Friday, June 27, 2014

Five on Friday (VI)


Wahoooo Friday!! Any fun plans? Today, I’m doing coffee with Kay and my MIL/FIL, teaching & Kay has her last swim lesson! Tomorrow, teaching step and lots of family time. Sunday, brunch, teaching pump and a BBQ! This is my sixth Five on Friday post and includes five (ish) things I’m loving right now:

1. Finding fun recipes to try! I plan on making these quinoa vegetable muffins, these cookies, and I just recently made these protein granola bars and they turned out awesome!!

2. Skinny Pop Popcorn: I bought this on a whim on Amazon and I LOVE it. No artificial anything, gluten free, non-GMO, delicious! Kay and Josh love it too:


3. Love Grown Power O’s. The company was nice enough to send samples of the cereal to me (since they’re not yet carried in stores nearby). They’re totally delicious. I love the Honey and Kay loves the Strawberry. The chocolate and original are also yummy:Honey_Front1

4. These Martha Stewart towels. We just ordered a bundle and they are so fluffy and fantastic.




5. The song Classic- This song was in Body Attack 2 releases ago and I loved the song from the first time I heard it. MK is Walt from Lost (which just blows my mind).


Kelsey Taylor said...

been wanting to try skinny pop for awhile but didnt know if i would like it or not. now im definitely going to give it a try!

Theresa C said...

This was a lovely blog post