Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hilton Head 09'

Hello! Long time, no talk! We got back from Hilton Head late last night. We enjoyed sun, great workouts, and lots of fresh seafood! The hotel we stayed at had a small gym, but it was better than nothing. I did a lot of running outside and hopped on the elliptical a few times. My vacation workouts looked like this:

Friday AM: Body Pump before leaving
Saturday: 6 mile run
Sunday: 6 mile run
Monday: Josh and I walked into town and then I did a half hour on the elliptical
Tuesday: 4.5 mile run, 15 minutes on the elliptical
Wednesday: 4.5 mile run, 15 minutes on the elliptical

Here are a few pictures from our vacation:

Path to the Beach:

Peanut butter "sushi", our dessert one night. It was a mixture of peanut butter and cream cheese "rolled" up and covered with oreo cookie crumble. Topped with whipped cream and fruit. All of us had one piece....a little indulgence is always worth it when its this delicious ;)

The men on the beach (Josh's brothers, Josh's Dad, Josh):
Josh and I:

All the "kids":

The family:

Only 8 Froyo:

Sorry I didn't take many meal photos! Hope you guys are all having a fabulous week! I am off to enjoy my last 3.5 days of vacation.


Anna said...

Holy moly that PB sushi sounds incredible. I would have been all over that! Looks like a wonderful vacation.

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Ahh, Hilton Head - your photos of the beach reminded me why I love it there so much!!

Enjoy the rest of your stellar vacation, girl!!

Krista said...

Hilton Head looks and sounds gorgeous! Love all the family photos in this post, too!

Anonymous said...

ohhhhh...i grew up going to hh 2x a year!!! how lucky you are. great photos.

Mandy said...

PB Sushi?? Heaven!!!

Hilton Head looks amazing... I've heard great things about it but have never been there myself!

elise said...

such cute pics on the beach! nice new look on the blog too!

allijag said...

FABOULOUS JOB on the workout front while on vacation! You rocked it!

That is a super cute picture of you and Josh!!!

Yum Yucky said...

It's wonderful to spend time with family. My two weeks vaca is at the end of the month. We'll be day tripping it to cheesy family (fun) spots like water parks and Aquariums.

Fitnessista said...

looks like so much fun! enjoy the rest of your vacay :D
do you take the 75 back up or the 95?? if you take the 75 up, i think you should come see me!
the froyo looks GLORIOUS!

Anonymous said...

At first I was like PB sushi? That's sacriledge! And then I read how it's made and I'm all Yummmm!

Glad to see you're having a great time!

K from ksgoodeats said...

PB sushi? Come again?! That sounds incredible!

How did you like the Only 8? They just opened a store by me that sells that stuff.

GORGEOUS beach pictures!! Hope you guys had a blast!

Anonymous said...

desserts and couple shot, perfect pictures!!!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance said...

Welcome home :-) I've never been to Hilton Head...looks fun! Ahhh, the beach, I need some of that!

The Purple Carrot said...

Your so cute in all your beach pictures Erica : )

And, yeah, that pb "sushi" looks amazing ... you picked a pretty good looking indulgence if you ask me!

Lauren said...

Oh my gosh, what a beautiful vacation! I'm so jealous. And peanut butter sushi, holy cow that sounds incredible. How could you stop at one peice though? ;)

Enjoy every last moment of this wonderful vacation.

Take care darling!

Esi said...

Welcome back!! So glad you had a wonderful vacation!

Holly said...

Glad you had such a great trip! Hilton Head is one of my favorite places. :-)

PB Sushi? Get out! Why have I not heard of this before?

Those are such good beach pics. You and Josh are too cute together!

Anonymous said...

PB sushi? Oh my God, how freaking cool is that? Hope you're still having the time of your life!

Anne said...

Oooh, pb sushi sounds fantastic! I love your pics--that vacation looks so fun. What a pretty beach :D Enjoy the rest of your vacay!

Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

sounds you had great time there! :)
enjoy the rest of your vacation!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Glad you are having fun! The PB sushi sounds incredible...

Enjoy your last few days :)

Maria said...

I love Hilton Head, such a gorgeous place. Thanks for sharing your photos!!

Aggie said...

I've missed you! Sounds like a great getaway! :)

teresa said...

What a fun trip! Great pictures!
I have an award for you!

Shannon (The Daily Balance) said...

Gorgeous photos! So jealous!

PB SUSHI SOUNDS AMAZING. I must have some asap ;)

Katie said...

The beach looks fantastic!

RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

glad to see ur having fun!!!

Jackie said...

Nice family pics. Hope you enjoy your time in vacation. I just noticed all the changes on your blog!

polly said...

hi Erica!!

yeah, Hilton Head! You are such a cutie! Enjoy your last days of VACAY! XOXO

Nutritious is Delicious said...

PB Sushi AND FROYO! HELLO! Count me in! :D

lynn said...

Looks like you're having a blast! Enjoy!

Alison Can Read said...

Fun times! I've always wanted to go to Hilton Head for vacation - I've only driven through it.
Love the PB sushi

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Fresh seafood, wonderful desserts, beach--I'm a tad jealous!! Looks like your having a fab time--enjoy!

Olivia Miller said...

is that froyo place in hiltonhead??, it looks great and im going there on vacation in a week!

Erica said...

Hey Olivia! YES! The froyo place is in Coligny Plaza. I think the place is called the Ice Cream Cone :)