Monday, July 20, 2009

Light Fish Tacos, Fish Taco Salad

As I always say on Mondays- we made it through!! Today consisted of a light 2.4 mile run, work, doctors appointment, relaxing. For dinner, I made awesome tilapia tacos.

For the tilapia:

Preheat oven to 375. Mix 1 tablespoon olive oil with 1/2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice. Brush tilapia with mixture. Sprinkle with chili powder. Bake for 6 minutes, flip. Bake for an additional 6 minutes, shred.

Josh ate his tacos in traditional form:

Tilapia, spicy corn (corn boiled and then sprinkled with chili powder), TJs refried beans:

Lettuce, cheese, magic bullet salsa (Josh doesn't like tomato chunks so we smooth it out with the magic bullet):

Flour tortillas:

I opted for a fish taco salad (tilapia, spicy corn, salsa, peppers, romaine, TJs refried black beans, TJs tortilla flats broken up):

Totally delicious.
How did your Monday treat you?


Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

Monday was hard, I was sleepy and soared all day long!
Your dinner looks delicious! I wish I had that for dinner~

CaSaundraLeigh said...

My Monday was full of lots of to-do's; oil change, grocery shop, clean, etc! I reaaally want a Magic Bullet. That's the last kitchen appliance I haven't gotten on my list ha.

Peanut Butter Swirl said...

taco night is my favorite night :) I have never had fish tacos though - will have to try soon!

Anonymous said...

Fish tacos are one of my absolute favorites!

My Monday was pretty good! I just took a bath to wash last week's stress away :-)

Anna said...

My Monday was pretty good as far as Monday's are concerned- I didn't have work, and went for a nice long kayak.

The Purple Carrot said...

That looks delicious, Erica! yum!

My Monday was long but as you said ... we made it through! ; )

Mom on the Run said...

My Monday was pretty good as well. I love fish tacos. We had Shark Tacos last night for dinner. Holy Yum!

K from ksgoodeats said...

I've never tried TJs refried beans but they sound good!! I had the most unfortunate salsa experience today - ughhhh you'll have to read about it tomorrow but let me just say, salsa shouldn't explode when you open it ;)

Unknown said...

Monday was rough! I had way too much to do today.

I did get just under 4 miles in tonight and had a great dinner - not as good as your fish tacos though!

Angharad said...

I love fish tacos! I haven't made them in forever...might have to get on that! Yours look so good!

Monday hasn't been as awful as it could. I just baked delicious banana-chocolate vegan muffins and I'm about to crack open the wine! Not too shabby!

Lauren said...

I adore Tilapia Tacos. One of my favorite methods of eating this fish is in the form of a taco. (Or salad which might I add, looks FANTASTIC!)

How was your day today dear? Hope it was beyond great. :)

Chef Fresco said...

Fish Tacos are my favorite. These look soo good!

Eve said...

Fish tacos are so yummy! I made blackened tilapia tonight for dinner and it was great too!

veron said...

This looks delish and something I can totally do on a busy weeknight after workout, specially since tilapia cooks very fast.

Maria said...

I love your salad. My Josh made Mediterranean pizza on the grill tonight-whole wheat crust with grilled veggies. So good!
I ended up having to work today so it was NOT a good day.

Unknown said...

oh those beans! i'm sure they were tasty though ;) fish tacos are da bomb!

Mandy said...

YUM! Fish tacos! Nothing better :) Thank you for the tilapia recipe! I am definitely wanting to try it out!

My Monday was good.. but busy!

Alison Can Read said...

Fish taco salad is a great variation! The TJ's refried beans look great. I should try some.

Being Healthier said...

ooo yummio on the fish taco salad! monday was pretty weird- it was my mom and brother's birthday.... but jeff's aunt karen passed away AND I had a root canal which is not fun at all...

Anne said...

Ooh your fish taco salad looks amazing! I love that meal idea :) My monday was pretty good--I got my haircut, FINALLY :D

Yum Yucky said...

Your version of the Fish Taco looks yummiest (sorry Josh).

Anonymous said...

Those look incredible! I love tacos...and love tilapia! I don't think we get it in the UK (we have haddock which is similar in taste/texture).

My Monday was pretty good as far as Monday's go! :P

have a great Tuesday!

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

I'm so glad Monday is over....we're that much closer to the weekend.

Your din looks de-lish! I love how TJs flatbreads snuck in there.

Have a great Tuesday!

Red Head, Yellow Dog said...

mmm I love fish tacos and TJ's refried black beans! that looks like such a great meal.

Made it through Monday! Now we have Tuesday to worry about...

Renee said...

Just wanted to let you know that I referenced you in my Baltimore Food Examiner column article about the Green Monster today!

Krista said...

I like the looks of your fish salad better than Josh's tacos! Hehe! :)

Chef Jeena said...

Hey we have a bullet too. :-)

It all looks totally delish Erica!

Jean said...

Your tacos look so good! Like a restaurant! :)I love the way you serve them so the person can make tacos as they go!

Ada said...

Yum, those tilapia tacos looks great! Tilapia is perfect for tacos because it has such a mild flavor and is reasonably priced. I am definitely going to try adding that spiced corn to my tacos!!!

Glad you had a nice Monday:)

Pam said...

I love fish taco's...amazing!

Stacy said...

Love fish tacos! Your taco salad looks amazing. I have enchiladas waiting in the fridge, I think I'll have to have them in enchilada salad form after seeing yours!

Diana said...

Taco salad = amazing, never-fail food.

Monday was as painless as I could ask for, and that's all I'm asking these days!

Anonymous said...

Josh and I must be long lost cousins - I hate chunks too!

Looks delicious - have you ever tried barimundi?? Its an Australian white fish that is NOT fishy in the least - so good!

Anonymous said...

Yum! I have never made tilapia like that before, I'll have to try it when I get into my new apartment/kitchen!
This monday was busy as I just got back to work from a week of vacation!

Maria Rose said...

My Monday was very productive. Thank you for asking!

polly said...

hi Erica!! :)

Dan HATES tomato chunks too! We always blend up the salsa. Crazy boys! :) XOXO

Priyanka@thehealthydiary said...

I simply love fish tacos and I think we would eat the same way as you guys!

fittingbackin said...

YUM! That looks so good - i've never made fish tacos!!

TamaliMama said...

Monday was okay. My first day of eating went cravings!

Juliana said...

Nice tacos...and very healthy as well...look really yummie.

Aggie said...

That looks awesome girl! I want those TJ crisps, I wish I could get some!! I'll be making something like this soon, good healthy weeknight dinner.