Love these short weeks- we're halfway through already!!
Hope you're having a good one. Last night, I took this recipe for
Asian Turkey Burgers and turned it into meatballs! I simply rolled the mixture into 1 1/2 inch balls and placed them on a sprayed baking sheet. I cooked them at 350 for approximately 20-25 minutes (make sure they're cooked through). I put the meatballs over a little pasta and steamed veggies topped with a little stir fry sauce and some sesame seeds (note: I was inspired to make the burger recipe into meatballs after seeing
this post on Dishing up Delights).

A few of you asked me to talk a little bit more about my weekly workouts. I try to switch up my workouts because I think our bodies and minds get bored/are more likely to hit plateaus if we're always completing the same exercises. Here is a typical week of workouts:
Run ~ 6 miles, ab work (10-15 minutes), stretch
Teach 1 hour
Body Attack class (
cardio, upper & lower body conditioning, abs, stretch)
Take 1 hour
Body Pump class (weights)
Thursdays: Lighter workout- shorter
run or walk (or off if I'm dragging)
Teach 1 hour
Body Attack class
Teach 1 hour
Body Step class (
cardio, lower body conditioning, abs, stretch)
Sunday: Off
I think having a day or two off every week is important! I also think you should LISTEN to your body. PUSH yourself in your workouts, don't just go through the motions. BUT don't push through pain- either take it easier or take a day off. Drink lots of water and fuel your body with healthy foods :) Any questions? Hopefully this was helpful! Different things work for different people, so find what works for
OOOH those meatballs sound perfect. Set the table, I'm comin' over for dinner.
wow I love how much you switch up your workouts!
I am totally loving the short work week too!! :)
Woopwooop those meatballs looks amazing!! I am totally digging that meal girlfriend.
I feel ya on the letting your body rest! I think I'm getting sick so instead of running the 5 miles I planned to run today..I just walked 2! hooray for listening to the bod
Your meatballs sound great! I made meatballs for the first time last year. I should do it again. They're not nearly as much work as I expected.
You are such a great cook! Josh must be well fed!!
Great workout schedule - even when I was training I didn't work out that much! You're right though listen to your body and do what it's telling you :)
Burgers into meatballs? That's great idea!
Thanks for posting your workouts! I always find seeing what others do helpful.
yum looks delish!
ok now that's clever doing it that way! I'm all over that one.
Can you share with me what stretching routine you use or wherever you adapted it from. I am in desperate search of a good stretch routine. Preferably one I can do at home. thanks sweetie!!!
love love love asian flavored anything! sounds delicious :)
Great advice. I have been taking way too long of a break from the gym, it's time to get back!
Totally with you on the days of rest! It kills me, but I definitely need two days off a week to let my body recover.
Meatballs look delish! Super healthy and filling!
these look so good! I've never thought to do an asian meatball before.
wow! those sound wonderful. i love all the flavors :)
Great workout schedule. Love the idea of this body attack class. Kind of like body sculpt? I am starting to teach a bosu class next week and getting certified in Pilates next week as well. Love you recipe as usual.
Thanks for sharing your weekly workouts. I would love to take your Body Attack class sometime. I've never taken one, but my friend loves them!!! I have a workout DVD for body attack but I think a class would be so much better.
If I am ever in Charolette, I will be sure to stop by for your class.
Hope you are having a great week!
oh... these turkey balls look sooooo delicious!!~~
thanks for sharing your workouts! I have a follow up question: when do you workout during weekdays?
Wow, such a work out...I am impressed...and I the short week. These meatballs look yummie.
I hurt my hip running again. I guess it is good we are going on vacation. I will still workout but will be a little more of a slacker. Did my elliptical tonight and it feels ok. I just miss running. I wish I could take one of your classes! Have a great night!
Aside from my running I feel I have to mix up my workouts. I've always been one who dislikes pattern and consistency. :) I like to keep things interesting. Ditto on the rest days too. They are incredibly important. The body has to recover and rebuild and only resting will allow this. Thanks for sharing all your hard work. I love your workout philosophy and attitude!
I totally agree that we need to schedule a day off each week--I always take Sunday off, and I find that I am so refreshed on my Monday morning run!
I totally love Asian Turkey meatballs! I like how you switch up your workouts.
great meal and I love seeing your weekly workout and tips. So important to switch it up and listen to you body if you need a day off!
oooh I wish I could take your body pump classes. It would be so fun. my new gym doesn't do them. ah well.
All my friends in Boston loove body pump, it sounds so fun! If i ever spot I'm def gonna try it, have a great week Erica! :D
Love to see your workout schedule! I am in the process of making sure that I am constantly mixing mine up & it is always good to get new ideas! I get bored quickly if I don't and my workouts stop feeling challenging after about a month or so.
I should really start taking more classes too, they offer a ton of them at my gym and I just don't ever take advantage.
I am a big fan of Asian inspired food - super flavors!!
yummy lookin meatballs :) and i'm with you on the rest days. it's easy to get into a routine, so it's good to push yourself as well!
I agree that rest days are SO important, as is switching up your routine to avoid over use injuries. I like your routing of mixing up cardio and strength training.
I bet you are an awesome group fitness instructor! I would love to do that someday, but worried I would get nervous being in front of that many people!!
I love your approach to workouts. I think switching it up is awesome and you're such a great example :)
sorry..."routing" was supposed to be "routine"...
mmmm those meatballs sound so good! your workouts sound great!!
The meatballs look so good!
I am all about switching workouts now, after my injury.
Love your new layout.
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