Monday, August 10, 2009

Ellie Krieger's Popcorn Shrimp & Sweet Potato and Rutabaga "Chips"

Did you all have a nice start to your week? I hope so! Work seemed to fly by pretty quickly! I switched up my workout routine today and headed to the gym almost immediately after work for a 2 mile run on the treadmill and then a 45 minute spin class. I haven't taken spin since I moved to SC and have been promising my friend (and fellow Body Attack instructor), Jennifer, that I would take her class. It was AMAZING!

I came home and got showered up and did some laundry before getting started on dinner. Tonight I made Ellie Krieger's Popcorn Shrimp served with a side of Sweet Potato & Rutabaga "Chips" and banana.

I have tried this Ellie Krieger recipe before and it turned out kind of meh. I decided to give it another try and it turned out to be VERY yummy. Recipe can be found here (Note: I did not make the sauce, Josh used bbq instead and I used salsa):

The sweet potato and rutabaga chips were very yummy. I sliced both up very thin and sprayed them with Pam. I cooked them for about 20 minutes (turning once) at 425 and then put them under the broiler for a few more minutes:

I meant to post these pictures of the Frankster yesterday. He really HATES being alone. On Sunday, I headed upstairs to shower while Josh was out mowing the lawn. Frank got super irritated and propped himself up on the couch so he could at least watch his Dad:

Too cute:
Love that little mushy man.
What are you all looking forward to this week? I am looking forward to my half day Thursday and day off Friday (which I get to take because I ended up working so much this weekend!!).


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU FOR THE FRANK PICS!!! Ah he is the cutest thing ever. Seriously, Lizzie would have the biggest crush on him ever. I have never tried a spinning class, but i really want to! It just sounds intimidating to me! I should suck it up some day and do it. Have a great night, lady!

Anonymous said...

I've never tried rutabaga before...How do they taste like? potatoes?
And those popcorn shrimp look delicious! I love Ellie Kreiger's recipes!

Pam said...

Make room for me Erica, cause I am moving in with this kind of!!


RickyRae said...

I love how you eat bananas with everything. lol!

Sweet potato chips are delicious! That shrimp looks really good too! This is going onto my 'need to cook' list.

lynn said...

oh frank. absolutely adorable.

Julie said...

hahaha your pup is TOO cute :)

SO glad you loved spin! I really want to get my certification but need recommendations on what to use for certification and what the process is like! If you have a few free secs could you ask yor spin friend who she got her cert through??! thanks girl!

Unknown said...

Those chips look so good. Also Frank is adorable! I want to just snatch him up!

I'm looking forward to the state fair with the hubs on Saturday after the Heartland Walk for Health (we sound like such country bumpkins here in Indiana! haha!).

Have a great night girl!

Kath said...

Awww Frank!!

Holly said...

Mmmm - I don't even like shrimp but that looks delish!!

Poor Frank!! I love the pic - he is just too cute. He's quite the social butterfly!

That is AWESOME that you get a short week! Sounds like you deserve it. :-)

Danielle C. said...

Aww Frank is so cute! The popcorn shrimp sound yummy, I love popcorn shrimp but don't usually order them when we're out.

Lauren said...

Frank is so freakin cute! :)

The fries look just splendid. I love sweet potato fries, but haven't tried rutabaga. But I did just make yucca fries for the first time tonight and they were awesome. Don't you just love how pretty much any root veggie can be turned into a fry! :)

Glad you are looking at a great week. Take care hun!

Krista said...

Great photos of Frank! How cute is he???

Love the popcorn shrimp. Thanks for posting the link...

I Run for Fun said...

Ha ha...those pics of the Frankster are priceless.

Rutabaga chips and popcorn shrimp...gimme some of those!

Unknown said...

YAY! I'm glad you liked spin! Not sure if you remember me, I posted a few months ago that you inspired me to try BodyPump. I like it but have to say I LOVE RPM! My body craves it now! I love having such a healthy habit. I would have never found spinning or BodyPump if it wasn't for your blog. Thanks again, a million times over!

Maria said...

I love spinning! Such a great/fun workout! Sweet potatoes are my favorite too! We had sweet corn and watermelon for dinner, so good! I love summer!

Lainie said...

Oh my gosh... I looooove love love your dog! He is too freaking cute! My dog does that too...she looks longingly out the window waiting for us to get home - it's so cute but it kind of breaks my heart!

I'm totally digging your dinner tonight. I've made sweet potato fries, but never sweet potato chips. And rutabaga? I don't think I've ever purchased one!

~M~ said...

Frank is adorable!!!

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

The Frank Pics are so cute!

I'm so intrigued by the sweet potato chips and the rutabaga. I've never tried those!

Alison said...

OMGoodness that is just the sweetest pic EVER! What a sweet doggie! He seems like a pro at tugging at the old heart stings. I'd never be able to leave him alone! ;)

Ada said...

Awww, Frank is SO adorable! I love the way he's perched on the couch like that!

I have been looking in multiple grocery stores for rutabaga but sadly cannot find it anywhere. As soon as I can find it I definitely want to make those chips! Your shrimp looks delicious as well:)

Hmm, this week I guess I am most looking forward to going to a restuarant in Queens tonight and going biking later in the week:)

Erica said...

Sabrina- I am SO glad!!!!! RPM is an amazing program :) Happy to hear you're rocking some great workouts!! Hooray for Les Mills!

Eve said...

I love Ellie Krieger's recipes! She is fantastic.

Such cute pictures of your dog! Love them :)

Yum Yucky said...

Hmmm. This week I'm looking forward finally being done the laundry! It's a bottomless pit and it has no end! Maybe I'll reward myself with popcorn shrimp if I ever finish. Errr!

JessinNYC said...

Glad you had a nice Monday. I think I may have to try and make that shrimp recipe for the hubby. Thanks for sharing!

The Purple Carrot said...

Yummy! I always love the looks of sweet potato chips. I don't know if I've had rutabaga before, are they good? (Ha, must be if you're eating them, right? ; )

Aggie said...

That is the most adorable picture of so sweet!!!

I have never had a rutabega! I just picked up some sweet potatoes making them this way! I'll have to check out that popcorn shrimp recipe, my kids love popcorn shrimp!

I'm actually looking forward to are at Camp Grandma so I have the day to myself which is very rare! I might hit up the spa for an afternoon facial! :)

Mandy said...

Hahahha I can't get over Frank! That is just too funny!!! What a cutie :)

What do you think made the difference in the recipe this time? It looks really good!!!

i've always been afraid of making sweet potato chips... I can do the fries... but I'm afraid I'd burn the chips big time!

Glad you had a great start to the week :) Hope the rest goes just as well for you!

Unknown said...

omg frank cracks me up :) i need to try those shrimp!

Madelin @ What is for Breakfast? said...

Gosh your doggie is so cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog :). Your dinner looks great!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Love that recipe--I bookmarked it! I am a HUGE fan of shrimp as I probably told you before, but I have never had popcorn shrimp!!

So your pups likes the couch too? We got a brand new leather couch and my dog seems to think he owns it. But he's the king of the house, so whatta ya do? Lol!

Deva said...

Rutabaga chips sound really interesting. I was going to try zucchini chips this week at some point in time :-)

Matt (No Meat Athlete) said...

Interesting, I've never had rutabaga, but the chips look great.

But you've left me wondering...what was the difference between the first time you made the shrimp, when it was meh, and the second time, when it was yummy?

My money is on more heat!

Britt said...

Frank is too cute!

Sweetie Pie said...

Frank is always awesome, and I love these pictures. I'd love to know exactly what he is thinking.

Those chips look really good, and I know I'd love that shrimp. I have one of Ellie's cookbooks. I should get it out and make something fun! You've inspired me. :-)

stephchows said...

I love ellie's recipes :) Glad it worked out for you this time!! Frank is freakin ADORABLE!!! love it!

She-Fit said...

YUM! This looks great.
Im looking forward to going home to visit my family on Friday! Only a few more days :)

Anonymous said...

Frank is so cute! I have to try those chips!

Cait (Cait's Plate) said...

HAHA! Frank is just too adorable! That popcorn shrimp looks SO amazing!

I've never had rutabaga before but this makes me want to go out and try it asap!!

Anonymous said...

Frank is such a cutie pup! I have a super needy dog too. She gets worried when I leave the room to take a shower and acts like I've been gone for days!! Love the Rutabaga & Sweet potato chips! I haven't tried with Rutabaga before, but I might now :-) Have a great day!!

The Blonde Duck said...

I love Frank. He should have come to the ball.

I've always wanted to try spinning.

Pam (Highway to Health) said...

Ahh I'm obsessed with english bulldogs!! I want one so bad! Is he an easy dog??

The shrimp look amazing.

Anonymous said...

Oh Erica, I'm in heaven. Frank is such a cute little dumpling of a dog.
I love the color of your couch!

Esi said...

I have had this shrimp recipe saved forever. Did you make any modifications for it to turn out better the second time around?

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Frank! I just want to scoop him up and hug him!

Were your "chips" crunchy??

Chef Jeena said...

This all looks so very tasty!

Anonymous said...


Those "chips" look great.

Glad you liked spin! I've only done it once, and that was over a year ago...

lauren said...

it is almost lunchtime and these photos are making me STARVING. the shrimp looks SO good.

My Sensei said...

I am killing myself with this picture of your doggie. How freaking adorable!!!!