As much as I love how relaxing Sundays are....the thoughts of returning to work on Monday always make me feel rather blah! Anyone else? Josh and I did have a nice day. I walked 2 miles to the pool where I sat and read for a few hours. Josh drove over and joined me later. Afterwards, we headed home for some relaxing and
tv and then I just ran a few errands. For din din tonight, Josh had steak, asparagus and bananas:

While I had a monster salad with romaine, tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli slaw mix, white beans, salsa, and a few
TJ tortilla
Afterwards I had an apple and some nut butter. Time for my favorite night of
tv- Next Food Network Star, Kendra, Entourage.
What are you looking forward to this week? We have our Body Step launch tomorrow!
I love the his and hers dinner plates :) I agree, I love Sundays but the anticipation of Monday and the work week is the worst!
Enjoy the last few hours of the weekend!
I love how yummy both of your plates look - asparagus is one of my favorite veggies, sooo good.
Haha I love that Josh eats a banana with his steak. How freakin cute is he?!? ;)
OMG I just read that Kendra is pregnant!!! Where have I been? LoL. I just love that show and I'm not really sure why.
I hope you have a wonderful Monday and a lovely evening.
Take care and sleep well my dear!
I know what you mean by that "blah" feeling!! ha. But I guess we just have to get Monday over with, right?
Your monster salad looks delicious (as they always do!)
And have fun with Body Step launch tomorrow!! : ) (I will I could come to one of your classes!)
I hate thinking about Mondays - ugh! I wish everyday was Saturday! haha!
I love your plate - yum! Do you two usually have his and her plates? I'm thinking that might be a good idea for the hubs as I move further from meat!
Sounds like a goooood sunday to me, the only bummer is tomorrow :D Have a great night Erica!
I truly love Kendra "OMG my last name is going to be Baskett!!!" Wilkinson. Her show is hilarious!
I usually feel the same about Sunday's but I'm off for 2 weeks now so I'm OK with Monday this go around!
Beach time sounds so relaxing!
I hate the thought of going to work tomorrow. Uggh!
Love the desserts you made!
I hear ya! I love my job, but I still get the Sunday Blues... this week is especially bad since I had the past 5 days off! I am going to see Coldplay tomorrow though, so I'm kind of looking forward to that.
Your salad looks fabulous. I love all the beans in there! The banana with the steak makes me laugh for some reason.
I absolutely get the Sunday blahs...right around 6 on Sunday. So sad. I am looking forward to getting all moved in to my new place.
Oh gosh, by the time I remember to watch Next Food Network Star, it's gonna be over! (and no more "Blah's" allowed, young lady!)
I also make my husband & I different plates for dinner sometimes. Usually happens when he wants a huge bowl of spaghetti for dinner, which is almost every night :)
Totally agree with you on the Sunday blahs...this weekend went by way too fast! It sounds like you had a nice relaxing day at the pool, though :o)
This week I'm looking forward to not having as much to do after work! I wouldn't have traded anything last week, but it left me exhausted. Enjoy your launch of Body Step!!
Next Food Network Star--YES MAAM! I love that show! I am glad at who the final two are--Jeffry and Melissa. I love both of them and would watch both of their shows. Wouldn't you?
AND I like Kendra's show too--I didn't get to see it last night. She is so funny and down to earth--not letting fame get to her head. That is refreshing!
I totally agree with you on the Sunday Blah's!!! I dread Sunday nights :(
Love your dinner, as always :)
Weekends are too short! Though once Monday is out of the way, it's smooth sailing... :)
I am looking forward to next week once the move is over with!
have a great day!
Steak with a banana? Very interesting!! :-P At least he gets his fruits and veggies in right!? I FINALLY get to watch Kendra again now that I have cable here(mom and dad just get the basic channels!) Kendra was wild- I was surprised by her mom's reaction!
Like everyone else, I love the banana combo! Gotta get that potassium ;)
I almost cried at the beginning of Kendra last night when she ran out of the bridal shower! How sad :(
I hope you have a good Monday!!
Ugh the sunday dreads are the worst!! I'm looking forward to apartment hunting! Yay!
I just try not to think about Monday until it comes. Might as well make the most of Sundays!
Banana's with steak is certainly an interesting combo...LOL!!! :)
Sundays do make me sad because I have to go back to work. Well, this week is going to be busy so I'm looking forward to next week! His and hers dinner plates...that works well in my book!
Your salad looks yum! Glad you got in some pool time - i didn't. :( Entourage was GOOD - but i'm not liking the girl E is dating. At all. :( What is Kendra? I'll have to google!
Your salad looks great, I love all the colors!
This week I am looking forward to hosting a dinner party Thursday, but a tad nervous as well! I hope my dishes turn out ok haha.
this salad looks amazing!
Oh the Sunday blahs and I are INTIMATELY familiar. I turn part-grouch around 8 pm on Sunday nights.
Mmmm, the salad looks wonderful!
I get the Sunday blahs too, especially when the weather is begging me to be outside!
good luck with the launch today! i agree, mondays are blah...
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