Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday Brunch & Vegan Banana Chip Muffins

Hello! Happy Monday! Thank you all for the kind words on my party foods! I find it fun to try and figure out a way to have a good balance of healthy foods vs. treats at parties. How was your weekend? The rest of mine was great! Sunday morning, I drove up to my parents house to join them and my Aunt & Uncle for Brunch to celebrate my Mama’s birthday. We ate at a beautiful restaurant that overlooked the ocean:

View from my seat:

Gorgeous! I got an egg white omelet with cheese and onions & peppers:

and double fruit:
and coffee (of course):

Me and the BEAUTIFUL birthday girl! My Mom is an amazing lady! She taught me how to have a healthy and balanced life and to work hard for what I want. Love you Mom!

The rest of my Sunday was spent running errands and hanging out with Josh and Frank:
This morning, I taught Body Pump. After pump and before starting into work, I baked up some vegan banana chip muffins. This is my second attempt at these and I think this recipe is a winner:
  • 1 tablespoon flax & 3 tablespoons water
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3 medium ripe bananas or 2 large
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • Mini or full sized carob chips
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In two separate bowls, mix wet (flax, water, applesauce, sugar) and dry (remaining ingredients except chips) ingredients. Combine and then fold in chips. Fill mini muffin tins (I used 1 rounded tablespoon of batter for each muffin). Bake for 11 minutes (or until a toothpick comes out clean). Let cool and enjoy!

Tonight, we are introducing the Les Mills programs (Body Pump, Attack, Flow etc) to the members at a gym my gym just bought out! We are teaching 30 minute segments of each program. I am really excited because I know the room will just be FILLED with energy. I am bringing the mini muffins to share with the other instructors!

One more quick thing- a few of you asked what recipe I use for my granola. I must say, the LOVELY Sarah (of Suite Apple Pie) got me started on granola making. The recipe has morphed a little over time and is now as follows: 1 ½ cups oats, 1 cup coconut, 1 ½ cup mixed nuts & seeds, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons ground flax (sometimes I also add in cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice or vanilla). Preheat oven to 250. Mix together honey and oil and then add in all dry ingredients and mix until well coated. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 1 hour, stirring once in the middle. If desired, add dried fruit.

Enjoy your week!


Katie said...

Happy birthday again to your mama! You two are beautiful together.

Gorgeous view at the restaurant! I always ask for extra fruit, too... sometimes when it says "side of fruit" there's only one piece of not very good melon!

Thanks for the muffin recipe... it's been too long since I've made them.

BroccoliHut said...

Wow, what a view!!
Happy birthday to your madre:)

Allie (Live Laugh Eat) said...

Wow what a beautiful place to eat brunch!! That egg white omelet looks straight from a magazine too. How classy :)

You've been baking and group fitness-ing up a storm over there! Sounds like a blast.

Jessica @ How Sweet said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!! :) Your omelet does look amazing, and so do your muffins!! Those muffins have almost all of my favorite flavors. :)

fittingbackin said...

What a beautiful view and yummy looking omelet!! Happy b-day to the moms!

Jessie (Vegan-minded) said...

Happy birthday to your mom! What a beautiful place to enjoy a meal. :) Your banana chip muffins look delish!

K from ksgoodeats said...

Aww what a lovely setting for brunch! The restaurant views are making me jealous as I sit here buried in 8 inches of snow!! You and your mom both look great!

I'm loving those muffins!! I'm sure your instructors will love them as well. Good luck tonight! Sounds so exciting!!

Jenna said...

Happy belated bday to your mama! I wouldn't mind living where they do, what a fantastic view. :)

Thanks for the muffin recipe as well. I am always looking for new ones to try!

vanillasugarblog said...

I miss the ocean views. Right now it's all covered up with ice and snow, not very appealing. Your mom is gorgeous, I see where you get your good looks from.
And I love that Frank dominates the couch all the time.

Anonymous said...

That view!!! What a fun birthday brunch for your mom. Sounds like you two are very close. :)

Enjoy your Monday!

Ashley Lauren said...

Happy birthday to your mom! Ya'll look gorgeous!

What an amazing view and beautiful day! What restaurant is that? I need ideas for my Charleston trip in 3 weeks!! :)

Stephanie said...

What a view from the restaurant, gorgeous! Happy Bday to your Mom and glad you had a nice time celebrating! Moms really are the best aren't they :)

Naomi(Onefitfoodie) said...

you and your mom are GEORGEOUS! she looks so much like you!! or should I say you look so much like her LOL

taht omelet looks awesome, I would have doubled the fruit too :) and that view? cannot beat that! perfect for the bday girl's party!!

frank is SUCh a cutie ahhh I want to just cuddle with him!!

awesome recipe I am bookmarking that one, thanks love!!

Anna said...

Many Happy Birthday wishes to Mama IK!!

I'm glad you had such a fun and productive weekend :)

Abby said...

What a cute pic of you and your mom. You guys are so pretty!! It looks and sounds like you had a great time! :)

Thanks for that recipe.. Im going to make those muffs.. they sound delish!!!

erica said...

The picture of you and your mum is too cute! Those muffins look delish!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful view! Charleston is amazing : )

Must try the granola recipe, I always hesitate to buy it because of the added sugars - it is certainly a "make on my own" kindof treat!

Maria said...

Have fun at class tonight, sounds so fun. I love launch days!

Glad you had a nice time celebrating with your mom. I love the photo of you two, I see where you get your beauty:)

Lauren said...

What a great brunch and you and your mom are so gorgeous. I can see where you get your beauty from.

Glad you had a wonderful Sunday!

Britt said...

You and your mom are so cute! What a beautiful view from the restaurant.

The muffin recipe sounds delish!

Anonymous said...

aww happy birthday to your momma!! what restaurant is that?! that looks AWESOME girl!

Anonymous said...

That picture of Frank is adorable!

Happy Birthday to your mommy.

homecookedem said...

Happy Birthday to you and your gorgeous mama!! :)

Those muffins look wonderful!!

Susan said...

I think brunch has to be the best meal ever. What a great way to enjoy your mama's birthday. And such a gorg view!

Lori said...

That omelet looks so great and what a view! The muffins caught my interest too. I'll have to try those. And you know I love Frank. Such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!

I've got to try to make my own Granola, it sounds so easy!

Julie said...

i always feel like i have so much to say to you haha.

my first thought when i saw your post was "coffee fail" and i hope you either got a straw and slurped up the coffee you spilt or it was free refills hahahaha i'm sorry

second you and your mom are twins! you are both so gorgeous :)

3rd is that i'm coming to your class tonight so i can get a muffin.

Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

Your mom is gorgeous! And so are you because you look just like her! Happy bday to your mama :)

Dawn Dishes It Out said...

Great view and the omelette looked so colorful! Happy b'day to your mom ... she is adorable. Muffins sound delicious!

Christina said...

your muffins are so cute and look so yummy!!

Janetha @ meals + moves said...

brunch looked delicious and your mom is a doll! happy bday to her! those muffins look great~ tomorrow is national banana bread day and i think those count! xoxo

sophia said...

Happy birthday to your mama!! What a nice brunch place, I love the abundant lights there.
If I don't have flax, I can use eggs for the muffins, yes?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun day!!! Gorgeous views from the restaurant, and I love the photo of you and your mom!

The muffins sound delish- I know this would unveganise them, but do you think the flax + water could be replace by an egg?

Heather @ Get Healthy With Heather said...

That should be so much fun at the new gym! Your mini muffins are so cute. I love making mini muffins but I always eat way more of mini muffins than regular because I think of them as being so little and inhale them like air.

Jessie said...

Yay, happy B-Day to your Mama! A fun Sunday brunch is always a treat :)

Your banana muffins look fab - I'll bet they were super-moist Yum!

Pam said...

Hey, I see a 'Good Balance' Catering foods business in your future...he he! You would be good at it! Just a thought!

Could move to that restaurant and have that view every!!

Enjoy the day, Sweetie!


brandi said...

happy late birthday to your mom! you two look so much alike :)

and those muffins sound great!

Andrea @ said...

Such a lovely brunch! I love spending time with my mom.
And I love your little banana chip muffins, I've got a bunch of bananas just waiting to be turned into bread!
Have a wonderful Tuesday

Bridget said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! I Love brunch :)
Mmmm those muffins look delicious, and that intro to Les Mills sounds so awesome!!!

Sarah's granola is what I used the first time too!

Diana said...

Happy birthday to your mamacita. :) I think I need a mini muffin tin in my life! Yours came out so cute!

Krista said...

What a view!!! Just beautiful. The muffins look pretty amazing, too.

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

Aw what a pretty place to go celebrate your mom's birthday! I love the view and your breakfast looks delish.

Congrats on the Les Mills classes. I'm still waiting for my gym to introduce them!

Anonymous said...

The muffins look so good!

Dawn (HealthySDLiving) said...

Aww what a great Sunday brunch and happy birthday to your mom! :)

Pining for Pinterest said...

What an amazing view from the restuarant! Glad to hear that you had a great weekend ;-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!
Yum looks great!
Can't wait to make muffins or granola!

Therese said...

What an amazing restaurant view...and that fruit looks super fresh!

I wonder could you sub stevia for the sugar in that recipe? Otherwise I have everything else...

teresa said...

aw, happy birthday to your mom, the picture is so cute! the muffins look fantastic!

Juliana said...

Happy birthday again to your mom :-) It seems that you had a great time with mama...nice pictures!

tam said...

Wow the muffins look fab, I used to be able to get carob chips in my town but they no longer sell them :(

Ana said...

That place looks great, beautiful atmosphere and yummy food! Hope your mama had a great birthday :)

The muffins are great, can't wait to try the recipe!

bhealthier said...

aw happy birthday Momma Itzy! I seriously love frank, love him!

i think i decided that once I officially get the master;s ( summer session!) I will get a puppy!

Jocelyn said...

Those muffins sound yummy! I like that they are vegan..they seem healthier :) Happy bday to your mommmm!

Rachel said...

yum, those muffins sound great. I wish my gym had group classes like the ones you teach. It's so much easier for me to get inspired in classes like that. I guess I'll just have to settle for the sweaty treadmill. (Or what I usually settle for: the couch!)

Paige (Running Around Normal) said...

What a beautiful location for a party! Your mom (and you!) are gorgeous.
The muffins sound amazing! I don't make muffins enough.

Jenna said...

Lovee Banana and choc chip muffs!

Maytina said...

Oooh. That omelet and those muffins would make such an amazing brunch.

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

your muffies look amazing! i made something similar to use up old nannners.

they are really easy, I mean, it's kinda like you throw it all in and it will end up working out, even if you use some and not all of the ingredients type of thing. not an exact science which is kinda my style :)

love your eats, girl! nice work!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I love how your mom and you are so close--I treasure my relationship with mine! :-)

Ahh I am so jealous of your access to ocean views--I am sick of dreary snow scenery haha! Happy humpday! :-)

Deva (voracious vorilee) said...

Love the extra fruit and the omelet, such a colorful breakfast!

The Healthy Apple said...

Oooo these muffins look amazing .. I'll have to try them; thanks for the recipe....

Anonymous said...

That might be the cutest picture ever of Frank! The muffins look amazing. They remind me of a recipe I got on carrots n cake for banana, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Yum!

Mom on the Run said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

Thanks for sharing that muffin recipe. I am always looking for new breakfast treats that the whole family can enjoy!