Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Protein Review & A New Camera(!!)

First off, thank you all for your sweet comments on my 80’s gear from the launch. I love dressing up silly and will take any excuse to do so. I also enjoyed reading all of your comments regarding how much you love your blogger friends.

Since I don’t post all of the meals I eat, I haven’t shared with you my love for my occasional almost daily protein shake. Especially in the summer, there is nothing like a great shake post workout. My favorite protein powders to date are Optimum Nutrition’s Whey and Jay Robb’s egg white. Recently, I was contacted by Stephanie about a new website, America’s Nutrition. According to Stephanie, the website carries a very wide variety of products, from fitness gear to skincare (all sorts of goodies!!). Stephanie sent me some new-to-me protein power to review from Optimum Nutrition, 100% Soy Protein (disclaimer: I received this product for free, but the opinions below are my own).

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I choose the Strawberry flavor, as I’m a sucker for anything fruit flavored. This protein did not disappoint. Unlike most non-dairy protein powders that I have tried, it “fluffed up” nicely, creating a thick and delicious drink. The flavor was also awesome- tasting just like a strawberry milkshake. Again, unlike most other non-dairy protein powders, it did not taste super chalky. On my first sip, I could taste the soy just a bit, but didn’t notice it after that (or in any of the shakes I’ve had since then).

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Thank you Stephanie! If you’re looking for a great website to purchase supplements, protein powders, health and beauty items, etc- check out America’s Nutrition.

One last note before I go. I really appreciated all the feedback you guys provided on what kind of camera you use/recommend. I decided to go with a smaller camera, since I carry it with me on a daily basis. I got a Powershot SD1300 and am LOVING it. 

 Soyreview 007

Do you drink protein shakes? What is your favorite brand/flavor?


Jessica @ How Sweet said...

I really like Optimum Nutrition too! The reason being is that is mixes with a spoon and isn't very filling, so I like it as an add-on to meals. My absolute favorite is BSN. I love Lean Dessert and Syntha 6 - all the flavors are great!

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

ooh I love Canon's cameras. I've been meaning to check out a new one. Maybe I'll copy you! haha.

I love Jay Robb's protein powder. The pina colada flavor is out of this world.

homecookedem said...

YAY! Glad you were able to get a nice new camera! I have a canon powershot too, though mine's much older (got it christmas 2005), but it has been very good to me! I would love to get a big fancy one, but they are waaaaaay out of our price range!!

Anonymous said...

i use optimum nutritions casein protein! i hate casien powder compared to whey.. but its good for slow digestion!

fittingbackin said...

Congrats on the new camera, missy!! I'm SO considering protein.. I've never done it and need to research it... Any advice you could post for newbies like me?!

Beth @ DiningAndDishing said...

I don't drink protien shakes but mostly because I'm not much of a fan of drinking my calories. I'd prefer a protien bar! And I eat plenty of those :).

Enjoy your snazzy new camera!!

Amanda@SenseiTalks said...

Love the camera-I think I have the exact same one (can't remember the model for sure but its def a cannon powershot elf) Enjoy it-its great!

Jenna said...

I really need fork over the $$ and get a new camera soon. Good to know you are loving yours so far, maybe I'll have to look into that one!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance said...

I need a new camera too! As for protein shakes, I'm not a big fan. Sometimes I'll blend up some yogurt, peanut butter and fruit though :-)

Anonymous said...

I just bought optimum nutrition whey per recommendation of someone on SparkPeople. I had tried Jillian Michaels and liked it but other cheap powders were all chalky and gross to me. I am hooked on Optimum Nutrition. I have the extreme chocolate now, and I look forward to buying other flavors to mix it up. Maybe strawberry if they have it ;)

Katie said...

Thanks for the review! I do make protein shakes... I like Designer Whey (cheapest), Dessert (pricey!) and The Organic Whey (natural and raw). I've never tried strawberry though!

Enjoy the camera!!!

Jessica said...

I have not tried any soy protien powders yet. I hear so many mixed things about soy - and that too much of it can be bad for you. I have been nervous that a soy based protien powder might be too much soy for me on a regular basis (I love edemame and tofu and don't want to overdo it.)

Do you have any thoughts or opinions on that?

Yay on the new camera - new stuff is always so much fun!

Tina said...

All the Whey protein powders are my favorite. They aren't soy and have artificial sweeteners but they have great flavors.

Nice camera!

Sarah said...

Your strawberry shake looks yummy! Like a strawberry ice cream shake, yum! I still haven't gotten myself to try to protein powder route :( if only more of them came in smaller packages, I would give them a shot.

Congrats on the new camera!! New gadgets are always exciting.

Julie said...

strawberry protein is my favorite! i'm just too much of a cheapskate to buy any haha. i'm waiting for a REALLY good deal on and hopefully it's for strawberry. although i really want to try the muscle gauge cake batter and ice cream sammie flavs! i guess for now the standard vanilla will have to do haha

YESS for the new camera! that's the one my bestie has and she love love love loves it! it takes awesome pictures so i'm expecting a solid parfait action shot this weekend.

Megan D said...

Hooray for a new camera, how exciting! I have been wanting one too but can never decide on which to buy. For protein powder I like the vanilla Aria they sell at TJ's!

Naomi(Onefitfoodie) said...

nice review erica!! i like fruit flavored protein powders when I can blend them in a smoothie form. I have tried to just mix it with water and drink without being 'smoothie-fied" and almost gagged! that sounds delicious and I lvoe the pretty pink color!

I love sun warrior, Muscle gauge, Jay robb, and BSN lean dessert!!

Krista said...

I think you're gonna love the camera! I have a 980 and it's great!

For some reason I just can not get into protein powder. I think it's because I'm not sure what kind to buy and fear forking over the cash for something I won't like...

Anonymous said...

I usually put a scoop of Vega in my smoothies for a little extra filling. It helps to keep me full until lunch.

Anonymous said...

I usually put a scoop of Vega in my smoothies for a little extra filling. It helps to keep me full until lunch.

Dynamics said...

Canon Camera's are the best. My daughter just gave me her old point and shoot and it is amazing.

Powdered Egg Whites...Would love to make some smoothies out of egg whites occasionally.

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

I happen to have gotten an email from Stephanie too :) I will be posting about my stuff once it arrives. It's not protein though LOL you may recall i am not a huge protein powd girl. I would like to be but my tummy isnt really a fan. Thx for the great review though!

Your camera! Thank you for NOT getting a DSLR I am one of only 2 bloggers out there (me and you LOL) who dont have one!

and thx for realzing per your comment to me that yes, it's hella hard times w/ scott traveling being home. I knew your man traveled but not tons. hopefully for your sake not too much :)

lynn said...

congrats on your new camera! i love new toys.

Heather said...

My favorite is All The Whey cupcake batter protein powder. It's great in smoothies, oatmeal, you name it! (plus the name of it is pretty cool, too) :)

And YAY for new cameras! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I don't drink protein shakes - I've never tried them before, but I'm curious!

tam said...

Oooooooo strawberry flavor! I just bought the dutch chocolate and vanilla bean flavors and love them! x x

Autumn @Good Eats Girl said...

I have the same camera...just an older version and love it! It's so nice to throw it in my purse and go!

We Are Not Martha said...

Such a nice cute camera! I hope you love it!!


Therese said...

That's the exact same camera I have!!! It's a great little camera for a great price.

Kelsey Ann said...

strawberry is really good! i tend to go for vanilla most of the time. soy protein has a good taste, i know some ppl hate it but i think its pretty good!


Holly said...

first, you are the cutest 80's gal ever! loved the launch pics!

second, i totally agree that most non-dairy powders are chalky.

third, everyone who has a canon powershot swears by it.

have a fab thursday lady!

Ameena said...

Just found your blog through Lynn's and thought I'd say hello.

I was drinking protein shakes for a while but I realized that the whey doesn't agree with my stomach. Not surprising as I am allergic to almost everything in the world. :)

PS - Love the 80's look!

K from ksgoodeats said...

If you got blue then we're camera twins!! Excellent choice!!

Lindsay @ said...

Sweet camera. I think we know which protein I love. ;) I can't wait to try this fluffiness. Anything like a milk shake has to be a good thing. See you Saturday morning for some fitnass and foodin.

Esi said...

Glad you got a new camera. Have fun with it!

Maria said...

Yea for your new camera! I still haven't added a protein drink into my diet. I know, I know, I should:) Glad you liked this one!

BroccoliHut said...

I hope you love the PowerShot as much as I do!

Priyanka@thehealthydiary said...

Yay for a new camera. I have two canons and one sony but love my canon the most!!

Me-Linh @ Sweet and Sweat said...

I have that camera and it rocks!

Kerstin said...

Yay for a new camera - how fun! My hubby is always trying to get me to make more protein shakes but the taste is too much for me so I should check out this brand of powder!

Miz said...

Im totally totally addicted to old school chocolate metrx.
Im continually trying new kinds--always end up back where I was in the early 90s :)

CaSaundraLeigh said...

Ooo strawberry protein powder sounds delish! I am actually a fan of Jillian Michael's protein powder--I have tried both the vanilla and chocolate, and prefer the chocolate. It doesn't have a chalky taste, so it's a keeper!

Paige @ Running Around Normal said...

Cannon powershots are great - a necessity in my opinion!
I typically stick to Jay Robb's Brown Rice Protein powder...for some reason I'm a little scared of the egg white version? Hmm, maybe I'll try it! And I agree with Jessica that the BSN Lean Dessert flavors are all good, especially Vanilla bean

Unknown said...

i haven't bought protein in awhile... but i'm thinking of getting some to have on hand. thanks for the review of this one :)

Shannon said...

I will have to give that protein shake a try. I have never been one to drink protein shakes after working out...i tried it once and i didn't like the taste at all, so i am afraid to try more! let me know how you like your camera, mine is BROKEN and i need a new one to post pictures on my blog :-)

Your best advice said...

chocolate protein for me, nice camera

Anonymous said...

As you know I love Jay Robb's products, but this one looks good too!

Hey congrats on your camera...keep rocking..hmmm!...he he!


The Blonde Duck said...

I've never tried a protein shake. I have problems with milk, so this soy one might be right up my alley.

Diana @ frontyardfoodie said...

I'll be honest. I HATE protein powder. I just can't stand the texture or something. Or maybe it's because everything else in my smoothie is fruit and greens and a powder seems so out of place. Maybe I haven't tried a good one yet.....I just don't know if I'll find what I want!!!

Maris (In Good Taste) said...

I love the Canon Powershot 1100 and now I want to upgrade after seeing yours!

Anonymous said...

That's my camera! lol...except I've seem to have lost it in my house somewhere in the past week. Been having to use my phone. ugh. I also use Optimum Nutrition protein powder. Great minds think alike!