Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chicken Parm, Marinutta, Dress Help!

Thank you all for the wonderful feedback and support regarding my goals that I posted yesterday. You are fabulous! After the usual work business, I came home and did a few things around the house and then prepped up our dinners. For Josh, I made my healthier chicken parm and made it into a sammy. On the side he had steamed veggies and an orange (note: since it was going into the fridge, I didn’t put the chicken on the bun to prevent sogginess):

For myself, I was inspired by Heather and Meghann and finally tried Heather’s Marinutta sauce. I cut up some eggplant and roasted it in the oven. I mixed the roasted egg plant with some additional steamed & fresh veggies:

And then I topped the bowl with a combination of marinara sauce, nut butter, and flax. The result…
But before I could enjoy my dinner, I had to run out and teach Body Attack. Class was good, but my participants seemed like they were dragging!! Everyone must have had a busy weekend. When I got back, I finally got to dive into my bowl of veggies. Seriously guys, even YUMMIER than it looks. Heather- you are a genius!!

OK- I need your help. We’re going to wedding number 819023456 this summer and I’m having trouble with what I should wear! Here are three of my choices? Any preference? Thank you in advanced!



Or Option 4- new dress time ;)


Anonymous said...

I'm amazed your husband will eat vegetables. Mine considers lettuce to be a vehicle for tons of dressing, bacon, and cheese. I guess I should count myself lucky that he even eats salads at all :)

I like all 3 dresses but I voted for the brown one because it is very chic and elegant - perfect for a wedding.

Maria said...

Glad you had a nice dinner. We are overloaded with weddings lately too! I LOVE the brown dress, so classy! You look great in it. That is my pick! :)

I was sick today. I went to work for a bit but came home. I have a fever, sore throat, achy, etc. Not fun. I hope to be back at it tomorrow, but who knows. Have a good night!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Mmm, mmm Marinutta! :)

I voted for the brown dress, ma'am.

The Purple Carrot said...

That's a lot of weddings ; )

I picked the gray dress but I also really like the brown one : )

meg said...

Yummy eats!

All the dresses look great on you, but I voted gray!

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

I love the gray one. But you look great in all of them!

Danielle C. said...

I love the gray dress, so pretty!!!

Olga said...

hahah, we all love the gray one! :)

Nicci said...

I'm going with the multi-colored text.

Eve said...

I say the brown one! Add a nice necklace and fun shoes and your good to go.

The marinutta sauce sounds really interesting!

Holly said...

I have to get on the marinutta kick, too! What sauce with almond butter would be BAD?! :-)

I voted the gray, but I also love the brown. I just love strapless dresses, what can I say?! You look so pretty in all three!

Jenna said...

Your dinner looks fabulous dear!

I voted grey and was SO happy to see it won, or is in the 'lead'. You look stunning in it!

I love weddings, I have had zilch this summer. Somebody needs to get marries that I know! :)

Stephanie @cookinfanatic said...

You look gorgeous in the grey dress girl - that will be perfect!! :) I saw this marinutta sauce on Meghann's post the other night, so intriguing... now I'm thinking I must seriously try this... It is kind of like a quick version of a romesco sauce! Have a great night :)

Sarah W. said...

i'm partial to solids with clean lines like your strapless brown dress for occassions where you will be in lots of photographs. (especially weddings) its not dizzying to the eye like prints are. more photogenic.

Lauren said...

My vote was for Grey! SOOOOOOOO Stunning. Really though, you look breathtaking in them all, so whichever you decide, it will be perfect! :)

Josh is one lucky boy. ;)

Have a great night darling.

Anonymous said...

that marinutta sauce looks amazing! I'll try it with zucchini noodles! :)
love that gray dress! seriously, you look fantastic in it!

Meredith (Pursuing Balance) said...

What time of day is the wedding? The brown would work for any time, but I think the others are better for daytime weddings. :)

Britt said...

I may have to try that marinutta mix.....one of those things, sounds so odd you gotta try it.

All three look fab, I'm a fan of simple so the brown would be my vote. Glam it up with a fun necklace. :)

Bec said...

that chicken parm looks fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Mmm I need to try that Marinutta sauce. It looks so good!

I like the gray, but they're all pretty!

Kath said...

I love the multi!!

Alison Can Read said...

Gray looks so pretty! All look pretty!
The marinutta sauce sounds good.

Unknown said...

The brown is pretty but almost looks like it would be part of the wedding party (it's that type of dress! But beautiful!) I'd vote gray.

Samantha said...

I def vote for the multi. It is fun and flirty! I have seen this marinutta sauce on a number of blogs just today, so this is definitely going on my list of things to make!!

Anonymous said...

I like option numba 4 :D But I did vote for the brown b/c u could possibly buy some fun fall heels to change it up!

Christina said...

i love the grey dress!

Anonymous said...

I voted on the grey. It's very becoming of you! :-)

Your husband is so lucky to have a great wife to cook such good food for him. Does he find it funny to eat different stuff from you though? I guess he's just not into salads, huh?

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

I vote for the dress #1!! I spot eggplant :)

Leianna said...

Brown for sure girl!
I think I need to try that sauce too, heard nothing but raves about it!

Sarah @ The Foodie Diaries said...

Love the multi! So happy I just found your blog... loving it!


J @ Whole Body Love said...

I love the brown dress! But, I am a sucker for a stapless, simple , classy little number.

J @ Whole Body Love said...

I love the brown dress! But, I am a sucker for a stapless, simple , classy little number.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the dresses- I think I like the brown best?

Dinner looks great :D I need to try the Maranutta sauce!

Anonymous said...

I love the gray one. Where did you get it?

Lizzy said...

that grey dress looks amazing on you! what i like to do is say that i have NOTHING to wear and go shopping! tehehe. but no seriously the grey is beautiful! :)

Tyler said...

your bowl of veggies + marinutta sauce looks great! love that grey dress!

RhodeyGirl said...

I love ALL the dresses! I wish I could tell you to go out and buy a new one, but sadly those dresses are really nice and you don't need one!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

They are all stunning--but I would have to pick dress #3 because it has a more modern vibe to it!

Deva (Voracious Vorilee) said...

I'm glad that your dinner was delicious. I love fixing chicken parm - so good! All three dresses are fantastic - I like the brown one best :-)

Yum Yucky said...

I voted for gray. Now go rock it, girl!

K from ksgoodeats said...

That dinner looks yummy! I've got to try the marinutta sauce!

I voted for the third one because it's fun - I like the pattern and it's colorful! Whatever you pick, you'll look great!

Meghann said...

Glad you liked the Marinutta Sauce!!

I vote Gray!

Angharad said...

I voted gray! It's so gorgeous I really hope you choose it!
Mmmm big bowls of veggies. Yum.
I loved reading your goals for yesterday. I am a big fan of sitting down and making lists like that - keeps you on track and challenged! Mine is to get into a regular yoga routine through winter and to run a half marathon next year!

vanillasugarblog said...

LOL! you are too funny! why not ask everyone which dress to wear, what a great idea. I voted for multi- for sure, that looks fab on you.
You did a lot of weddings, you're making me tired.

HEAB said...

You look beautiful in all your dresses, but the brown was my favorite!

So glad you liked the Marinutta, but I can't really take credit for it as it was a CD creation. :)

I just read your goals - I'll help you out with the New Friends one, but how about instead of coffee, we meet for fro-yo? See ya in November!

Krista said...

You look great in all the dresses, Erica!!!

RickyRae said...

Those veggies look delicious!

You will look beautiful no matter which dress you choose ... are you going to go with the majority vote? lol!

HealthySDLiving said...

Those veggies look awesome and I've been wanting to try her sauce--now I definitely want to give it a shot!
All gorgeous dresses but my vote was for #1 :)

allijag said...

Gray - for sure :)

I'm scared of the marinutta - but everyone keeps saying it's good! :)

Pam (Highway to Health) said...

I almost made marinutta last night as well. I loove all 3 dresses but I picked gray!

janetha said...

the marinutta looks delish. i was torn between the brown and multi but i ended up clicking multi. but the brown would be fun to accessorize! you will look stunning no matter what though :)

Anonymous said...

Looks yummy!
I can relate with the participants of the class dragging. I teach horseback riding lessons and sometimes there's just a day where the horses and or their riders are sort of out of it.
I voted for the grey dress because I liked it the most. I guess it depends on how dressy the wedding is. The brown will bring in more of a dressy and elegant look if you need it.

mtbcy said...

I vote "multi" :) I ordered an F6 yesterday- thanks for the great suggestion! I can't wait until it arrives. I have been a bit scared to try the marinutta but I might have to give it a shot!

health savvy shopaholic said...

girll you look fab in ALL of the dresses, but i voted for the multi one :) although i always use a wedding for a reason to buy a new dress haha bad me! can't wait to try the marinutta sauce- seems to be a hit!

Diana said...

Marinutta is getting rave reviews! I think I'm overdue to try it. Healthy, satisfying, vegetarian--all good points in its favor!

LOVE the gray dress. :)

Anonymous said...

yayyyyyy I voted for Grey and it is the winner so far!!! But I like them all...all are gorgeousssss, AS ARE YOU!!! You'll have to show us wedding pics now that you've gotten us excited!!

I also need to try marinutta soon and I haven't had roasted eggplant in wayy too long!

Thanks for always being an inspiration beautiful Erica!!!!!

The Blonde Duck said...

Grey or 4!

Leah @ L4L said...

I think the dresses each say a different thing so it depends on what kind of wedding it is. The Brown Dress is the most formal, so if it is an evening, dressy wedding, I'd vote that. The Multi Dress is seems dressy as well so maybe a less dressy evening wedding? Grey is the best for an afternoon/morning wedding.

Mandy said...

How did I miss this post??

It was really hard to pick on the dresses... you look so darn cute in them all!

But in the end, I picked the multi one... I love the shape on you! But you'll look stunning no matter which one you wear!!!

Jenna said...

love the multi color dress :)