Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Mediterranean(ish) Dish, A Winner & A Declaration

How are you doing? I hope your day is treating you well. My day is plugging along nicely so far. Work went by quickly today- I was really busy, but in a good way. I came home and gave Franky a bath/did a little cleaning and I just finished preparing my dinner for later, a Tabouleh (taboulli?) of sorts:

Cooked grain (bulgar, cous cous, quinoa, whatever you’ve got- I used cous cous)
Chopped and steamed (if desired) veggies (I steamed zucchini and used raw tomatoes and pepper)
Olive Oil
Lemon Juice
Nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc)

Let cooked veggies and grain cool. Mix all ingredients together (I didn’t put quantities in the above because I think its really a personal choice on flavor combinations). Top with a little hummus for extra fun.
I will be having my mix with hummus, peppers, carrots and an apple:
Couple quick notes before I take off to teach my new combo class (45 minute Body Step followed by 45 minute Body Pump):

First: The winner of the V8 Package is….LEAH! From Leftovers for Lunch. Congratulations Leah- please email me your address (itzyskitchen at gmail dot com) and your package will be on its way.

Second: Since Caitlin did such a great post today about the BIG Vegetarian/Vegan question, and since I frequently get emails asking me just what kind of diet I follow- I figured I would just “officially” declare that I am a vegetarian (and have been so now for about 2-3 months). Most of my meals are vegan, but don’t think I’d ever been able to give up milk in my coffee or the occasional cheese/egg completely.

Last, but not least: I’d like to thank Sarah from one of my favorite blogs (Suite Apple Pie) for giving me this awesome Beautiful Blog Award. Thank you Sarah!

Off to teach! Are you guys getting the Thanksgiving itch yet (i.e. the I can’t concentrate at work/school/etc)?