Owww Monday! Today was a BUSY day for sure! I started my day off with a quick run and then taught Body Pump. I rushed home to shower and went into work. We had a new employee starting today and I had to get her settled. After work, I stopped quickly at home to let Frank out, ran some errands and then headed to Mustard Seed for our blogger meet up.
The meet up included Amelia (who doesn’t have a blog yet, but totally should ;), Myself, Christina from Hungry Meets Healthy, Blair from Reasonably Swanky and Lindsay from Pancakes and Pajamas:
I have been to Mustard Seed once before and LOVED it. Last time, I got the vegetable stir fry. Tonight, my tummy wasn’t feeling 100% so I went with something a little lighter, a Greek salad & some of their awesome bread(excuse the under and over exposed pictures):
Blair also wanted me to feature her beautiful Pecan Encrusted Chicken:
Sal, the owner of all the Dine with Sal restaurants, was even at the restaurant! He got a picture with one of his biggest fans, Christina!!
Not only that, he even sent us a couple of free, DELICIOUS desserts:
Such a great restaurant, can’t wait to go back!

All of the girls were so wonderful! I brought each of them a little treat, Vegan Pineapple Coconut Muffins. I used this recipe, but used 3 tablespoons water, 1 tablespoon flax (instead of an egg), pineapple juice (instead of milk), and Earth Balance. I also did not place almonds on top (as I didn’t know if anyone had any nut allergies). Josh taste tested one for me last night and gave them a big thumbs up!
Do you have a favorite muffin? Where is it from or is it homemade?
I do have a favorite, my mom's Pumpkin Chocolate Chip muffins. People always request that she make them. I should make them soon and post the recipe. :)
i can't remember where my favorite muffin has been, but i am pretty sure it was blueberry and the size of my head.
What fun meetup and what an INCREDIBLE muffin!! Yum!
I LOVE THE MUSTARD SEED!! isnt their bread sooo good?!?! i usually get seafood there!
That looks like a fun meet up. I pretty much like all muffins. Well, all that don't have raisins in them.
Great recipe for the muffins, I like the changes.
Oww! You girls all look FANTASTIC!! So cute.
My favorite has to be the strawberry muffins/bread my mom makes. Yum!
Looks like a fun meetup at a great place! My all time favorite muffin is blueberry, with banana-nut coming in as a close second. I will definitely give these coconut pineapple muffins a try, they look delicious!
That place looks great, and so nice of Sal to send you treats!
Those muffins look delish. I really like bran muffins and pumpkin chocolate chip.
OH SAL! my secret love. i had so much fun! i love our meet ups and they should happen more often! so good to see yall!
Oh how sweet of you to bring along those yummy muffins! I love muffins. I just made some really good gluten free blueberry muffins for Andrew yesterday. I used Pamela's pancake and baking mix. There's a great recipe for muffins on the back of the bag.
What an amazing group of people for the meetup! And free dessert is always fine by me. My favorite muffins are either pumpkin or those morning glory ones they sell at coffee shops that are basically enormo carrot cake muffins! :)
Looks like a blast! So sweet for making them muffins! I LOVE muffins. I think they are my sweet of choice actually and I don't know if I have an absolute favorite- yours looks amazing!
omg you girls are all tooo hot to handle!!!! sizzle!!!
love that you had this time and who knew there were so many bloggers in your area...cool!
those vegan muffies look great...I used to love bloob muffs but going GF and vegan, well, nothing quite tastes the same EXCEPT when using banana in the recipe, so that's what mine all are LOL
i know for a fact that i would love the mustard seed.. and not just cuz im a mustard loving girl lol.
girl, "any muffin any time" is my motto. i always eat them or bake them or drool over blog posts of them. my life basically revolves around muffins.
haha <3
oh no, when you listed my blog on your post, you put the link as the mustard seed menu! hahahaha
Yum! Those muffins sound amazing! I'm boring--I like a good bran muffin with some dried fruit thrown in--especially if it's cherries!
I hope that you're feeling better!
I'm really jealous that you have such amazing fresh-food restaurants to go to! Finding places in San Antonio with such fresh ingredients is rather difficult.
This is going to sound ridiculous, but my favorite muffins are the ones Momma used to make...Duncan Hines blueberry with the streusel topping. :D Reminds me of home, even if they are from a box.
Confession...I scarfed down a muffin before bed last night. So good! I did give P a tiny tiny bite! Hehehe
Awww, what a fun meet up!!! You all look so beautiful as well! :)
Those muffins sound amazing Erica! I love Pineapple and Coconut. There is a great vegan bakery in our local health food store that makes these and I devour them every time.
During the summer, I love the light fruit filled muffins but in the fall and winter, I'm all about the pumpkin muffins!
Fun Meet-up! Can't wait for next week ;)
Those muffins sound delicious!! Very summery flavors!
you are so cute with your lil gifts!! i cant wait to meet in a couple of weeks!!!
So fun you keep hanging out with bloggers! Really really nice that you bring them treats too. You're sweet Erica.
That restaurant sounds like so much fun! I love the name of it too, very cute. And you always bring the yummiest looking goodies to friends--I bet they love em!
You all looked so cute and Erica you are so thoughtful! Those muffins look delish! Miss you too! Glad to be back! xoxo
oh man, your muffins. i ate 1/2 of one last night and the other 1/2 this morning. soooo light and delicious!!!
Oh my gosh-I wrote this post before I even saw that you had the same question-how funny! I love cinnamon crumb muffins. They rock!
OMG, the muffins were so moist and delicious! I ate one this morning for some pre-run fuel. I had to control myself from eating the other one immediately...must save it for tomorrow!
Last night was a blast and it was so much fun meeting all of you in person. We definitely need to get together again soon!
FUN meet up! I don't have a fave muffin flavour, I tend to enjoy them all!!! :) Have a great Tuesday!!
I know this is not remotely healthy or gourmet but my favorite muffin is Tim Hortons chocolate chip! I used to eat them when I was up in Canada for college and am so excited to have one when I go back for a visit! Remind me of a very fun time in life :)
My favorite muffin is just a classic blueberry! Not very original but so so satisfying (:
Fun meet up! Free desserts are always a perk! Hope you're stomach is feeling better.
I tried your Vegan Bread recipe a few weeks ago and just love it. I wrote about it on my blog as well.:)
Awww how fun?! I wish there were more bloggers in San Diego...I always say that! lol
What a fun meet up with an amazing group of ladies! Free dessert? I'm there next time. ;-)
Gosh, those muffins sound amazing - I've never had pineapple in muffins! My fave muffin....that is tough. I'll have to go with either lemon poppyseed or pumpkin (with CC icing, obviously). Love them both!!
Wow, big ol' meetup! Fun! You guys are adorable. I've rarely done meetups...I think just once I met with another blogger and it was cool but kind of weird! haha
What a super fun bloggie meet up! You girls are so cute - love those dresses!!
I've never had a muffin.. I know - odd. It's just not for me! :( Does a vita-muffin count??! If so - chocolate!
i'm not a huge muffin lover, but i do enjoy a delicious blueberry muffin w/ the perfect crumb topping! what a fun meetup too, i bet the girls loved those delicious treats you made them :)
you are SUCH a good bloggie meetup friend! all wrapping the muffs up cute and everything :)
my favorite muffin will be featured as soon as bravo decides that long island is a better place to have housewives instead of dc.
That restaurant looks so cute! I made raspberry dark chocolate muffins around Valentine's Day and they were SO good. Not exactly the healthiest muffin option, but delicious!
I love the meetups and seriously thats whats getting me to train for my halfmarathon: the meet up potential.
I SMILED at the muffin thing too as Ive promised my daughter if she slept past 5a (heck or was at least QUIET :)) we'd bake some this morning.
**whispers** chocolate chip.
It was so great meeting you! I had a great time, and the pineapple muffins were delish!! Thank you! Let's do it again real soon!
I am so dumb. I accidently just deleted the comment you left before I even read it. :/
So Fun! I am so jealous of all the food bloggers on the East Coast!
you ladies are TOO CUTE! and i love that you brought them muffins - you are one of the sweetest ones in blogland. i hope we get an epic meet-up some day :)
have a great weekend!!!!
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