose= child's pose!

Keri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Christie @ Honoring Health said...

My favorite pose is half moon!

molly said...

I would want a treadmill! I am a wimp when it comes to running in the cold...

Molly said...

My favorite yoga pose is pigeon. Such a good stretch!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have french press! The coffee made in it looks so great, and I desperately want to try it!

Anonymous said...

OMG, I am a total retard when it comes to yoga poses - I am always in the back of the class when I do take classes!

Megan I said...

I would LOVE a yogurt maker. That would be amazing.

Oh and my favorite pose.... downward facing dog. :)

Erin said...

My favorite yoga pose is downward dog - best stretch ever!

RunEatRepeat said...

I would have to go with warrior pose as my fave :)

greenbean said...

oh wow....i'd love a food scale for accurate measurements! thanks!!!

greenbean said...

downward facing dog for the good stretch. i love this as an active move!

Suz said...

I'll love to try the Grip Twister because I lack upper body strength.

Hmm, I have lots of favourite yoga poses, but I think the one I love the most is shoulder stand.

Jess said...

I am in dire need of a yoga mat actually--great website! Thanks!

<3 jess

Maggie said...

My favorite yoga pose is half pigeon!

Jenna said...

Who doesn't love a good ole' fashioned child's pose? Mmmmm...stretch!

Anonymous said...

my favorite pose of the moment is good old tree pose :)

Mallory said...

oooh boy do I need a blender!

Mallory said...

hmm... in the morning i LOVE love warrior 1+2, but if i need to just calm down i love child's pose

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a food processor. I like downdog b/c my hamstrings tend to be really tight, and it loosens them up.

Liz said...

My favorite yoga pose changes from day to day, but I tend to love inversions and arm balances best. Headstand and crow are probably my favorites right now!

Liz said...

Kettlebells would be my #1 choice. I have major kettlebell envy since they became the toast of the fitness world, and would love some of my own!

Jessica said...

I love the foldable balance beam! With winter coming and wanting to keep up with our fun exercises with my children I think that would make an awesome addition!

I'd love to be entered to win a yoga mat! We're new to yoga and do alot of sliding around! ;)

Jessica said...

Our favorite family yoga post is the tree pose! I know probably not the hardest or most intersting but we're new to yoga and truly love doing it with our kids!

We'd love the chance to win a sticky mat...we still don't have any and do alot of sliding around on our hard floors!

Thank you! This is a wonderful opportunity!