Sunday, March 11, 2012

A to Z & Winners

How has your weekend been? Mine has been a mixed bag. We had a fabulous dinner out with friends Friday night, got in a great workout and got lots done around the house on Saturday….then got the stomach bug Saturday night. I was up getting sick all night and then couldn’t move for half of today. It feels like I’m turning the corner though. Thank goodness for Josh who took care of the baby and got me pretzels and ginger ale.

On a lighter note:

The winner of the Parents Need to Eat Too cookbook is…Noelle!

The winner of my four year blog birthday baking giveaway is…All Things Yummy!

Congrats ladies! Please email me at itzyskitchen at gmail dot com so I can get your winnings out to you. Look for another giveaway this week.

I saw Janetha post the A to Z survey and thought today would be a great day to fill it out.

A is for age: 29!

B is for breakfast today: haha…ginger ale and a few pretzels. Breakfast of champions.

C is for currently craving: hmm- maybe today wasn’t the perfect day to do this Winking smile. I’ll go with what I’m normally craving- tortilla chips, frozen yogurt:


or pickles:


D is for dinner tonight: Jessica’s buffalo chicken soup (with peas and corn added) for the man…more pretzels/ginger ale for me.  


E is for favorite type of exercise: Group Fitness! Body Attack is my absolute favorite


F is for an irrational fear: sharks?

G is for gross food: Mushrooms. Seriously…ick.

H is for hometown: I’ve moved around a BUNCH, so I don’t really have a hometown. I spent my high school years in a suburb of Boston, so I guess I consider that my hometown. Now, I live in the lovely Charleston, SC area. I absolutely love it

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I is for something important: My family and friends!!! I couldn’t be without them.

J is for current favorite jam: I know this is favorite song, but my mind instantly goes to jams/jellies haha. I guess Stronger by Kelly Clarkson. I can totally see it as a Body Step song.

K is for kids: Two- Kaylin:


& Frank:

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L is for current location: My house, parked on the couch

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Coffee


N is for something you need:  A nap

O is for occupation: Cost analyst/engineer/group fitness instructor/Mom & Wife

P is for pet peeve: When people are negative about EVERYTHING

Q is for a quote:  You can do anything, but you can’t do everything (note to self…)

R is for random fact about you: I can’t throw at all. You should never ask me to toss you something.

S is for favorite healthy snack: Apple with peanut butter or carrots with mustard

T is for favorite treat: See cravings

U is for something that makes you unique: Kind of an odd question…I think my desire to make those I really care about happy 

V is for favorite vegetable: Brussels Sprouts (carrots are a close second)

W is for today’s workout: hahahhaha….getting sick all night long Winking smile

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Teeth, hand

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: An awesome run outside with Kaylin

Z is for your time zone:  Eastern

Now your turn- pick a letter!

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