Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hello! Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend. Yesterday was one of those days when I just felt like blasting through my to do list. I woke up and taught Body Step and then came home to really get started on my to dos. I cleaned the whole house, cut Josh's hair, gave Frank a bath, got caught up on laundry and ironing, ran errands, and made up my desserts for the party we were attending last night (phewwwwww).

You guys had sent me SO many wonderful dessert ideas, it was almost impossible to choose what to make. In the end, I made Gina's fabulous Black Forest Tarts (minus the white chocolate as my white chocolate chips refused to melt nicely), Frozen Bananas (half topped with chopped nuts and half plain), and chocolate covered strawberries.

The party was at our head group fitness instructor's house and it was SO much fun. We didn't get in until around 12:30 and we were exhausted! Its 10 am and I just woke up (felt so good to sleep in). I think I am going to walk to the pool and get in some reading and relaxing!! What are you up to?


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

STUNNING treats!!

Have a glorious Sunday!! :)

Deva said...

The desserts look fab.u.lous. I love black forest ANYTHING :-)

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so delish! I am sure all of those treats were gobbled up. :) If not, you send them on over to me.

Mandy said...

Everything looks SO good, Erica!! I love the bananas!

This weekend has been good... relaxing, which was needed!! Just picked up some starbucks and now trying to plan out some meals this week to get back on track!

have a good sunday pretty lady!

gina (fitnessista) said...

yum! they came out beautifully :D i'm not a big white chocolate fan anyway ;)
hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day!

Unknown said...

Yum on the frozen bananas!

Today we're going to a baby shower and making salmon for dinner - yum!

Krista said...

WOW! I love those desserts!

The Purple Carrot said...

Wonderful desserts, Erica!! Yum yum!!

And props for just goin' at it yesterday ; ) I need to do that! haha.

Peanut Butter Swirl said...

holy smokes you made the best choices for desserts! yum :)

megan said...

mmm chocolatey HEAVEN!! yumyumyumyumyum.

i JUST read your last post and saw the new LB flavors-omfgggg. do you know when those are coming out!? I neeeed them!!

fittingbackin said...

Yum!! Those treats look SO good - awesome! Thanks for passing on that recipe too! I meant to do a pool day... but instead i've been sitting around inside and now i'm headed to the gym. Blah!

Anonymous said...

Those look amazing! Have fun at the pool.

I am cooking after a hectic week at work! :D

Lauren said...

Wow girl, you are quite the multi-tasker. I bet it felt good to be so productive. :)

All of your sweet treats look amazing. Frozen fruit and chocolate are a heavanly combination.

Hope you had a great time!

Chef Jeena said...

Wow wow wow these look amazing Erica! I would be so delighted if could have eaten some wish I was there it looks fabulous!

Ada said...

Those desserts look gorgeous:) You chose the perfect ones to make!

Alison Can Read said...

The tarts look incredible! And I wouldn't miss the white chocolate. Most things are better with dark chocolate anyway.

lynn said...

yum - looks beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't even really like bananas and I am DROOOOOOLING right now. Jealous!

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

Those desserts look so yum (and cute!).

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Ooo you def picked some goodies--I would like one(or two!)of each please :-)

Esi said...

Amazing looking desserts!! Glad you had a great night (and got to sleep in)

Anonymous said...

The dessert look delectable! Healthy, tasty, pretty...what more could you want?

Holly said...

Holy crap, woman, those look amazing!!! I've never had frozen bananas like that - ohmygoodness.

Glad you had a great weekend! Blah for Mondays. ;-)

Meghann said...

Great job on the dessert tray! I love the little bites.

Palidor said...

These look fabulous. I hear you about melting white chocolate. Even if you do everything right, it still might not work out. But, I'm sure the tarts tasted great without it.

Michelle said...

Oh I love my job but I used to feel that way on my old jobs for sure!

Everything looks fabulous.

teresa said...

That's a plate of heaven! I love all of the chocolate!

Unknown said...

what a fabulous spread erica!! gotta try those black forest treats ;)

Chef Fresco said...

Yum! I love chocolate dipped treats!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Did you keep the bananas frozen before serving, or did it just help with the prep? Thanks for linking the black forest recipe. Yum!

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS desserts! Those must have been so satisfying to make.