Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vegetables with Peanut Sauce, Pizza

Happy (almost) Friday! Hope you had a good one! After leaving work today, I got started on prepping dinner. I am a big believer in cooking or prepping food when you have time. This helps me to avoid eating junk just because I'm starving and can't wait for dinner! For me, I made Veggies with Peanut Sauce. I modified Rachel Ray's peanut sauce just a bit to come up with this single serving mix:

For the Veggie's, mix (feel free to play with this and use whatever you have on hand):
1-2 servings stir fry veggie mix (broccoli slaw, broccoli, snap peas)
1 bell pepper chopped
1/3 cup leftover spaghetti squash

For the sauce, whisk together:
1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter, slightly melted in the microwave
1 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
1 teaspoon rice vinegar
1 teaspoon hot sauce
1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil

Mix sauce with veggies, top with sesame seeds. Serve cold.

I consumed this bowl of deliciousness after I taught 45 minute Body Step and took 45 minute Body Pump with an apple and 1/2 a plum:
Before class, for Josh I prepped a pizza. I used this White Whole Wheat Pizza Dough recipe from 101 cookbooks, and topped it with a mixture of equal parts tomato sauce and buffalo sauce, mozzarella and cheddar cheeses, and buffalo chicken breast from the deli counter:

Josh baked it up when he got home at 400 degrees for 12-16 minutes:

I also made him a side salad of spinach, walnuts and plum topped with just a little olive oil.

I am SO thrilled its almost Friday. What are you doing this weekend?


Lauren said...

Oh my gosh, I had a thai veggie stir fry too! Seriously, you are the 5th person tonight that made some kind of stir fry for dinner. I think we are all starting to be on one big blogging level!

Hope you had a great day beautiful!

~M~ said...

I bet adding the buffalo sauce makes it super good!

The Purple Carrot said...

I love the sound of that peanut sauce ... yum!!

Anne said...

That veggie stirfry looks delicious! I love peanut sauce :)

Pam (Highway to Health) said...

That peanut sauce sounds so good. All of the different stir fries are making me hungry!

Anna said...

Peanut sauce is a genius invention! So freakin good.

Deva said...

Buffalo sauce makes everything delicious.

Taylor said...

I havn't had a plum in forever! I'm getting some when I go to the store!

I have date night tomm night and we are going bowling and laser tag!

Anonymous said...

Looks amazing! I am going to try this recipe for sure! Hopefully next week. Thanks for the idea, Erica. Also, I am going to talk you into the Charlotte half marathon...or at least try to!! It will be such a blast I promise!

RunToTheFinish said...

wow that looks amazing!! I agree, I try to prep whenever I can...sometimes I put stuff in to cook while I shower and such in the morning

Maria said...

It is my Friday! No work tomorrow and boy am I happy about that. Work has been stressful lately. Love your dinner! I try to prep early too! We don't have big weekend plans-hubs is mountain biking, I will go running and to market. We have a bbq too. Should be nice!

Meredith (Pursuing Balance) said...

Those veggies look good!

Anonymous said...

I am writing down that peanut sauce recipe RIGHT NOW! So simple!!

This weekend I might be heading back to LA (3rd weekend in a row!) to visit a friend visiting from Colorado. We'll see!

Alison Can Read said...

A nice easy peanut sauce recipe. Much easier thant he one I made the other day. I'll remember yours!

Caroline said...

Yum! I love me some peanut sauce & veggies!
I'm headed to the lake again this weekend--keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't rain!

coco said...

peanut sauce sounds delicious!!! :)

Eve said...

I love peanut sauces!! You should totally try Ellie Krieger's lime peanut sauce, it's incredible!!

Miz said...

this weekend is filled with WORK I hope so that I hit monday more mellow and caught up and relaxed.


this is all about ME right?

Jennifer said...

MMmmm peanut sauce is the best!!!
Have a wonderful weekend :)

RickyRae said...

I've always wanted a recipe for peanut sauce! This on looks gooooood!!! :)

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

I'm driving home!! I looked up the route and I think Charleston is quite a detour :( I'm scared of the 10 hour drive to begin with..

Yum Yucky said...

I will inhale anything with the word pizza in it! It's my Achilles heel. Yours looks delish! (the pizza, not your heel)

K from ksgoodeats said...

Bowl of deliciousness is right! That looks incredible!!

This weekend is the big hoorah for the bestie going away! How sad :(

Fitnessista said...

DELICIOUS! i've been hankering for pizza, big time. i might have to make some this weekend :D
and i looooove veggies with peanut sauce!
hope you have a happy weekend!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I have never really tried PB in a savory dish--I prolly should get on that!
And I love the combo of the buffalo chicken theme on the pizza--I love how pizza is so easy to customize and create different combos!
Have an amazing weekend :-)

allijag said...

its 9am and now i'm craving stir fry :)

Rose said...

Oooh. Yum. That looks good. (I sound like I'm doing a taste test!)

I think Bill and I might take a super secret trip! Though I've been telling some people, so i'm not sure if it's secret anymore :)

Anonymous said...

looks delightful! have a great weekend. we have some guest coming in and an awesome arts festival about to kick off:)

Unknown said...

that salad sounds phenomenal :) and the pizza looks great too! have a great weekend;)

ps- i remember you said you'll be getting bikes--i'm excited! i think you'll have a blast with tri's if you give them a shot :)

Diana said...

I SOOOO Agree with doing as much food pre-prep as possible, whenever possible! My life got so much easier once I got into that habit. Every night before dinner, I make the breakfast, lunch and snack I'll eat at work the next day, including filling the coffee maker so I don't even have to do that when I get up! I even think your peanut sauce would be great to make in a big batch just to have in the fridge for a quick meal that you DON'T have to think ahead for, as if that ever happens. ;)

Happy weekend!

Holly said...

what a yummy meal...seriously! this looks soooo good! you make it seem wayyy to simple :)

teresa said...

Oooh, I love the veggies and peanut sauce, I can't wait to try that!

Chef Jeena said...

All looks really good especially the sauce yum.

Julie said...

that pizza and peanut sauce looks SO good :) haha I'll be over for dinner next week.

hope you have a fun fun weekend!

Jenna said...

I've never tried a peanut sauce, this looks amazing!! :)

Angharad said...

You are so smart prepping dinner! I never have time! Looks deelish! TGIF - have an awesome weekend chica.

Ada said...

Yum, that veggie stir fry looks incredible! I can't believe you were able to just throw together that sauce, how creative!

This weekend I have to work Saturday night and Sunday, but hopefully I will have fun before than:) I hope you have a great weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

YUM! Peanut sauce sounds awesome. Happy Friday!

She-Fit said...

YUM! I love making homemade pizza! Those are my favorite and much healthier!!!

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

Oh my that meal looks so yummy. I would love everything.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love anything with peanut sauce on top! And loving the cheese on that pizza!

Krista said...

Peanut sauce is one of my favourites!! And Josh's pizza looks great, too. Prepping for dinner when you have time is one rule that I follow, too!

Cait (Cait's Plate) said...

That pizza looks delish!! I'm definitely going to have to try out that dough! :)

Anonymous said...

I love stir-fries! They are so versatile. The peanut sauce sounds delish...I 'm beginning to wonder sort of nut butter obsession...:)

fittingbackin said...

Buffalo chicken pizza?! Nice! I'll have to make that one for Austin - genius! Your stirfry looks awesome, too. Happy Weekend!

Peanut Butter Swirl said...

love me some peanut sauce on veggies! It makes everything taste better :D

Esi said...

Hope you're having a great weekend! I am packing up and moving out!