Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I <3 the 80’s & Blog Friends

When you first started reading blogs or writing a blog, did you ever think you would develop real friendships from it? I always thought of “internet” friends as totally dork/something I would never do. I must admit, my thoughts on this topic have completely changed!!  Through blogger meet ups and multiple emails with other food bloggers, I have really developed some incredible friendships. One of those friends is a blogger named Sarah, whose blog was one of the first I read on a regular basis. Her recipes are incredible and I keep a few of them (including her granola and bundles) in my regular cooking/baking rotation.  This week Sarah sent me the most thoughtful package from TJs:



I can’t wait to try the Seaweed Snacks and Fiberful Ends & Pieces!! And I already had a nibble of the dark chocolate with hazelnuts (amazing).  Thank you so much Sarah. Have you developed any noteworthy friendships through blogging? Any bloggers in particular you’re especially glad you “met”?

Monday night, we had the Body Step 80 launch party. I made up some of Sarah’s granola for the other instructors:


Then I got geared up and headed out. I rocked a sweat band, side pony, cut off shirt and kiddie leg warmers. A couple pictures from the launch:




It was an absolute blast!

How are your workouts coming this week? Since its Workout Wednesday Tuesday, here is my plan

  • Monday: Taught Body Pump (AM), Step Launch (PM)
  • Tuesday: Teach Body Attack
  • Wednesday: Off
  • Thursday:  Teach 45 minute Step, 45 minute Pump
  • Friday: Off
  • Saturday:  Teach Body Step
  • Sunday: Teach Body Pump

Enjoy the rest of your day!!


Jessica @ How Sweet said...

I can't agree more! I always thought of 'internet friends' as weird too! Now some of them are real friends.

Your outfit is too cute. Love the 80s.

brandi said...

Aw, 80's class looks like so much fun!

I really didn't think I'd make such good friends online, but I think it's awesome! It's fun having people that love the same things, no matter where they are!

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

I love making blogger friends. I wish I knew more food bloggers near me because all of the meet ups look like so much fun!

You look super adorable in your 80's out fit!

lee said...

Love the leg warmers. And making blogger friends. And that Trader Joe's seaweed snack. It tastes like sushi.

Jenna said...

I wish I had my "internet friends" a bit closer, are there aren't any MN food bloggers that at least I know of. But I agree, I have made some solid "internet" friendships that I wouldn't have thought I could have in a million years.

I love your outfit by the way, totally rockin' the 80's and looking fly.

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet! I couldn't agree more. I have met some of the nicest people through the blog world.

1 <3 your outfit, especially the leg warmers. ;)

So jealous of your TJ's package. I am in love with their raw crunchy almond butter.

Heather said...

I heart my blog friends! It's great meeting people who have the same interests!

You totally rocked that side ponytail, btw. Awesome. :)

homecookedem said...

When I first started my blog, I had NO IDEA it would lead me to meeting some great friends online and eventually some in person!! Blogging has been one of the best things to ever happen to me!! :) Hope one day I can meet YOU!! :)

Nicole @ Geek Turned Athlete said...

I was so having this same conversation with another blogger that I met this morning. I started to explain myself, and she was like: "Trust me, I know! It's not weird to me to me!"

I totally consider you one of my bloggie friends! Next time I in your neck of the woods, I'm stopping by!! ;)

Love the outfit, by the way!!

Tina said...

You look so cute!

My internet friends are some of my closest friends these days. Everyone is so kind, supportive, and understands the love of fitness and healthy living.

lynn said...

blog buddies are the best! i'm having lunch with one tomorrow!

Julie said...


hahaha so glad we've met. and yes i'm pretending like we really have met.

love love love love your outfit! that's totes 80s and i'm pretty sure you'd be a feature in jesse's "i'm so excited" video ;)

totes let me know how that seaweed snack is!! i've been meaning to get my hands on that baby

vanillasugarblog said...

OMG leg warmers! I used to wear those! ha ha.
and yes, i love love love the friends i've met on here. only wish they lived closer to me.

Jessie (Bites and Pieces) said...

Love the 80's gear! Meeting blog friends in real life is so much fun. Most of the time, I end up having a lot in common with fellow bloggers which is always a plus. :)

Katie said...

You look so cute in your 80s 'do and outfit! So much fun.

You're right, I never would have thought I'd gain so many wonderful friendships from blogging. It's so much fun!

Sarah said...

You look SO CUTE! I love the 80s theme, fits so properly with working out. It reminds me of the leotards worn in the first exercise video my mom and I had, the very first FIRM video that came out in 1986.

Enjoy the chocolate yumyumyum. :)

Amanda@SenseiTalks said...

I wish my gym did 80's themed classes!!! Gotta love legwarmers :-)So cute!

Esi said...

OMG, I love the 80s. Speaking of blogger meet ups, October is quickly approaching. I hope I get to meet you!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, I never thought my blog as well as others blogs would bring me to such great friends.

Super cute outfit! Love the TJ's package! YUM!

Anonymous said...

OHHHHH MY GOSH I CANNOT HANDLE HOW FREAKING CUTE YOU LOOK!! you look like a freakin 20 year old college hottie. LOVE the pink!

Kelsey Ann said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE! omg i could just box you up and keep you forever (in a non creepy way) ur just so adorable!! <3

tam said...

I totally agree I love what blogging brings to my life I had my first bloggy meet a week ago and it was fab, I also went to my first body step class today and loved it! What a fab package lucky you x x

Monique@She's Going The Distance said...

"meeting people on the Internet" used to be sooo taboo!

Now it's almost like the norm haha. Either people I know meet people through blogs, work, online dating, gaming... etc. It's so crazy how many people you can unintentionally "meet" online now!!

The Blonde Duck said...

You look so cute!

That's why I call them my Invisible Friends. B/c they are. :)

Lauren said...

I definitely use to think Internet Relationships were creepy, but now, I think some of my closest friends are over the web! LoL, so funny how your prospective changes.

80's night for a launch seems like such a fun idea! I can't wait until the day when I can take one of your classes! I'm never giving up on this hope of mine! ;)

Autumn @Good Eats Girl said...

Love the 80's outfit!!

I love my blog friends! It's so much fun!

Stacey said...

That's funny, you look so cute. Blogging buddies are awesome, it's nice to meet other people living a healthy life style and sharing tips and ideas. Thanks for being my blogger buddy. :)

Bridget said...

I'm so happy to have met such great people through the blog world! You included of course:). So funny how those things work out! Looooove the 80's gear!! I bet that was such a fun launch! Ahhh sorry I've missed so many posts, my laptop kicked the bucket, but I'm hoping to get a new one this weekend!

BroccoliHut said...

Awesome TJ's goodies--I can't wait to get up to NC tomorrow so I can re-stock:)

Anonymous said...

the blogging community is such a wonderful thing!!! :)

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

No girl when i started blogging 1 year ago this week, I had NO IDEA how many amazing women i would be so very proud to call my friends; and you know you're on the list! There are also a few of you girl (again, you're on the list) that I have LOVED to have our private chats with and really get to know each other in such a way that i NEVER would have dreamed of..no way but it's great!

And Sarah, can you believe i dont even read her blog? Didnt even know of her blog? I am off to check her out!

Enjoy your TJs loot as i know you will!

stephanie @cookinfanatic said...

I agree totally about meeting such wonderful friends in the blogging community, many of which I've gotten to actually meet in person as well! Such a positive & supportive group out here and I feel so lucky to be a part of it :)

P.S. LOVE LOVE LOVE the 80's getup, rockin'!!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Looks like such a fun package!! Blog friends are by far some of the nicest people you'll meet :-) I know I've enjoyed talking to you!!

Anonymous said...

Love the launch-it looked like so much fun!

Lindsay @ http://pancakesnpajamas.blogspot.com/ said...

Holy Moly I wish I could have come to class. You look so freakin cute! Now that I have the polar I'm ready to head back to class, but keep an eye on the ol' HR. You know how I feel about making AWESOME blog turned real life friends! Yep..that would be you! Of course I <3 Xtina too.

Naomi(Onefitfoodie) said...

omg could you look any cuter?!?!?! i love your outfit i knew you would throw together the cutest outfit!!! what a fun package, you are quite a lucky gal!! Those fiberfuls are great cut up and thrown on some oatmeal MMMMM

have a wonderful day!!! xoxoxo

Angharad said...

Body Pump three times a week...I don't know how you do it! Admittedly I haven't been in about ten months but I took a Body Pump class this Monday and I still can't walk today and sitting down is rough! You are a rock star.

Natalie said...

awesome launch outfit! i'm so sad my gym doesn't have body step!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel like I know all of the bloggers that I read their blogs! It's crazy and I love it. ALthough, my husband thinks I'ma lil insane, I don't care. lol.I've only gotten to actual meet with one fellow blogger, and it was someone I had known for a while and we didn't even know each other blogged. Hilarious. I would love to meeet many others though. However, my blog has been updted in forever! I gotta catch up on that this week. Ugh! Oops!

Also, was gonna tell you, I officially have my own time spot on the weekly Body Pump schedule at my gym! YAY! I had just been teaching on alternating weekends, but now I'm official. I have the Friday evening slot! WOOHOOO!

Krista said...

OMG...you look so cute in that get up! Love it!

I like to think I've made a few friends through blogging. Haven't found any locals...like right in my city...but have had a few very fun blogger meet ups over the past 2 years!

Kerstin said...

I love your 80s outfit - you look adorable! And what a thoughtful friend - TJs has the best stuff.

Shannon said...

BODYSTEP launch looks AWESOME!!!! Wish I could have made it, my parents are visiting so I have been super busy. Looks like tons of fun. I can't wait to try the new release!