Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cauliflower and Spinach Pasta, Caitlin's Savory Oats

How are you doing? I hope that the first half of your week is treating you well! Things are all good over here, although work has been a little slowww. I'm not sure about you all, but I would much rather be busy than bored! Below is a recap of Sunday-Tuesday with some yummy eats/recipes.

Sunday: Took Body Pump, cleaned the house, weeded the yard (it REALLY needed it), did a little shopping with Josh to get him shorts for our vacation (we're going to Hilton Head for a week soon!), made din din. For dinner, we had fruit (South Carolina peaches and banana):
and this lighter cauliflower and spinach pasta recipe:

Monday: Back to work (bleh!), ran errands, quick 2 mile run with Jenny, out to Los Arcos with Josh, Jenny, and our friend Jeremy. I had a shrimp salad (I know- you're totally shocked!) and some chips and salsa.
Tuesday: Work (they make me go every day...ridiculous ;)), house work, taught Body Attack, little shopping at Marshall's Home Goods (this store rocks), made din din. We had Caitlin's Savory Oats. I made a few changes- I used steamed broccoli, pinto beans, and added some hot sauce. They were fantastic! So yummy Caitlin.

We also had a side of watermelon. We picked this baby up at the farmers market and boy was it HUGE! It was so fresh, maybe the best watermelon I've ever had!

I went to Body Pump this morning and have started into my work day. Not sure whats up for this afternoon.
Whats your favorite summer fruit?


Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point said...

aww glad you liked it!

Anna said...

Mmm save me some of that cauliflower and spinach pasta! Two of my fave veggies.

Holly said...

Mmmm mmm fresh fruit! I was just thinking today about how I LOVE summer because the fruit is so freakin' good. And cheap.

My favorite fruit - that is tough...I can't think of a fruit I DON'T like! But if I could only have one forever and ever, it would be strawberries. Okay maybe a tie between s-berries and cantelope. :-)

Enjoy your Wednesday!

Yum Yucky said...

So ya had to bring up weeding the yard. I'll be doing this on the weekend. So NOT looking forward to it. Blah!

K from ksgoodeats said...

I really need to try savory oats! They sound fantastic!!

I know what you mean about being busy rather than bored - busy, please :D

I'm a big fan of blueberries despite their absence on the blog! Hope your week picks up at work!

Rose said...

I need to try your pasta dish! Looks so good.

Fav summer fruit is cantaloupe, hands down!

Maria said...

Watermelon is my FAVORITE! I eat it almost every day in the summer, sometimes it is my meal. I just can't get enough!

So I know I've asked you this before, but did you ever find a good protein powder? I met with a dietitian yesterday and I need to gain weight and add protein. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Savory oats? Yum!
My favorite fruit is probably watermelon or raspberries.

Bec said...

water melon is my fav fruit!

Krista said...

How dare they make us go to work everyday? :)

That watermelon looks delsih!

Unknown said...

savory oats and cauliflower-spinach pasta, yum yum!

i don't know if i can pick a favorite, i love fruit so much :)

Creative Classroom Core said...

Some really tasty dishes here... that watermelon had my attention!

Anonymous said... all looks so good:)

Anonymous said...

Oooh! You just reminded me I have a Watermelon at home that I'm dying to cut into. I LOVE Melons in the summer so much! Have a great day :-)

I Run for Fun said...

Favorite summer fruit: Definitely watermelon!

That cauliflower and spinach pasta looks geat...I must try the recipe.

annie said...


i need to definitely try savory oats soon!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance said...

Did you ever look into Integrative Nutrition? Just wondering since your job sounds bleh this week :-)

Watermelon looks yum!

Anonymous said...

Canteloupe - the smell of it always reminds me of my grandmas house!

The Purple Carrot said...

My work makes me go everyday too ... crazy, isn't it??? ; )

That watermelon looks perfect! cantaloupe and watermelon are definitely up there for summer fruit for me.

Esi said...

My favorite summer fruit is ALL OF THEM! :) Looks like you have been eating well. Hope work picks up for you (if you want it to)

Heather said...

yummy! that watermelon looks so good! have you ever tried brushing it with honey and lime and grilling it for a bit? SO GOOD!

Anonymous said...

ice cold watermelon is the BEST! I also make a honeydew sorbet .. yum!

Anonymous said...

cherries, definitely! I LOVE cherries. And the savory oats and pasta looks yummy! I love oats with cheese of course, but I would add a runny egg on top :-)

Lauren said...

I have heard the best things about Hilton Head. I know someone that lives there and would love to visit them. I hear its beautiful. Hope you have an amazing time.

Favorite summer fruit you say? Wow, I don't think I could ever decide. Maybe watermelon, mango or any kind of berry.

Peanut Butter Swirl said...

oh your savory oats look amazing :)
I love how fresh fruit is right now - your watermelon looks delicious!

bhealthier said...

savory oats are sooo tasty~ I like mine with tuna and spinach and cheese- it tastes like a tuna noodle casserole.

oh i am totally making that tomorrow for you! :)

fav. summer fruit... i think pineapple or strawberries... oh or mangos... such a hard decision!

Priyanka@thehealthydiary said...

First time on your blog and love it!! The pasta dish sounds amazing!!

I think Water melon is the clear winner when it comes to summer fruits!!

ChickPea said...

Gorgeous looking pasta!
Fave summer fruit is blueberries!

Amanda said...

I have always loved strawberries and blueberries, but my recent love is canteloupe! I love to eat half of it at a time with a spoon, and fill it with cottage cheese if I want a more filling snack!

WholeBodyLove said...

Watermelon is my favorite fresh, summer fruit. I can't wait to see it appear on the farm stands on my way home from work!

Brooke said...

Yay for oats of any style! Cheesy oats sound amazing...remind me of grits! Ooooh how I miss southern food!

Watermelon is my summa obsession!!!!

Anonymous said...

that IS crazy they expect you at work everyday- some people! :P

I love savory oats... My favorite fruit is fresh coconut and fresh pineapple :D

Diana said...

Ooooh, strawberries for sure. When they're good, they're grrrrrrrreat!

Melissa @ For the Love of Health said...

Food looks fantastic! Love the pasta!

I hate how they make us work daily! NOT cool!!

Have a great one!

Anonymous said...

your savory oats look great!

my fav summer fruit??? hmmm, raspberries!

Gena (Choosing Raw) said...

Oh my god -- that watermelon is gorgeous!!

mtbcy said...

The pasta looks so yummy! I'll have to add it to the menu for next week. I've been craving pasta lately and that's a great light option. Good reminder to buy watermelon, too- yum!

Juliana said...

Your pasta looks terrific...and the fruits so refreshing. Yummie!

HEAB said...

Savory oats - you know I love it...especially with broccoli! :)

Peaches and blueberries - I look forward to them every summer.

Hope things pick up at work soon Erica as I understand the need to stay busy. Otherwise, the day just drags!

Sweetie Pie said...

Mmm... watermelon!! That may be my favorite summer fruit, although it would be a tough contest with cherries!!!

Nutritious is Delicious said...

MMM! That cauliflower and spinach pasta recipe looks sooooo good!

Miz said...

I say all of em.

love the fruit.
love the summer.
LOVE THE FACT that I can use the "its too hot to cook" and grill for 3 months straight :)

RunToTheFinish said...

seriously thanks for the recipe with cauliflower, I have had so much trouble finding any!

Diana said...

I've been curious to try savory oats! I'm addicted to the sweet kind for breakfast, but think I might enjoy mixing it up at night with some oats and savories! We'll see....

Jasmine @ Eat Move Write said...

I need to buy a watermelon. It's so refreshing. Thanks for the inspiration!

Niche Topics said...

Looks sooooo good! Must try :)