Friday, June 11, 2010

Whole Wheat Molasses Bread, Three Ways

Friday! Isn’t waking up Friday morning just one of the best feelings?

First things first: The winner of the CSN Stores $50 promotional code is…. Lauren at Health On the Run !! Congrats Lauren- please send me an email (itzyskitchen at gmail dot com) and I will get your code sent to you. Didn’t win? Don’t worry- another giveaway is coming on Monday! Also, both Sabrina at Rhodey Girl Tests and Jenna at  Petit Foodie-are hosting fabulous giveaways!!

I wanted to share with you a few of the recipes I have made using this whole wheat molasses bread. I must apologize for the first few pictures. Josh and I went out for a walk/run on Wednesday night and ended up walking for a little too long. By the time I was finished cooking dinner, it was already 8:30. Hungry=rushed pictures=bad pictures.

So the first meal was done on the grill. His:

Pineapple Turkey Burgers

(I made two mini burgers for Josh with this recipe, adjust for however many people you are cooking for)


  • 1/3 lb organic ground turkey
  • ¼ cup pineapple, chopped
  • 1-2 tablespoons bread crumbs
  • 1 teaspoon Caribbean citrus seasoning (or whatever seasoning you’d like- note, I got this seasoning for free)


  • 1-2 slices of cheese
  • 2 pieces whole wheat molasses bread (or bread/roll of your choice)


Mix first four ingredients. Form two mini burgers & grill until cooked through (no longer pink)

Top with cheese and place burgers on top of some whole wheat molasses bread, grilled up(I sprayed my bread with some cooking spray prior to grilling).


Hers (note, I used Zesty’s recipe minus the honey and parsley):

Pineapple Grilled Cheese


  • 1-2 slices of cheese
  • 2 pieces whole wheat molasses bread
  • 1/4 cup diced pineapple (or sliced if you prefer)
  • Hot sauce


Grill up bread on one side (I sprayed my bread with some cooking spray prior to grilling). Flip bread, top with cheese, pineapple & hot sauce. Finishing grilling until cheese is melted.

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Again, these were both much tastier than they look haha. Grilling the bread was just awesome. It really brought out the flavor.

Lastly, I used the bread again Thursday night to make vegan French toast. On top of the toast, I placed some chopped up nectarine that I had mixed with a little stevia. Eggs on the side:


Oh and I’ve been working on my parfait making skills some more ;)

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What are you up to this weekend? I have to teach Body Step Saturday, have shopping plans with my Mom and some hang out time with friends!!


Jessica @ How Sweet said...

Pineapple turkey burgers?! Those sound so good. I think even my husband will love them.

Have a great weekend, girl! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the addition of pineapple to turkey burgers-what a good idea! This weekend I'm visiting some of the hubby's family that we don't get to see too often. Hope you have a great weekend!

K from ksgoodeats said...

Pineapple grilled cheese?!?! YOU are a genuis! Back in my meat eating youth (haha) I used to love Hawaiian pizza so that combo sounds right up my ally!

How FABU was last night?! I adore Bethenny's new show. Hope you liked it too! Also, three parts to the NYC reunion?! Glorious. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and give Frankster a big, ole hug for me :)

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I know what I am having for lunch this weekend--pineapple grilled cheese! I can taste it now :-) Great job on all the dishes!

Nicole @ Geek Turned Athlete said...

That french toast looks great! It looks like you have a packed weekend. ;)

For me, a huge training day tomorrow: 1200-1800 m swim, 35 mile bike, 8-10 mile run all one after one another. After that, it is organizing to get ready to move! I'm trying to clean out a bunch of stuff to donate things before we leave. Then, a quick aqua jogging teaching session with an injured friend.

homecookedem said...

Pineapple grilled cheese?!?!?!?!!?! BRILLIANT idea!! Oh girlllll, I have GOT to try this ASAP!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!! :)

Christina said...

OH MY can i have that parfait? do yall go there every sunday? i need to go back. let's plan another visit there!

Anonymous said...

I love pineapple in cooking.
The parfait looks amazing!

Jenna said...

The pineapple turkey burgers sound right up my alley! I will have to give them a whirl. :)

Not too much going on this weekend. We have a small get together tomorrow, but that is about it!

Heather said...

That parfait looks great! I think of you whenever I see a yogurt parfait now! :)

I have to teach Group Step and Group Power tomorrow morning, and then I'm headed to Colin's baseball game. Sunday is all about relaxing.....!

Heather @ Get Healthy with Heather said...

Your parfait skills are totally professional looking! Time to open up a parfait shop :)

This weekend I'm going to a strawberry festival and making homemade strawberry jam later that night. I can't wait! Homemade jam is the best.

Holly said...

I would have NEVER thought to combine pineapple and cheese....but I bet it's incredibly delicious! Now I just need a grill.... ;-)

Your parfaits look even better than the kind you order at a restaurant!

Anonymous said...

Pineapple and cheese is such a great combination- your sandwich looks great! Love the parfait- I don't think I've tried one with apple yet!

Enjoy your weekend- I am going to a health fair :)

Kelsey Ann said...

i mnot sure u could perfect ur parfaits anymore than uve done! wow!!!! <3

omg turkey nurgers never get old. the first time i had one i think i did a somersault followed by a backhand round-off.. lol.. or at least my tummy did!

Beth @ DiningAndDishing said...

oh my, your parfaits are looking dreamy!!! full time beautiful parfait maker?? that would be a FUN job!

Lauren said...

Um, how awesome does pineapple grilled cheese sound?!? YUM.

Deirdre said...

Your parfaits look restaurant worthy!

I'm going to a BBQ festival this weekend so I'm super excited.

Krista said...

Pineapple grilled cheese? I think I'll be eating that for lunch tomorrow! What kind of cheese did you use??

This weekend is thankfully FREE!!! Enjoy yours to the fullest!

Molly said...

Yum! I love a versatile recipe!

Anonymous said...

GIRL i need to come over there and EAT WITH YALL! your food looks AWEEESOME girlfrand!

hbobier said...

You definitely have some parfait making skills. I'll just say nom.

Enjoy your Friday, chickadee!

Anonymous said...

YUM! I saw Zesty's recipe, looks delish! I love your take on it! Also, your parfait's look delish!

Megan D said...

I am now craving pineapple turkey burgers! What a great idea! Pineapple is also great in stir-fries. Now I just need to get some...!

She-Fit said...

Love the parfait making skills! You look Professional :)

hbobier said...

You don't have Chipotle in SC?! And here I am worrying about Canada like an idiot. How can you live without it?

If I were you I'd start an aggressive letter writing campaign. Just an idea.

Erin at The Healthy Apron said...

mmm pineapple! Those turkey brugers sound awesome!! happy weekend!

Lauren said...

I saw this Pineapple Grilled Cheese from Zesty this week and thought it was a brilliant idea! :)

Love your apple/yogurt parfait. I make a mini version of this for dessert all the time! :)

Have an incredible weekend darling!

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

Caribbean citrus seasoning = omg i use mrs dash all the time in stuff from salad dressing to raw vegan nut pates b/c it's cheap and salt-free and many blends are garlic free or very light. i have never seen that one, i need it!

the pineapple grilled cheese. I love pineapple pizza and seriously i can imagine that grilled chz would be yum!


Priyanka@thehealthydiary said...

I am going to Atlanta this weekend. The burger combination sure sounds interesting!!

BroccoliHut said...

Pineapple grilled cheese sounds fantastic! I bet that bread would be good with one of my favorite combinations: pineapple and spicy peanut butter. Such a good flavor duo, especially when grilled:)

Lauren @ Health on the Run said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!! I've never actually won a giveaway before, haha Thank you!!!! :) I'll send you an email in a minute.

And your parfait skills really are quite impressive. They look very professional!

This weekend I'm just hanging out with my family, enjoying the nice weather and a beautiful lake. :)

Julie said...

whaaaaaaaaaaaaat pineapple turkey burgers and grilled cheese!! now you've REALLY done it girl :) they seriously look so good and such a perf summer recipe!

haha for the record i'm catching up on bethenny getting married as we speak. love her!!!

parfait = perfection!

Natalie said...

pineapple grilled cheese is pretty brilliant! I can't wait to try!