Saturday, June 20, 2009

Weeeeekeeend/Jay Robb discount

Hope you're enjoying your weekend as much as I am! Here's the run down and some delicious looking food ;)

Friday: Work, Ran 4 miles, dinner with Josh and Jenny at Poe's on Sullivan's Island.

Josh and Jenny-

Me and Josh-

Jenny's Seared Tuna Salad-

Josh's Gold-Bug burger-

My Tavern Salad (we also had some chips and queso, un-pictured)-

Saturday: Taught Body Step, had Father's day lunch with my parents, Aunt & Uncle, Jenny and Josh. We went to Acme Cantina on Isle of Palms. I got the Cantina salad with shrimp and salsa instead of was incredible!

Me & My Daddy at lunch:

After lunch, Jenny and I went to the beach for about an hour. It was 100 degrees (no really, it was 100 degrees!), so we couldn't take the heat for long! Then we went shopping at Old Navy and came home to make a delicious, easy, healthy dinner!
Brussel sprouts-

Tons of shrimpies (we couldn't finish all these)-

Papaya and Banana-

Tonight, Josh and I ran a few errands and we watched a movie. Not sure whats in store for tomorrow. What is your favorite easy/healthy meal (links appreciated!!)?
ALSO- do you love Jay Robb products or have you always wanted to give them a try? Jay Robb has generously offered to give you all a 15% off discount! Just enter the promo code BLOGJ9ITZY either via phone orders or at Enjoy it! Jay Robb products rock!

Poe's Tavern on Urbanspoon


Amanda said...

Sounds like a great weekend so far! I really love my newest cookbook - Ellie Krieger's "The Foods You Crave". Here is the recipe for balsamic chicken that I love so much ... the sauce is awesome!!

kristisummer said...

very cute pics. sounds like you are having a great weekend!

Anne said...

It looks like you've been having a great time! I love those salads, especially the seared tuna one. Yum!

My favorite easy healthy meal is a huge salad with goat cheese and/or meat-less protein strips, or a crumbled up veggie burger. I also like heating up frozen salmon burgers from Trader Joes. Wraps like these are also a great fast option. I also like stirfrying shrimp/tofu and some veggies, and popping it over rice. Or using it to fill wraps (or lettuce wraps).


what a wonderful weekend dear! Love all the pics!

GF Gidget said...

Yummy! Shrimp! Check out my blog for some quick, easy, and healthy recipes!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun weekend so far- enjoy the rest of it!

My favourite go-to meals don't need recipes- I like stuff like quesadillas, pasta w/ pesto + grilled chicken or baked sweet potatoes topped with black beans :D Or stir-fry with a sauce made of peanut butter, soy sauce and a splash of chilli sauce :)

enjoy your sunday!

Alison Can Read said...

My favorite easy healthy meal is probably scrambled eggs, even though I usually mess it up. They're usually runny, but still good.

I love that shrimp salad!

Pearl said...

honestly, my favorite healthy meal is steamed broccoli and carrots. i'm so boring!

Anonymous said...

I miss papaya (I'm originally from Hawaii and we grew it in our backyard). I love just about every recipe in Clean Eating magazine (

Thank you for the discount link!

CaSaundraLeigh said...

100 degrees?! Wowee! I don't know how I would handle that. If it's dry heat it's not too bad, but with humidity would be a killer! One of my fav meals is a fresh veggie or fruit crustless quiche.

K from ksgoodeats said...

My favorite easy healthy meal (especially in the summer) is pita sandwich with hummus and cut tomatoes stuffed inside. Simple but hits the spot :)

Looks like a wonderful, but HOT, weekend!! Hope you guys have a great Sunday!

Stacey said...

Ah, your dad looks so nice! He's a cutie!

Queso---my favorite!!

Danielle said...

Aw, you and your dad look so much alike! Fun weekend :)

Esi said...

YIKES! It's hot out there. Glad you're having a great weekend!

~M~ said...

Yum! Papaya and Banana sound so good together!

Maria said...

Great photos! Glad you are having a fun weekend. I posted a shrimp recipe today, try that one since you are on a shrimp kick:) We love quick easy meals in the summer. Our grill is really coming in handy. Grilled veggies are the best! I also like making salads, panini, or watermelon. That is my fav summer meal:)

Melissa @ For the Love of Health said...

Looks like you're having an amazing weekend!

I love your simple meal! I just made a simple one this evening. Check out my post later this eve! It's summer macaroni salad. It's delicious!

Anonymous said...

Fav easy meal is oat bran with kabocha and AB! I actually eat that almost every night, hee hee. It's addictive, fast, easy, and delicious!
Wow you eat a lot of salads! Very lovely fresh foods!

I Run for Fun said...

Your salads look awesome and fresh, as usual. Ouch! It was 100 degrees at the beach?

Reading Comfort said...

Hey lady! Thanks so much for checking out our blog. Your food looks delish and very healthy (in that order). Would love for you to submit a "comfort" story. How does a type A relax? xoxo

Anonymous said...

No really - 100 degrees! You kill me girl! It was 100 degrees here too :/ Dreadful!
Josh and Rob make similar food choices in restaurants. So funny.

RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

favorite easy/healthy meal?

a huge salad topped with any leftovers in the house


1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1/2 oz cheese and tons of veggies in a pan. yum!

what kind of shrimp are those and were they purchased fresh or frozen? i only can find the HUGE shrimp fresh from my market but i like the minnies!

RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

p.s. i don't feel sorry for your 100 degrees.

we have had 1 day above 70 in the last month. it's the worst summer weather ever!

Yum Yucky said...

Well it's Monday and I'm reading your Saturday post. Saturday is the same day my fridge broke after a $200 grocery shop. Now let me get back to adoring the wonderful food pics you posted, especially since I'll be eating some sort of canned food tonight. Beef-a-Roni. Maybe?

nick said...

Sound like a lovely weekend.

All but the running 4 miles part. I recently got back into working out and can BARELY make it 2. By the end I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest and my legs have been set aflame.

I just watched a re-run of Next Food Network Star and saw the seared Ahi dish. Combine that with the salad in this post and I think I'm sold on it for lunch today.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the plates of healthy simple food! Its so summer. Your Tavern Salad looks awesome and so colorful. Have a great day :-)

teresa said...

Mmmm, all the food looks so good. What a fun weekend. I hope it warms up back east too!

Peanut Butter Swirl said...

mm that tavern salad looks delicious :)
sounds like you had a fun weekend!!

The Blonde Duck said...

It looks like you had a great weekend!

Monique said...

My favorite 'go-to' meal is Tilapia baked with Louisiana Hot Sauce served on top of a bed of lettuce with a Ginger Sesame dressing

Michelle @ Find Your Balance said...

You know I'd never heard of jay robb before. interesting! love hearing all about your beach days...still waiting for warmth here... My go-to meal is always omelettes!

Holly said...

Hooooly hotness. That makes the 90 degrees here look not so bad, huh?

I am SO excited...I found Jay Robb samples at a different grocery store! I'm gonna get them next time I go.

Hmmm...favorite easy meal would probably be egg/egg white on a wrap with Laughing Cow cheese. Yum!!

Lori said...

Oh, that tuna salad sounds so good! So glad you had a great weekend! Mine was great too, but it went exceptionally fast and now I can't believe Mon is over either. Ha! :)

MizFit said...

Jay Robb cracks me up on Twitter some days.
Dude is NOT LACKING in confidence.
not that he SHOULD be :) it just makes me giggle.

Unknown said...

That Gold Bug Burger looks yummy! :)

Matt (No Meat Athlete) said...

My favorite easy/healthy meal recently has been lentil burgers! They're great for freezing and cooking up for a quick meal in a pinch. Plus, they're a million times better than most other veggie burgers!

Aggie said...

All those yummy salads look awesome!! You have great restaurants near you I'm noticing! Hope you are having a great week so far!

Diana said...

Actually, my dinner last night was one of the easiest meals EVER! 5 minutes flat, I promise:

And honestly, more delicious than some of the stuff I've slaved over in the past. :) Have a great week!

brooke said...

I love a good big salad and a baked sweet potato! Sooo good and satisfying! Especially with bitchloads of hummus on the salad!

You and yo man are too damn cute. You always have such fun outings with friendz!!

amanda said...

i wish i was saying those salads look awesome-but what i'm really eying up is josh's burger. now that looks superb!

as does those adorable little shrimplettes! (pretty sure i just made up that word)

Sweetie Pie said...

I love the sweet photo of you and your dad!! :-)

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Anonymous said...

I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our world, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory falls, the possibility of copying our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i SDHC[/url] DS SKu2)