Friday, April 2, 2010

Blogger Act of Kindness (BAoK)

It is a beautiful Friday here in Charleston. I hope it is nice where you are as well. First off, I wanted to send a big thank you to Kristina from Stonyfield for sending me this lovely Oikos package (you've probably seen this around blog world already...but its just so darn cute):

Oikos yogurts, wrapped up like chocolates:

I tried the caramel yesterday at work and I am in love! The yogurt is just lightly sweet- kind of reminded me of a caramel macchiato. It is a fabulous dessert yogurt! Stonyfield has lots of exciting things going on this month, including a contest to win a trip to a Vermont organic dairy farm during fall foliage season. Check out more info here.

I have been thinking a lot about how great foodie blog world is and was thinking about how I could show my appreciation. I came up with the idea of a Blogger Act of Kindness (BAoK). Is there a certain blogger out there whose posts you always look forward to? whose recipes just rock? someone who always makes you laugh? Let them know! You can do this in a number of ways: 1. Send them an email just letting them know what they mean to you, 2. Send them a card, 3. Send them a little goodie, or 4. Anything else you can think of! If you end up sending a BAoK, let me know. Shoot me an email (with pictures if you have any) to Itzyskitchen at gmail dot com. I sent my first BAoK to a blogger who I think just rocks! More info to come....

One last thing. I have to attend a work event with Josh tonight, so I got a sub for my Body Attack class. This left me with some open time this morning to squeeze in a run outside!!!! I rocked through 6 miles in the heat- felt wonderful. I am SO ready for summer, how about you?

What are you up to this weekend?


I Run for Fun said...

Wow! That is a speedy 6-miler! In the heat, no less!

Oikos is great...I love yoghurt.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Britt said...

What a great idea, love the BAoK! :-)

Awesome job on the run! I am SO SO SO happy we finally have some SUN here and the bonus is warm temps too! I have a race tomorrow which I'm adding into my long run... just not sure how yet. Looking forward to a little Easter candy indulgence too this weekend!

Molly said...

Way to go on the run!

And BAOK - such an amazing idea! I'm sure you've just made a lot of people's day :)

I'm leaving the dorms for a couple of days to stay with some family friends, but that's about it! Laid-back Easter over here!

Stephanie @cookinfanatic said...

What a lovely concept with BAoK! Could you get any sweeter girl, I mean seriously?! I have to admit that I am usually Chobani loyal but these yogurts I've been seeing look fabulous ;) Have a most fantastic Friday dear and enjoy this weather!

Anonymous said...

Great job on the run!!!!!

BAoK is such a great idea- brilliant!

Enjoy your weekend :)

Jessica @ How Sweet said...

Love the idea! You are brilliant, girl. :) Awesome job on your run, too. Wish I was a runner. Have a great weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

We are doing very little. Reading, date night, lunch with friends. A nice slow paced weekend.

Anonymous said...

How cute! I love stonyfield farm!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Love the BAOK. I've participated in a pay it forward (PIF) challenge on my blog a while ago. It was super fun, I'd do it again! (same idea)

Jenna said...

What a wonderful idea, lady! What a nice way to show somebody you care. :)

Great job on the run! I am hopefully taking my first outdoor run of the season tomorrow if the weather holds up!

Pam said...

What a wonderful and creative idea my lil peep! really great and you can get so creative with it too!

Enjoy the Easter Holiday weekend Sweetie!


Katie said...

I love this idea! You are such a sweet person, Erica.

I'm off to my parents' for the weekend... can't wait to relax outdoors! Have a great one :-)

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

Aw, I love the BAoK idea!!!!

you are such a sweet blogger yourself! :)

Jessie (Vegan-minded) said...

I think the idea of the Blogger Act of Kindness is wonderful! Great way to spread positive vibes around the blog world. :)

Angharad said...

Rocking out a speedy 6 miles miss thang! Nice one.
I love your idea for the BAoK...very sweet. Weekend plans include: indian food!, roller derby!, easter sunday dinner and family fun. Hope you have a GREAT one!

Janetha @ meals + moves said...

BAOK is the best acronym ever! i love it! i do that all the time.. i just don't really ever talk about it. the most recent one is this: i saw kailey (snackface) write on brookes (homegirls) wall that she could not find a specific color of nail polish. so i found it online and ordered it and had it shipped to her house! she got it today :) hope you and josh have a great weekend! xoxo

vanillasugarblog said...

6 mile run....girl you so impress me. i can rock out a 3 mile walk that's it. keep up the excellent work!

Anonymous said...

Cute idea!

Tonight I'm getting my hair cut, no plans tomorrow, and Sunday we're having dinner with my parents. Fun!

Great run - you're super speedy!

tam said...

Thats a very sweet idea love it! x

homecookedem said...

Aw, you're such a sweetie, I love the idea of BAoK!! So many well deserving bloggers out there, for sure!! :) LIKE YOU!! :)

I haven't seen that package of oikos, how cute!! I love the caramel flavor!! :)

Meredith (Pursuing Balance) said...

So cute that the yogurts were wrapped up like chocolates!

Christina said...

i love your idea! :) so sweet of you!

BroccoliHut said...

So cute how they dressed up the yogurts like chocolates!
Have a great weekend, girl!

Maria said...

Yea for Blogging love:) Have fun tonight! We still have snow but I am ready for summer, I just don't want to get my hopes up:(

I am going to Pump tomorrow and hopefully catching up on some house projects, cooking/baking, and relaxing with the hubs!

sarah @ THE FOODIE DIARIES said...

looove the idea of BAok! ill definitely be participating

Krista said...

I love the way the yogurts are wrapped!!! I bought some of the caramel Oikos in Buffalo and it rocks.

BAoK is a great idea, Erica!!!

Jocelyn said...

mmm I so wish I could get oikos here :)

The baok is a great idea! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Great run!! And Stonyfield---love it. I would totally be a farm hand to go up there and learn about their process.

BAoK is such a cute and great idea-I love it!

Wknd is going to be uneventful (except for WVU hopefully kicking Duke's butt tomorrow) I don't have any family here so Easter will be spent with my dog. I will probably go for a run and lay by the pool. I love you, spring.

Julie said...

awwww stonyfield loves you!!

umm what if you don't have their address...

hahaha i totes need to participate in this i think its so cute :) the next time i'm at tjs i'm totally capitalizing on this! random acts of love are the best thing in worrrrrrrld surprises are so romantic hahaha

have fun at the dinner tonight girl :)

Kerstin said...

What a cute idea Erica - love it! And the caramel yogurt really sounds yummy too.

Anonymous said...

I love act of kindness! I always try and do little treats for my friends to let them know they are loved (plus that way I don't have to keep the baked goods in my kitchen!).
What kind of watch do you have? I'm on a budget but am thinking about getting one that can do split times.
Thanks for the post! and I'm looking forward to the results of BAoK

Andrea @ said...

Erica you are just the sweetest, kindest person. Your beautiful attitude makes me smile with each post. I absolutely love the idea of BAoK! Letting people know that they are special and valued is one of the best things to do in life. I'm right on board with you!!

Anonymous said...

I want to try the caramel Oikos. I tried the chocolate one a month or so ago.

Enjoy the gorgeous weather! I can't wait for Summer either. It's so nice to not have to wear a jacket.

BAOK is a great idea.

Holly said... are seriously one of the sweetest bloggers out there. i LOVE the BAoK idea! will definitely participate...i just have to figure out which fabulous bloggie to hit up :)

have a wonderful weekend girl!

Alisa said...

That is such a fabulous idea!!

No big plans this weekend - no kids or family around - just some relaxing, baking, and movie watching I think. Work today though!

HEAB said...

I love the idea of BAoK. There are so many bloggers out there have inspired me, like sweet Erica from Itzy's Kitchen. :) Really your kindness is one of the first things that attracted me to your blog!

Also sooo ready for summer. This winter just felt way too long.

Love you Erica! Enjoy your yogurts. :)

jesse said...

Geez, kudos to your stamina!! And I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog, BAoK sounds great!

Heather @ Get Healthy With Heather said...

I'm so glad you got to run outside! It doesn't look very summery here, we've got rain and cold temps :(

Erica I always look forward to your posts and your comments are always so sweet. Thanks for being so kind hearted all the time.

teresa said...

that is such a sweet idea, i love it!

the yogurt looks awesome. enjoy your weekend!

Bridget said...

BAoK is such a wonderful idea! Leave it to you to come up with something so thoughtful :)

Mmmm so jealous of your Oikos! I loooove the chocolate and Brian loves the caramel.

We are just starting to get the awesome temps around here and it feels amazing.

Therese said...

I totally did this last week! Jessica of Living in the Kitchen, Gym, and Mall ( last week was saying how she couldn't find any Alternative Bagels in her area so I mailed her some! She picked up some TJ's goodies and mailed them to me as a thank you. So much fuN!

Jessica @ The Process of Healing said...

Awww I love the BAoK!! So very cool!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I love this idea--so fun and a great way to spread the blogging love!

RhodeyGirl said...

Ummm I am very jealous of you speed demon! I hope to one day run as fast as you!!!!!!

Love the idea of BAoK!

Aggie said...

how cute are those "cupcakes"! I love Oikos! What a great idea girl!