Thank you all again for your awesome comments yesterday. What would I do without you guys? I figured I'd post one last set of home pics- updated kitchen pics! A lot of you noted that your kitchen is your favorite place in your house and it is definitely mine as well! Here are the almost complete pics of my kitchen (again ignore the little mess):
Down the side hall is another tiny set of cabinets and our pantry:
For dinner tonight, I prepped some chopped brussels and I ate some of the remaining chicken from my dinner out last night(My tummy aches only allowed me to get about half of this down :():
Josh received a VERY special birthday delivery from his brother Justin- Omaha steaks! I made him a couple of steaks to go along with his brussels! Jus- he was so excited, he started to eat before he had even sat down! He (/we) are SUPER excited to try the key lime cheesecake you sent as well!!!!! Thank you, Thank you!